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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


adan shaw adan-shaw
I've been doing cross programming on linux for 5 years. good at unix/android/openwrt/qnx/rtos system, interesting in LFS/YOCTO/AOSP/ADAS-AD/RTOS/CLANG+LLVM;

one-man-team Shanghai china

Gai that-gai-gai
Student, Hacker, and Programmer.


George Delaportas (ViR4X) g0d
Businessman, Enterprise Architect, IT Security Expert, Code Hacker


Dié Wu csdwu
He is currently an Associate Professor at Sichuan Normal University. His research interests include wireless sensing and intermittent computing.

Sichuan Normal University Chengdu China

Gulfy_N0rris Gulfy034
~a indie-game developer. ~can do front-end works. ~a amateur of art design.

Zhejiang University of Science and Technology China

lxl ganyuhuoguang
Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish.

novu guangzhou

Yi Fang Sdywolf
I'm an undergraduate of Turing Class of Peking University majoring in computer science. I'm interested in programming language.

Peking University Beijing, China

Ab.Renault stopthinking
随风飘的羽毛 风起我亦走 风停我亦留 你是我前进的动力和方向。

WuHan City, HuBei Province, China

Pablo Miguel Velez Puyen Dallton96
I'm an electronic engineer that like 3D design and electronic develop.
Jidro.Z jidro
> The man was lazy and left nothing.


4-13riG Miro0o

Berkeley, CA

橘生淮北 Atopos17
20岁,大学生,Gitee同名,喜欢MacOS,Communist,Atopos_17,独一无二的17,和灵魂,有事情可以邮件联系,@yahoo.com与Gmail.com同名,在学习C/C++或者一些Operating System的一些东西,TCP/IP的一些东西也可以,在准备考研,但考不上。很爱@Crane19

@ california

hyj 1023198294
Blockchain/Java/Golang/Robotics/Machine Learning/Software Engineering

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Guangzhou, China

Henry.H hhstore
🔥️#Mojo 🎯#Flutter 🦀#Rust 🐹#Golang ⚡#Zig 🐍#Python #Docker #K8S #DevOps #Bitcoin ₿ #Ethereum ⟠ #Polkadot #10+YearsCoder

Indie Hacker Shanghai, China