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Nozomi Fukui noz-o-mi
Epidemiologist | Affiliations: UCSF, CDPH, UC Berkeley
Palak Goel palakgoel03

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Tcehnology Allahabad India

Florencia D'Andrea flor14
Designing software tools to help solve research problems


陈晓葳 CHENPA0811

FuDan University Shanghai

Jason Gantenberg jrgant
Epidemiologist interested in computational modeling, causal inference, complex systems, and applied ML. Dual wields pretzel rolls.

Brown University School of Public Health Providence, RI

Qiqi Yang kikiyang

Princeton University

Paulo Cesar Ventura paulocv
Postdoc fellow at Indiana University School of Public Health. Computational epidemic modeling & etc.

Indiana University School of Public Health

Savannah L Miller slmillerepi
PhD student in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, interested in infectious disease dynamics and modeling

University of Georgia Athens, GA

steam(VR)punk waiting for wankunder(wear) to dry. psueDoDeveloper
obsolete tech reclusive faxing homemade berlin wall art around thelectric fence protecting leaders .guv sites misleading intellidjents & being a bore.


Nazlican Arslan NazlicanArslan

Northwestern University IL

James Azam jamesmbaazam
Research Software Engineer, working on the Epiverse Initiative at LSHTM. Mostly work with/in R.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom

nnn bourbakiN97
Scriptor, 💻& 📄
LP LP-relaxation
Linda Pei ("LP"), Integrative Biology Postdoc. Linear programming (LP) relaxations as a life hack: can't solve a hard problem yet? start w/ an easier one (。・・。)

University of Texas at Austin

Tumelo Sereo Tumelosereo
PhD student in Applied Mathematics at Stellenbosch University and SACEMA(Center for Epidemiological Modeling and Analysis)

Stellebosch University Stellenbosch

MFT mtotof


Jeff Fossi jmfoss03
Successful I.T. project coordinator looking to transition into a junior data scientist role. I currently use data analytics to support hardware recommendations

Hewlett Packard Inc. Flint, MI

Julia Epi Julia-Epi
Computational epidemiology in @JuliaLang.


Betul Turkoglu betulturkoglu
MA student in Econometrics Department

Ankara, Turkey

Interdisciplinary Physics Team (InPhyT) InterdisciplinaryPhysicsTeam
Modeling complex systems via @JuliaLang and @python: Computational Social Science📱| Computational Epidemiology 🦠 | Computational Neuroscience 🧠.

University of Turin Turin, Italy