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Bethany Hamilton Bhat bethanyhamilton
Quantitative Methods PhD student at UTAustin
Joshua Edward Hammond joshuaeh
Derive actionable insights from data, modeling and optimization

The University of Texas-Austin Austin

Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

Michael Blackmon possiblyMikeB

Research & Instructional Computing @DavidsonCollege

Al-Bashir Muhammad albadike

Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO

AmirHossein Sojoodi amirsojoodi
A software developer and HPC enthusiast

PPRL @ Queen's University

Jacob Lowe jalowe13
26 year old Software Developer Loves making applications, games, and learning new things.

Austin, Texas


Rochester, NY

Jonas Yu Hong yuho-yuho
Space Physics Modeling

University of Texas DFW, Texas, US

Subrahmanyam Pattamatta spattamatta
Research Assistant Professor

University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Terence Barrett terencebarrett
Geospatial Software Engineer
Derek Ryan Strong drkrynstrng

@uschpc Los Angeles, CA

Tony Scully tscully
Unix/Linux sysadmin


Jack Morrison jack-morrison
Supporting big computers


Kelsey Beavers kbeavers
Research Associate | Life Sciences Computing | Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)


Matthew LaCroix mobius512

@2050 Real Estate Investments Inc,( LLC) CyberSec-Central, Leon Valley, Texas

Changpeng Lin lin-cp
PhD student at EPFL


Pritam Karmokar pritamKarmokar
I, -like food, music, adventure, sports, traveling. -love Physics, Math, Programming, Engineering. -seek Peace, Brilliance, Food for thought.
Addala Raed RaedAddala
Software Engineering Student and competitive programming Enthusiast. Passionate about CS and always eager to learn new topics and implement new ideas.

INSAT Tunis, Tunisia

Lena Duplechin Seymour LenaEDS
Collaborative Support Specialist @TACC

@TACC Austin, Texas, USA

Steven Pak Pakman450
Aspiring Full Stack Developer with a pharmacy and drug design background.

The Rizzo Group Stony Brook University

Thoth xero-lib
Rust/TypesScript enthusiast. Caffeine connoisseur. Please, God, tell someone to review my PRs.

@BuckiCompany Austin, TX

Dongmyeong Lee dom-lee
PhD student @ UT Austin

Austin, TX

Sourajit Debnath acse-sd922

Imperial College London

Jacob K. McPherson JacobKMcPherson
Health is wealth, knowledge is power, kindness is free
Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Mark Wang markwang0
PhD Student at UT Austin

Austin, TX

Druspect Druspect
Tech enthusiast focused on HPC and AI, dedicated to efficient systems, automation, and future tech.
Jayanth Pandit JayanthNPandit
ECE student at UT Austin
Carlos del-Castillo-Negrete cdelcastillo21
Research Associate

Texas Advanced Computing Center Austin, TX

Arnaud Kayonga agent87
You've got to love tech

Kayarn Earth