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Nico Zahn nzahn

blue Ball called Earth

ali sinan alisinan
an industrial designer who likes codes
Kabir Costa kabircosta

Curitiba - PR - Brazil

Jordan Dyckes J-DRD

Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom

Alexandre sk alexandresk
Architect ( buildings ) Programmer ( kinda ) Game dev 3D stuff.

Projepack Brazil

Conan the Dev conanthedev
What is best in life? Crush ze bugs, push to master and test in production.
Piotr Andrzejewski piotr-andrzejewski
Graduate of Mechanical Engineering studies, owner of engineering consultancy company, eager to learn programming.

A-CAx Piotr Andrzejewski Gdansk, Poland

David Contreras dvd101x
I'm a Mechanical Engineer. I do Mechanical Design, Simulation, 3D Printing and numerical computing.

Güntner México

Stephen S. Mitchell stephensmitchell
CAD Designer/Developer | Digital Toolmaker


Derek Gooding DerekGooding
WPF and .Net. Dungeon Master. Partially responsible for order 66.

Hammond mfg Guelph

Gunther Pospischil guntherpospischil

Vector Informatik GmbH Weinstadt

Rasit Evduzen RasitEvduzen
Machine Learning✤Control Theory✤Reinforcement Learning✤Robotic✤Optimization✤Navigation✤SensorFusion

Ankara / Türkiye

Michał Sadecki mSado90
Software Engineer, MuleSoft Developer

Wrocław, remote

Eric Gagnon Careframe
SolidEdge api developper
