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✨Sp3ct0xr sp3ct0xr
Anime | Bash-Lover ♠️

Freelancer Among The Stars


@tesluna Arkansas USA

Kevin Lee cyklee

Auckland University of Technology Auckland, New Zealand

Joao Socio SocioPJ

@brazilsmartconnect-bsc São Paulo,SP

Old John's TCM Shop TCM99OldJohn
My teacher suggested I come here to share my knowledge. Think of it as a blog for now.
nico nicnab
fpv, bees, ffw, foss, linux


Roberto Salgado droberin
Cloud Rider, DevOps, SysAdmin, GNU/Linux enthusiast, musicalholic, ...

@atSistemas @DownloadTicketService @ecoar Vigo, ES

T bone toblaroni
Interested in how things work
bperris bryanperris
Sr. Software Engineer | Enthusiast in Emulation, Sw. Architecture, Embedded, Web, Graphics, Robotics, Reverse Eng, Electrical Eng, DevOps, Security, Linux|FOSS
Paolo Maria Larosa Pall1n
I'm an IT student based in Sicily. I'm currently learning some new things about backend programming and cybersecurity!

Caltanissetta, Sicily


Grupo UNIP/OBJETIVO São Paulo, Brazil

Arduino Aficionado ArduinoAficionado
Tinkerer, Maker, Hacker, Optimist.

Arduino Aficionado Detroit

Hamika 20 Hamika20
Im just making some random stuff. If you’d like to support my projects with a coffee, feel free to donate.

Hamika20 Labs CO NJ / EU

日月星辰 armingli
iOS -> Go, Java


Tim O'Guin timoguin
Who the hell is interrupting my Kung Fu?

@adobe Nashville

Gene Dahilig gdahilig

Glendale, CA 91208

Jose Manuel xjmrcx


Nerd. Dad. Monospaced font enthusiast.

Virginia, USA