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Luca Sguanci lucasguanci
Father and teacher, I'm a free-lance full-stack web developer, MCUs enthusiast and maker, passionate japanese-style woodworker.


Ben Severns bseverns


~ aka goonf!sh. PancakeGoon
🧠 Resource Hoarder (Perma-learning) KeebDweeb. Synths/Sampling/Tape-Abuse. Musical coding & synthesis. Rally-sim. ...and DIY hackery of all'a'dat!

Dirty Fishbowl

[os] oscott
Sound, Data and Network Artist Digital Producer Educational Technologist Gallery and Museum Specialist

Cornwall, UK

Levi Beach levibeach
Exploring the intersection between technology and the human condition through craft and experimentation.

Grand Rapids, MI

Pavlo Pashtika
I break things at Bastl Instruments

Bastl Instruments Brno, Czech Republic

Danny Ayers danja
Half-Full Stack Developer Mozzanella

Majkel tenmajkl
just another php / synths hacker; random music and software

@Lemon-Framework @MineHubCZ

Patrick Robert paradiddle16
Drummer-samplist-sound designer and occasional coder.

Montreal, Canadadada

Lukáš Kubiš lukaskubis
Technical Team Lead @

@kiwicom Brno, Czech Republic

HyperHacker hprhkr
Exploring the exciting world of diy electronics, 3D printing, hardware design and development.
Pavlo Shelemba xshele01
Audio Engineering student at Brno University of Technology

@bastl-instruments Brno, Czech Republic

Buanderie Buanderie

@MonadicLabs Aix-en-Provence, France

Nic Newdigate newdigate
software engineer and digital audio / microcontroller enthusiast Somerset, UK

ijnekenamay ijnekenamay
I like synthesizer very much. [email protected]


F113X F113X
Eurorack & other synthesizer designs along with some school projects


Marek Mach machmar
I make synths - mostly eurorack modules. If you have a suggestion or just want to chat

Bastl Instruments Czechia

Wes Leggo-Morrell WesDaMooch
Making Analog and Digital Synth Stuff


Bruno Babic aesqe
web developer / musician / science fiction fan

Zagreb, Croatia