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Shannon Lockett shazzar00ni
Never-ending curiosity. I enjoy creating and developing on my pooter. You do not need to be a "manager" to be a "LEADER". - SL 💯

ARTIFY-AI Australia

Pablo Jimeno pablojimeno
Lifelong learner. Connecting learning for people and organizations. {#lean, #systems, #complexity} thinker.

Spines Connected Learning S.L. Zaragoza, Spain

Beinjamin beinjamin
• 🌱 Software Engineer • • 💡 LinkedIn Top Voice • • 🎮 Gameur • • 🏆 Microsoft MVP • • Technical Reviewer •
Daniel Garcia danvgar
Software Engineer in Los Angeles, CA.

Shy Wolf Studios Los Angeles, CA

James Moses Kelechi Kcjay2068
Came from the trenches grinding all day for a better life

KCSTITCHES Akure Nigeria

Adam DJ Brett adamdjbrett
I have a PhD in Religion from Syracuse University. I specialize in American Religion and I'm interested in technology and the digital humanities as well.

Syracuse University Nashville, TN

Sam Gregg IntelQuackCore
Reformed Computer Engineering major. Now a film student who can code badly.

@DrexelTriangle United States, EST Time-zone

Angel Aviel Domaoan tenshiAMD
Full Stack Developer | Learn. Grow. Evolve. An individual who loves challenges and new knowledge of different computer technologies and systems.[en-PH]

Somewhere on Earth

Andrew Weisbeck GeauxWeisbeck4
Full stack dev with interests in Typescript, Deno, Rust, and Go Lang. Geaux Tigers and Go Big Red!

Tar Heel Dev Studio Chapel Hill, NC

Мистер Макс mapjx
Learning a bit of everything.

Programming free code



Jeffrey Jacob paperboi
Hobbyist Developer | Visual Designer at Signzy

UI/UX Designer Bangalore, India