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Oju gereltod
Fullstack, Go, Typescript, ReactJs, Nodejs, docker/podman


Mark Edwards II Mark-Edwards-II
Senior Software Engineer - Python Developer

Innovation for Automation Grand Rapids

Todd acloaf

Alberta, Canada

Adventure is out there
Florian Glaser Floskinner
Working as software developer @ifm. Bachelor of Science "Computer Science - Information Technology" at @DHBW-FN-TIT20.

ifm Tettnang, Germany

0xRecruiter 0xRecruiter
Technical Recruiting | Building Teams that create next gen Blockchain Scaling Solutions | Recruiting for Blockchain Eng/Devs, Full-Stack Devs.


Julian Dax brodo
I like cookies and programming languages.


Alan Pereira alanexplorer
Engineer Computer | Robotics Enthusiast

Federal University of Santa Catarina Joinville - Santa Catarina

Mech Eng/ Algorithmic Trader / Python lover / Hipped on Chess Trying to be junior software developer.

Leuze Turkey

Shivaram Srikanth Vram97
Robotics Grad-student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, MA

Yannik Motzet yannikmotzet
Robotics SW Engineer


Christian Ege graugans
Embedded Linux specialist for 3D time of flight cameras at @ifm

@ifm Lake of Constance Germany

Rasheed Khan Pathan dekhanra

ifm efector gmbh Germany

Silas Curfman 0xbadc0fee
Making and breaking machines that make and break other machines.

Pacific Northwest

Damien Legrand Arag24
2D/3D Vision Developper. Robotics, Machines, Measure & Fun...

@ifm Le Bourget du Lac, France

Andrew Hyduchak AHyduchak
All about Industry 4.0

Esoteric Systems

Marcel Müller TheNeikos
@rust-lang enthusiast / Hobby GameDev

@ifm Software France