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Pavlos Andreadis cortu01

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK

Martin Disley martindisley
Artist, researcher and developer. PhD candidate at the Institute for Design Informatics (University of Edinburgh) and Microsoft Research


Federica Gaspari Tars4815
Environmental Engineer, PhD Student @ Politecnico di Milano (Italy) passionate about GIS, photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

@labmgf-polimi - Politecnico di Milano Italy

David de Lorenzo drdaviddelorenzo
Passionate about unlocking the secrets of data for better health


Megan Morris megan17morris
Hi! I'm Megan. I am a Masters student at the University of Edinburgh, studying Computer Science Learning ReactJS, Python and C
Maddi Bunker mbunk
PhD student at the University of Edinburgh

Researcher UK

Kelsey kjp07
BI Analyst with experience working with healthcare and higher education data


Azul Zorzoli azulzorzoli
Learner of things

NHS Scotland

Haitao Shi HaitaoShi

University of Edinburgh Scotland

Miranda MirandaHeath
Psychology PhD student

University of Edinburgh

Fang Jackson-Yang AliceJ-Y
I am a psycholinguist. I teach statistics and language education at Edinburgh University. Before this, I worked as a language teacher and radio reporter.

@Centre for Data, Culture, and Society

Elli Lex Elli3196
4th year Geography Student with an interest in data


ChuecaCristina chuecadelc
I'm a Research Associate at Durham University developing algorithms & an agent-based modeller interested in polarisation, social networks & social media

Durham University Durham, UK

Samridha SJB Rana SamridhaSJBR
Clinical Psy. PhD student at University of Edinburgh (HiSS). Exploring the effects of climate and ecological crises on mental health of young adults
Xingyi Chen Amalia6767
Art Management | Student of Central Academy of Fine Arts. DH | Student Researcher of the Research Center for Digital Humanities, Renmin University of China.

Central Academy of Fine Arts China


Edinburgh, Scotland

Javiera Alfaro Chat jalfarochat