Change the repository type filter
Repositories list
7k repositories
- This example shows how you can implement connection filtering in an application, where users share the same application.
- The following example shows how to obtain the Entity Framework Core context from the ASP.NET Core dependency injection container.
- This example creates a multi-tenant XAF application.
- Implements custom functions for the Expression Editor in the Web End-User Report Designer.
- Asynchronous save, load, and export operations in Web Reporting
- Generate a report at runtime for the specified data table and query in the ASP.NET MVC app.
- Integrate AI-driven interactions into your applications.
- Integrate AI-powered extensions into Rich Text Editor and HTML Editor
- Add a Web Report Designer component to a client-side app built with React.
- Summarize and translate a report content in the JavaScript-based Document Viewer with AI-powered functionality.
- Report Wizard Customization Service and Designer Settings examples for ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core and Angular.
- This example demonstrates how to implement multiple words search in DataGrid
- This example contains the source code of the most requested custom items. Custom items allow you to embed any WinForms control into a Dashboard.
- Use the MVVM framework to create custom commands
- Submit parameter values on a button click.
- Customize the Fullscreen Report Wizard
- Incorporate a DevExpress Dashboard component into a client-side app built with Angular.
- This example shows how to customize dock panels in the Report Designer for WPF.
- Create a Federated Data Source at Runtime
- Apply different templates to even and odd data rows.