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Colin Harris colinharris05
Full-stack software engineering

@Gusto Colorado

Sahil Chalke SahilCs15
Associate Software Engineer Intern

Contentstack virar

S VENKADESH venkadesh004
Student | MERN Stack Developer | App Developer

Thiagarajar College of Engineering Madurai

Matthias Gutsch matthiasgutsch
Hello, i'm Matthias - Senior Graphic Designer I Web Designer I UI / UX Designer and Frontend Developer Angular, PHP, Codeigniter, Restjs


lenville lenville
now at @qcraftai, ex DeepMap, ex Tencent

QCraft Beijing, China

Suke Han hansuke
Full Stack Web Developer


Zaid Khan Zaid1681
React | Nodejs | Javascript | Tailwind | C++ | NextJs | CMS | MongoDB | OpenCv | Git | Firebase
Vaibhav Gangurde Vaibhavsg17
Software Developer

@VCET-IT Mumbai, India

Mohd. Aaquil Kudai bug-buster2516
Trying to get better with each day.


ipuke ipukeone
german fulltime procrastinator - founder of shit life syndrome :):


Aniruddha Rawool rawani123
Love to learn new tech and implement them in projects
Abhishek Jani abhishekjani08
Software Developer | Winner of Smart India Hackathon' 2023🚀| React | Node | MongoDB | C++ | Machine Learning | Angular | .NET | C#

ARCON Mumbai

Dhruv Varshney DHRUVvkdv
Learning to get better.


Rohan Kokkula rohankokkula
Developer Relations & Community Specialist

Mumbai, India

Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Vadym Nekhai onix
Software Engineering Generalist

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Yash Chavan YashChavanWeb
👋 Hello, I'm Yash Chavan ! I am a Second Year Computer Engineering Student - 🌐 Fluent in C , Java and Web Development


Gaurav Desale GauravDesale08
Android | Flutter | Node Js | Express Js | MongoDB | Backend
Karan Gandhi karan-2906
Full stack Intern @mayvent | MERN Stack Developer

Mayvent Mumbai

Abhay Upadhaya Abhay3333
I excel as a full-stack developer, emphasizing my expertise in backend development. My specialization lies in crafting MERN applications.

SDE Intern at Treyst Infotech Pvt Ltd Virar

Sahil Chalke Sahilll15
Full Stack Dev | FSD Intern @Atomic-House


Vignesh Saminathan vigneshdata
Fullstack Recruitment Professional Hiring on Data Engineer Experience level : 4 - 12, Interested, DM me [email protected]

Publicis Sapient Bangalore

Waseem Akram waseemakdev
Always Curious for Something new 🧐 "Give respect, take respect 😊" Mobile App developer, AI&ML enthusiast
Divesh Kumar Chordia DiveshKumarChordia
Associate Software Engineer

Contentstack Bangalore

Priyanshu priyans34
Associate Software Engineer @contentstack
