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Nikhesh Kumar Murali NikheshKumar
Currently Master's student in Data Science and AI @ IIT Madras & University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham Birmingham

nowroad HyeonJaeGil
Ph.D. student in @RPM-Robotics-Lab, SNU

Seoul National University

Jeongrok Oh jungrok5

@NCSOFT 대한민국

Jokerrr83 Jokerrr83
Ingress Ress


mahshidmoulaei mahshid1378
Hi my mahshid moulaei. i like to AI and work softewere engenier


Gregory Croisdale gcrois
PhD Candidate @ University of Michigan

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

MikeLxk mikelxk

@Nianticlabs Strasbourg

lyb lyb-tjnu
I received Ph.D. degree in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing from Wuhan University in 2013. I am currently an Associate Professor with the School of Geographic

Tianjin Normal University Tianjin, China

Vesko Cholakov veskoch
Entrepreneur. Hacker. Dreamer.

Viapontica AI London

Dirk Fortmeier fortmeier

Bosch Engineering GmbH

Jackson Hardee jph6366
Full Stack (Geo)Spatial Software Engineer

Wilmington, NC

Henrique henriquepm
PhD student in computer vision
Al-Hitawi Mohammed Mohammed20201991
Master Student at Eötvös Loránd University


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Vikash Kodati vikashkodati
Entrepreneur at, angel investor in AI/space startups, IITGAA Treasurer, space enthusiast, humanitarian, family-focused & PNW nature lover seeking

Godel Space Seattle, WA

Dawid Zyla dzyla
Instructor in the Saphire group at the LJI. ETHZ Alumnus. Structural biology/protein biochemistry. #cryoEM #python

La Jolla Institute for Immunology San Diego

HHR hhr346
Every success has a humble start.

University of Science and Technology of China China

Sicheng Li JasonLSC
Ph.D. student@Zhejiang University, passionate about 3D computer vision and visual data compression

Zhejiang Univ. Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Kairun Wen kairunwen
Working on 3D Vision.

XMU Xiamen, China

@hquu hquu
+86 15923502951

飞源信息科技 chongqing

Eugene Weltzer II KJ7CLT
I am trying to learn.

AiO Comm Albuquerque, NM, USA

Jacob C. JacobGeoGeek

K2 Geospatial. Quebec, Canada

Filipe Lopes Pires FilipeLopesPires
Lead Immersive Engineer | I help businesses create new forms of storytelling using immersive technology.

Dorier Group

robit robit-man
Thank you, microsoft, for paywalling an open-source, developer oriented community ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
Shawn Giese shawngiese
Tech Writer - Support Manager - Arduino hobbyist

MSc: College of William and Mary Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Meghana Kotcherlakota megkotch09
Computer Science @ Georgia Institute of Technology
Huangying Zhan Huangying-Zhan
Staff Research Engineer

OPPO US Research Center California, USA

