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Alireza Habibzadeh alirezahabib


Ricardo Taoni Xavier, Ph.D. rtxavier
Professor & Researcher in Neuroengineering


Jason ch3rryblossom
VisionLab @ IISc; IISER Pune '24
Babacar Ndoune DIONE diosus
Master’s student in Neuroscience

Aix Marseille Université Marseille, France

Penelope Lilley penelopelilley

University of Washington Department of Electrical Engineering Seattle, WA

Mauro Risonho de Paula Assumpção firebitsbr
Pencil/Paper, Algorithm, Telex, Sharp ELSI MATE IEL-8016R(my mother's calculator), AppleII, MSX2, Pentium 75Mhz ... IBM Quantum. Transcending Digitally...

Universe Universe

ABCDAT warrior
Taha Majlesi tahamajs
CE student at University of Tehran

University Of Tehran Tehran

Nosrat Mohammadi nosratullah
PhD student in Neural Dynamic lab at University of Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva, Switzerland

Abolfazl Ziaeemehr Ziaeemehr
Postdoctoral Researcher at Institut de Neuroscience des Systèmes- Inserm UMR 1106 at Aix-Marseille University
Mojtaba Madadi Asl MMadadiAsl
Neuroscientist in theory. Neural dynamics, neural oscillations, synaptic plasticity, brain disorders & brain stimulation.

‎Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) Tehran, Iran

Jiashuo Wang jiashuowang
Where does the good go.

HangZhou, China

Mohammad Taha Fakharian tahafkh
Science enthusiast | Enjoy to work on the intersection of mathematics, computer science, neuroscience and machine learning

@DataScience-ECE-UniversityOfTehran Tehran, Iran

MuhammadAnwar 2019mohamed
Graphs Graphon. DL R&D researcher @Proteinea


Alexis Arnaudon arnaudon
I am a postdoctoral researcher @BlueBrain , working on modelling neurons with python softwares

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne @BlueBrain Lausanne

Yitao Cai CaiYitao
PhD candidate @ University of Vienna, Msc. in AI and Life Science @ JKU

University of Vienna Vienna, Austria

Surya bulbgod
Lazy researcher, applied mathematician, origamist, Hapkido-ist. Asst Prof, Biomedical Informatics - @CincyInformatix @CincyChildrens

Cincinnati Children's USA

सदीप अगिनहौत्रि Sandeepagbt13
I am a neuroscientist and working on Alzheimer's Diseases.
PSRAJU psalmanraju


Jess Yu jessjyu
Computational Neuraldynamics PhD student at Imperial College London
MoogMt MoogMt
Former PhD and PostDoc in Computational Material Science at IMPMC, Sorbonne University, Paris.


imane h_e imanehmz
Computer Science and Engineering student
Saeed Taghavi SaeedTaghavi
PhD student of computational neuroscience
Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Marcus genema
Machine learning, XAI, cognitive computational neuroscience
The Tran (Eric) thetran91
Data Scientist and Neuroscience Engineer

Computational Intelligence and Brain Computer Interface Lab Sydney, Australia

Priya Rajpurohit Priya15073
I'm a budding Data Scientist based in India. My focus area for the past few years has been Computational Cognitive Neuroscience and Deep Learning.


Zahra Alizadeh zahraalz3523
Theoretical neuroscience
Dongcheng Zhao XDUSPONGE
Brain Inspired Learning, SNN

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences BEIJING