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Cătălin Corozanu corozanu

founder @Vranbit România

Tarek El-Hawary TrkHwry
self-employed software engineer working from home with a passion for Linux systems and web-based applications.
Amin Aghazadeh aminsg
programmer Server Manager


# mv /home/sdb/* /dev/null
Gabriel F. Netyson

Arteeo GmbH Zürich

MD Mahfuz Reham mahfuzreham
System Admin | Wordpress |

ResellNom Patuakhali

Alcides Benitez aabenitez
Web Developer at @stppy

Asunción, Paraguay

Cross dropitlikecross
I turn 0&1s into Music
Luke S Thompson lsthompson
CTO @Merlot-Digital (AS138521)

@The-Network-Crew Regional Australia

Andrei Chira andreik6v
Owner & Founder @ Simplenet.

Simplenet Romania

@webphl webphl
About Cloud integrator developer (level II) since 2019, I was a FrenchTech 2023 Laureate. I managed my companies in 2003 for 7 years and in 2011 for 4 years. France

Prithvi S blrcoderbro
Passionate about building scalable web applications using modern technologies. Experienced in JavaScript, React, and PHP. Contributing to Making Internet Safer

@PrinceByteDevWorldLLP India

Niklas NiklasSchmitt
Doing stuff with coffee ☕ and code 🤖

Fulda, Deutschland

James Chang strategist922
PhD Student, Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University, China

Microsoft Taipei, Taiwan

Carlos Faustino taidos
PT Linux Techguy

My own Portugal