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Daniel odikia
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Atlanta, GA

Svetlana Rojevsky srojevsky

Tufts Clincial and Translational Science Institute Boston, MA

Harry Reyes Nieva harryreyesnieva

Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY, USA

Michael Pascale MichaelPascale
PhD Student, Boston University Brain Behavior Cognition Human Curiosity & Information Seeking: Why do we seek out knowledge? πŸ₯Ό 🀝 🧠 πŸŽ“ πŸ‡· πŸ’Ύ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Boston University Massachusetts, United States

Jacob K. McPherson JacobKMcPherson
Health is wealth, knowledge is power, kindness is free