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Ana Catarina Patrício catarinabp
Bachelor's student in Informatics and Computing Engineering at @FEUP Glad to have you here!

Porto, Portugal

GonçaloMatias GoncaloMatias1
Informatics and Computing Engineering student

@FEUP Vila Nova de Gaia

Emanuel Maia emanuxd11
1st year student of the Master's in Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP

FEUP Portugal

Carolina Costa acarolinacc
Hey! I'm a Computer Science and Software Engineering student in the final year of my bachelor's degree at University of Porto.

FEUP Porto, Portugal

Samuel Maciel SamBlack569

FEUP Porto, Portugal

BSc Informatics and Computer Engineering student @FEUP

FEUP Porto

Ruben Esteves Ruben38Esteves
Currently taking a Masters in Informatics and Computer Engineering @FEUP


João Santos jpnsantoss
2nd year student of Informatics and Computing Engineering while working Part-Time


Diogo Vieira DiogoSV7
3rd Year Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP


Antero Morgado Teroooo
Currently a student of Informatic and Computing Engineering degree at @FEUP.

@acmfeup Portugal

Rodrigo de Sousa rodeso
Part-time Student, Full-time Learner

@FEUP Porto, PT

David Gustavo DavidGustavo6
3nd Year Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP

FEUP Earth

João Lourenço Tonevanda
1st year student of the Master's Degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto @FEUP

FEUP Porto

Pedro Macedo pedronunomacedo
Master student of Informatics and Computing Engineering at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto @FEUP


João Vítor Ferreira jvdcf
3rd year student @ FEUP (Bsc)

@FEUP Porto (Santo Tirso), Portugal

José Artur JoseArtur
I am a software engineer that enjoys programming and an AI, Deep Learning and Machine Learning enthusiast!

Porto, Portugal

Eduardo Duarte Eduartico
Master's of Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP


Fernando Rego fernandorego
Informatics and Computing Engineering student (BSc + MSc) at @FEUP

FEUP Porto

Tiago Barbosa th0rz05
Studying Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP