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Turgay trgyvzr
MPA, Ecosystem Modelling. #Ecopath

MoEUCC Istanbul

Loïc Chalmandrier LoicChr
Researcher in community ecology. MSCA actions fellow, CLIMB project

University of Regensburg Regensburg, Germany

Camille Leclerc CamilleLeclerc
Postdoctoral researcher at CNRS, working on the influence of natural and anthropic environmental variables on the structure of marsh food webs 🖥🐟🌡️

GEOLAB Clermont-Ferrand, France

Laís Carneiro lalacarneiro
Environmental engineer and Ph.D. in Ecology and Conservation.

Universite Paris Saclay Paris

Arman Pili armanpili
PostDoc in Quantitative and Applied Biogeography, Ecogeography, and Macroecology in the Anthropocene.
Showkat Gojery showkat93
PhD student

University of Kashmir Srinagar jammu and Kashmir

Corey Bradshaw cjabradshaw
Matthew Flinders Professor of Global Ecology @GlobalEcologyFlinders @CIEHF @FutureChildHealth @InvaCost @InvaHealth @CABAH

Flinders University Adelaide, South Australia