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FMH (@gema_naranyala) naranyala
less assumptions, more code


Maxwell Desjardins Maxed0utt
Software Developer that is obsessed with coding!
Nick Nicolau-369
"Hackers want knowledge, not education."


Ashutosh Sajan AshutoshSajan
Full Stack (MERN) developer.


guiderus guiderus

Guiderus Thailand

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

Bilal Hafri hafribilal
I'm most comfortable in that weird, funky world between design and development—that's where the most fun, creative, boundary-breaking work happens.

Forase Morocco

Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


negar negarmemar
software engineering front-end developer Interested in artificial intelligence
DP Tech Info dptechinfo
I'm passionate about IT (programming languages, databases, web frameworks, etc) and I write stories of various technologies I find interesting and worth sharing


Siva byteshiva
Skills: JavaScript • Nodejs • GoLang • gRPC • emscripten • wasm • Python • GoLang • Deno • Devops • Open Source • Performance • Design


LeTranHoaiLoc HoaiLoc9
As a 3nd year student majoring in information systems at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry,I have a background in programming, web design, and data analys

INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HOCHIMINH CITY 12 Nguyen Van Bao, Ward 4, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City

Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


Giovanni Vignone giovannivignone
Building the future of web3 cybersecurity with ML

Octane Security

Kino Kino1994
Senior Software Engineer. bc1qntf5ln6y7c4ur5ghvdhp04avvrzr2zwhkzryqa 0xFEbd84B4108F73Ba56c0fd4e6136677FbfecEc3e


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Subhajit Sahu wolfram77

IIIT Hyderabad Hyderabad, India

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Dejan kiki727
HTML,Css, js, php,front end,mithril.js,vue2, Ps, Ai, grphic desighn


anhben nguyenvuhoang
Currently, I have worked at JUST-IN-TIME-SOLUTIONS company. A company specializing in banking solutions. I have participated in many projects of the company, an


Benji Encalada Mora benjifs

Minneapolis, MN

Bouoho Loic Williams Theodore Assare assare2002
Je suis développeur web depuis 2017

Bondoukou/Côte d'Ivoire

ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕠𝕝 (𝕘𝕚𝕥𝕙𝕦𝕓.𝕔𝕠𝕞/ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕠𝕝) Coool
Create and observe world's collective consciousness 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🇪🇺


sreenivasa raju Srinu1430D
Javascript developer


Abhishek Sikdar senior9
way foolishway
Code for fun.

KWAI beijing

Tran Quang Tien tientq64
Chill with code. Front-end developer.

Hanoi, Vietnam