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Nicolas MARTIN NicolasM0
Control system Engineer at Elistair Previously Control system lead at Parrot


John Lindahl LindahlJ
Owner Liquid Fusion LLC

Liquid Fusion LLC Atlanta

vodja zomco
be water my friend
Huibean Luo Huibean
I got a head full of ideas. That are drivin' me insane

VimDrones Canton,China

David Mokel dmokel
Competent, Hold down and Feel free. 胜任, 保持冷静和感受自由.


Kay_Celestial thainuu
Love watching the sky.

Việt Nam

Mahdi Ettehadnejad mahdi-eth
Passionate backend developer at Chadco. Crafting with heart and vision. Embracing e-acc.

Chadco Earth

Alex Klimaj AlexKlimaj

ARK Electronics Salt Lake City, Utah

Tinyu tymaker
Goduino Technology Co.,Ltd.
Madman Cimos
I do stuff


Jonghwan Yoon JohnnyTheApollo

Rush System & Bunker Busters Seoul

mohan mohanbabi
Once a learner always a learner


Gerad Munsch unforgiven512
I'm a proud father, enjoy amateur radio operations as @KD9QZO on the air, and under @unforgiven-development I enjoy working on a variety of embedded systems.

Unforgiven Development Hainesville, IL, USA

Youssef AbouDorra youssef-aboudorra
PhD Candidate @utwente (RaM), Aerial Robotics

University of Twente, RaM (Robotics and Mechatronics) Enschede, NL