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Alex Fielder afielder02
I am soon to graduate from Utah State University, majoring in Environmental Studies with a Certificate in GIS. Trying to build a portfolio here!

Logan, UT

Nolan Williams nolancwilliams
Hydrologist & Engineer @Robinson-Design-Engineers Interests: Ecosystem Restoration, Compound Flooding, and Hydroinformatics

Robinson Design Engineers Savannah, GA

Florin Zainescu FlorinZai
Earth science researcher


Yeonju Kim iamkimyeonju
PhD Student at UConn

University of Connecticut Connecticut

Erika Scheibe katchey
Ecologist from the U.S., living in Europe, primarily using R and QGIS. Learning Python.


Leo Helling jlhelling
interested in hydrology & geostatistics

@EVS-GIS Lyon, France

Daniel E. Bolaños Rodriguez dbolanos414

Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo Ciudad de México

Craig MacDonell cmac95
University of Glasgow


Saddam Othman EngSad
MSc Electronic Engineering
Josh Erickson joshualerickson
USDA-Forest Service Geospatial/Data Analyst

Eureka, MT

Gregg Verutes geointerest
biogeography | marine conservation | coastal resource use | GIS | spatial data science & visualization

Blue Forest Sacramento, CA

Kelly M Whitehead KellyMWhitehead
GIS Analyst/Programmer

North Arrow Research Seattle

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Skyler Lewis skylerlewis

FlowWest San Francisco, CA

Lise Vaudor lvaudor
R-addict and data scientist


Joe Wheaton joewheaton
Professor of Riverscapes @ Utah State University. Fluvial Geomorphologist.

Utah State University Logan, Utah

Jorge Marques marquesfilhojp
I'm PhD student in Geography at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Allan Irvine NewGraphEnvironment
The biggest lie is that we will never look after each other

New Graph Environment Ltd. Earth