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Chandler T Wilson chandlertwilson
Founder of bridge_ci AI for Corporate Strategy, PE and Public Affairs. Oxford researcher of hyper graphs, topology, OSINT and complex information systems

bridge_ci x Oxford Internet Institute Minneapolis, Brussels, Oxford

niship2 niship2
Coder at enlighton AI/ML engineer at

@enlighton-inc yokohama

Po AD2000X

Computational Linguist London, UK

Gil Desmarais gildesmarais
Full-stack web developer. No data? No decision!

Berlin, Germany

Mark Neville markneville
I am a passionate AI and robotics enthusiast, relentlessly driving technology beyond limits to redefine the forefront of my fields of expertise!

@DeepGreyMatterAI United States

Alexander ADAM alexanderadam
Software developer in Zug / Zürich / Switzerland

@vade-io Zürich, Switzerland

Andor tothandor
Data & Python


ajaysuseel ajaysuseel
AI/ML enthusiast | Web developer
Arthur Debert arthur-debert São Paulo, Brazil

Andy Ainsworth heresandyboy
Senior Developer - Zen Internet Polyglot full stack developer. Lots of love for JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, former love for C# / Java / python.

Zen Internet Manchester, UK

Pascal Bach bachp

@siemens Zürich, Switzerland

Todd taeddings
focused on AI/ML

independent United States

polya polya20
spark, distributed systems, scalability
Adam Ezekiel adeze

Stratigraph Sydney

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Carlos closgro
I push every button to learn, there's a lot of buttons! I write to learn! Im yet to complete a code project

Carlos's Inspired Detail West Linn, Oregon

Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO

Richard Watson richardwatson
Mostly work on private repo's, will throw something public up.

Sydney, Australia

Jeremy Jonas JeremyJonas
Principal Engineer

AWS Indonesia

Rino Montiel RinoFM

@dunbarlabs Berlin

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Pranjal Animesh pranjalanimesh
IITB Undergrad | Loves to tinker with tech | Building | code + music <3 Mumbai

just a web3 & ai student
amphetamarina amphetamarina
language model unhobbler, travesti 🏳️‍⚧️
