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Garth Henderson HEAGarth
Enterprise Architect (EA) with all subsidiary skillsets.

Hawaii Enterprise Architecture Pensacola, FL 32504

Christian Hernandez DevKhris
Crafting awesome stuff
Christian <kimo> B. kimocoder
If you give me a toy, the first thing I'd do is take it apart to figure out how it works.

@aircrack-ng Norway

aka akaday
Vansh Sutariya VanshSutariya
Software Developer


Mohammad Rahjoo mrahjoo
PhD. Interests are solar energy, thermal energy storage (TES), heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), machine learning, and AI...

ProExergy spain

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

stevenrhett stevenrhett
Comparison is the thief of joy. | Be kind to yourself ♥️


Bill Burch post72
It started with a TI 99/4A computer and BASIC. Now I love cloud architecture, management, all things SQL and NoSQL. San Antonio, TX

Danielle N Nocha DNOCHA2

The Hidden Genius Inc

Mark Royko markroyko

Mark Royko Chicago

Danielle Dilger DaniPaisley

Robert E. Kennedy Library

Santiago Perez saintperez
20+ years in application and integration development architecture
Zigao Wang ZigaoWang
A passionate student developer and tech enthusiast from China

YK Pao School Shanghai, China

Jose Torres josetorresdesign
Sr. Product Designer | UI/UX Designer | Web Designer & Developer

United States

Isxist1 isxist1

GrittyPopMarket Virginia

Andrea ~ andreanun
Growth Mindset 🌱 | Faith + Hard work > Luck | Keep Going!

Big 🍎 🗽💫

Florin Lacatus FlorinLacatus
Business Founder

Alfazet Operations Netherlands

Marco Laureano donmarcolaureano
Data wizard | OSINT Specialist | Salesforce Admin

Seattle, WA