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Ronxk Ronak83x

Ahmedabad, India

Vaibhav Rathi vrathi0
PhD Economics, Stockholm University
Pravas prvslnk
Figuring the code out.


Inayath Pasha inayapa

ASZ Technologies Pvt Ltd

Sai Santosh saisantoshv3
#Data #DataViz #PublicPolicy

@factly Hyderabad, India

Aaditya Dar aadityadar

Washington, DC

Lokesh Jangid lkrjangid1
Flutter Developer

@astechtic India

Rajashekar Chintalapati rajashekar
Software Engineer, Learner, Developer, Prokopton
Jorge Massih plusiv
Loving the code.

@NeoCloudDO Narnia

Pavitra Kanagaraj pavitra-kanagaraj
I analyze public datasets to write stories on economics, crime, and elections.
Bal Krishna Jha chrishna1
Build it. Break it. Fix it. Repeat. \n\n Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

New Delhi