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Veendy Suseno veendysuseno
💻 Aspiring Data Scientist | 📊 Data Enthusiast | 🎓 BCS Graduate | 🌱 Lifelong Learner | 📈 Passionate about turning data into insights | 🌍

Gunadarma University, Indonesia South Jakarta, Indonesia

Scott Zilifant
Full-stack developer with experience in creative production, live events, and a variety of other semi-useful activities.

Portland, OR

Oleh Proidakov GodHermit
Frontend developer


Ajang Rahmat ajangrahmat
S1 Informatika dari Universitas Siber Asia. Saya adalah seorang penggiat Microcontroller, Coding, Robotics, Internet of Things, dan Artificial Intelligence.

@kelasrobot Sumedang

youcef mehdirayan
I'm from Algeria. I'm Electronic engineer. I Love javascript


Joe wugensheng-code
Joshua Burleson ecojoshua
Staff Software Engineer @ ecoATM Gazelle

@secondrotation Cary, NC

Thiago Pires th1460
Statistician | Data Scientist

@ibm RJ, BRA

leaning.. (none are mine.. it’s research)

None Brisbane

Luciano's tech PIBSAS
Raspberry Pi Buenos Aires is now Luciano's tech Invite me a coffee please!

Luciano's tech Argentina

piRezz64 piRezz64
Im currently getting more into electronics than ever before. pi and ardrino rock!
Fotis Alexandrou falexandrou
Software Engineer, DevOps at heart


alexander alexander-daniel
remotely building web things


Evan J Freymiller thefreymaster
Senior Fullstack Software Engineer. Node/Express & React/Redux.

Canvas 23 Studios Boston, Massachusetts

chee chee
if you look at my code i will be so mad

@Financial-Times internet

~ contrib

@durakiconsulting Concrete Jungle

Tinkering retired EE w/interest in Raspberry Pi, @espruino, custom electronics hardware design, JavaScript, and NodeJS based web services focused on Green IoT.

Albuquerque, NM USA

Simon Andrews SimonGAndrews
Retired Solution Architect (production Imaging systems and imaging service specialist at Xerox). Currently developing IOT solutions using Espruino and Xstate

Xerox (retired) Gloucestershire UK

Joe Du joesdu
.Net/C# Full-Stack Developer

ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ ChongQing, ShangHai

Xtra IO PUrE xoiopure
Xtra is a self-taught forever student experienced in graphic design history of audio engineering knowleged architect uperstanding of XR inspired by impossibles

XOio PUrE Oakland, Ca


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Freeman code4freeman