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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


I love fashion, cute videogames, and getting my nails done!
Julian Chan julian-8897
Astrophysics/Machine Learning PhD at the University of Surrey

University of Surrey Guildford, UK

Brenda Gomez bdgomezc

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh

Kayhan Gültekin kayhangultekin
Multimessenger astrophysicist, rejecting your false dichotomy between theory and observation. SMBHs are my jam. Assoc. Prof. of Astronomy at U. Michigan

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI; USA

Murthadza Aznam Thaza-Kun
A Masters student in the Radio Cosmology Lab in Universiti Malaya


Rajapandi Ponsekar Nadar Raja181001
MSc Physics student at St. Xavier's Mumbai. Utilizing Python to decipher dynamic systems by solving differentials for precise insights.

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Ujjwal Panda astrogewgaw
Pulsars and FRBs, all in the radio.

National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Pune, Maharashtra, India

Kyle A. Gersbach GersbachKa
Fourth Year Ph.D. Candidate at Vanderbilt University studying gravitational waves and astrostatistics through PTAs

Nashville, TN

Theoretical Physics. Cosmology
Luiz Fernando luizfernandolpp
Bacharelando em Física pela UFF; Iniciante nos estudos de programação e atualmente estou aprendendo HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python e PHP.

Rio de Janeiro

Daniel Oliver DanielJOliver
NANOGrav PFC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Oregon State University

Corvallis, Oregon

Deyan Mihaylov deyanmihaylov

Albert Einstein Institute Potsdam, Germany

Uddipta Bhardwaj Uddiptaatwork
PhD scholar at GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam. Loves GWs, bayesian analyses, cosmology, neural networks, functional analysis.

GRAPPA Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ben Bassett benonymity
Learning how to think, not what to think

Tolland, CT

paul paulphys
standing on the shoulders of giants

@b1-systems Frankfurt, Germany

Pankaj Saha hal9000jr
Whenever required, I do use numerical methods to Solve problems in Physics. Love Python and Julia but hate none!


Sarah Vigeland svigeland
I am a gravitational wave astrophysicist at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. I am a member of NANOGrav and @ipta.

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI

Mesut Çalışkan MesutCaliskan
Ph.D. Candidate | Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD

Li Zhencheng lizcphysics
A kirby who is studying gravitational wave now.

NAOC Beijing