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Manuel Lera-Ramirez manulera
Working on ShareYourCloning - web app for FAIR cloning documentation.

University College London London

Joshua Paul Verdin verdinjoshua06
I'm a software engineer

Github Gulfport

Pengo Wray pengowray
Sprinto discord bot dev, misc projects, game dev.

Because of Games

Saeed Taghavi SaeedTaghavi
PhD student of computational neuroscience
Mauro Risonho de Paula Assumpção firebitsbr
Pencil/Paper, Algorithm, Telex, Sharp ELSI MATE IEL-8016R(my mother's calculator), AppleII, MSX2, Pentium 75Mhz ... IBM Quantum. Transcending Digitally...

Universe Universe

Qian Chu qian-chu
PhD Candidate, Max Planck - University of Toronto Centre for Neural Science and Technology

Max Planck & UToronto Frankfurt/Main & Toronto

Olanrewaju Adetunji larryade
ChemE Doctoral Student

University of Toronto Mississauga, ON

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Riia Järvenpää rialistic
Riia of Helsinki. Currently: trying to learn to use computers.

This account is for personal projects Helsinki

Fengtong Ji FengtongJi
"To see a world in a grain of sand"

Hong Kong

UENO, M. eunos-1128
FLOSS hobbyist 👾 / Geeky chemist 👨🏻‍🔬


Renato Augusto Corrêa dos Santos SantosRAC
Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology | Bioinformatician. Post-doc researcher in Brazil (LabBCES, CENA, USP).

Universidade de São Paulo Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)

John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Research on protein and antibody design

Zhejiang University Zhejiang University

Militha Mihiranga Militham
How fast is the world moving? I'm moving at a similar pace. I do not understand? No rules? No Google search? My dictionary does not have those words. Where prob

Data Tune Colombo

Gopukrishnan R LucyatDCB
MSc scholar in Computational Biology at DCB, UoK
I am a Master's student in Microbiology at the Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, under the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS).

Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, UCAS China

QOLAC qolac
QOLAC is an outstanding health technology company that designs, develops, and sells products and services for the healthcare sectors.

QOLAC United State

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Hector Ramirez HectorRamirez85
Data Scientist | Data Evangelist | Explorer | Passionate life-long learner

Cuernavaca, Morelos. Mexico.

Software Developer 5344Luc
Software Developer | Passionate about Code and Creativity Hi there! 👋 I’m a software developer with a love for elegant code and innovative solutions.

Delsan Business Innovations Corp. Mandaue City

Paula Ruiz Rodriguez Paururo
I am conducting in-depth genetic research on two of the world's most lethal pathogens: SARS-CoV-2 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

@PathoGenOmics-Lab Spain

Tattood Ginger tizzytaz
I’m exploring, reading, and attempting this, not very successfully though

Freelance/self employed columbus, ohio

Ceballos-Sandoval A ceballos-san-md
| MD | @UdeG | Researcher @ HCGFAA | Densitometrist @ INTEC |

@UdeG Guadalajara, México

Shahan Ali Memon samemon
I study people, how they communicate, and how they collaborate with each other

University of Washington

Jinyu Zhu jyzhu-pointless
Computational biology & Population genetics

Peking University Beijing, China

Aaron Benson Wong aaronbwong
Neuroscientist at Erasmus MC | Neurophysiology | Auditory private profile for random things: @Enakcihc

Erasmus MC

Adam Richard-Bollans alrichardbollans
Kew Research Fellow

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Jason D. Moss jasondmoss
I plan, develop, implement and maintain modern web sites, strictly adhering to open standards and conventions. Compliant. Portable. Functional.

JdmLabs Ottawa, Canada

Ash QueenKraken
Senior Product Manager @elifesciences


Helena helenum

Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Alan Chagas Alantantofaz
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