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Daniel Smith dan-odsc

Open Data Services UK

Alfredo Serafini seralf
"don't mind the rust, don't rust the mind"

serendipity expert Rome, Italy

paco xander nathan ceteri
devrel @Senzing, leading the ERKG practice area

@Senzing coastal redwoods

Anders Storm superman0052
Super! Create something unique and only yours in the world.

Self-employeed Earth

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Samantha Barron samanthavbarron

IBM Quantum NYC, New York

Hasan Aliyev hasanaliyev
Data Science Enthusiast

Baku, Azerbaijan

Kyle Stevenson thatvideoshopguy
A creative technologist, best described as a creative with a knack for tech.

@globaltelecomnetworks Sheffield, UK

Bibiana Rivadeneira brivadeneira
python · free software · telecommunication engineer


irina mihai irinamihai150
Full Stack Developer

Code Your Future Birmingham

Alireza Bagheri Alirezabg
Software Developer


Keep it clear and easy

CYF Leicestershire

Jasvir Kaur JK1320
Full Stack Software Developer Graduate at Code Your Future

Walsall, West Midlands

Khadar Dagal khmdagal
Full stack software developer JavaScript | Node.js | React.js | Microsoft SQL Server - PostgreSQL| MongoDB | Cypress |HTML | CSS

CodeYourFuture Volunteer UK NW

Pakize Bozkurt PakizeBozkurt
I'm a Full Stack & Software Developer. I love creating user-friendly software.My skills are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Database fundamentals. Living for ....

Code Your Future Birmingham

Joshua Murray Murray-Josh
Software Developer | Computer Science, BSc(Hons) - Swansea University - Third Year
Georgehu Georgehu716
Follow your heart.


Alper Can Kılıç Siyahperde
Yaşam: Nefes, Sıhhât, Kaos, Doğa, Permakültür, Örüntü, Strateji, Felsefe, Sanat, Yönetim, Teknoloji, Gelişim, Algı, Empati, Değişim, Beklenti, Zafer ve Yenilgi. Earth

David Blue extratone
Self-described Software Historian (and lapsed auto journalist,) writing in public via GitHub and here to help. If I've screwed up, tell me! (Please)

@softwarehistorysociety Columbia, Missouri

Raul Ospina raminka13
Full-Stack Developer. Rails, JavaScript, Angular, React, Astro. Available to hire!!!

@microverseinc Colombia

My background is GIS and Remote sensing. I have a zeal to be a GIS developer
Bilal Hafri hafribilal
I'm most comfortable in that weird, funky world between design and development—that's where the most fun, creative, boundary-breaking work happens.

Forase Morocco

Jpy JulienParis
co-founder @multi-coop Experiments, data & graph visualizations, computational origamis, and GIS ... #Python #vuejs #opensource Paris, France

nothing important

@privattttttt in between

John Whitmer jcwhitmer
Educational data science with experience in clickstream/process data, educational tech apps and assessment. Opinions and pull requests are my own.

Federation of American Scientists Davis, California, USA

Ryan Wold afomi
Everything, a system.

@civicstudio, @opentecture

SUPERSOKOL supersokol
I am particularly passionate about computational linguistics, ferrets and graph-based systems.


James McKinney jpmckinney

Open Contracting Partnership Canada

Stephen Abbott Pugh StephenAbbott
Head of technology, Open Ownership

@openownership Brussels, Belgium

Data enthusiast

NGO Gidno Ukraine