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Anshu S. (Sudhanshu) sah-anshu
Python & PHP Developer, Linux Administrator CTO @RemotiQ

RemotIQ Pty Ltd Pune

Ilia Moltyaninov wiliam

HeadHunter Russia, Moscow

RadenWijaya RadenBackend
Seorang anak yang haus akan ilmu computer Belajar computer sejak umur 12 tahun
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


I'm procrastinate now...

Saint Petersburg

Süleyman Kaplan suleykaps
Space and Satellite Engineering Founder of exCarryVibe & AIVA Star Lord

AIVA Tech In Universe

Sandro Cícero sandrociceros-orquestra
DevOps & SRE Specialist

Peruíbe, SP, Brasil

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

Charles other1-alt
I have a background in desktop support. I'm 52 and changing directions
Dieter van der Westhuizen dietervdwes
Chemical Pathologist and keen programmer doing mainly data engineering & systems integration in medicine. Working with @RuanMarais on various projects.

NHLS, University of Cape Town, DJ Medlabs, RabIT Analytics Cape Town


STEMOS Agadir , Maroc

Muh Adib Aulia Hanif Muh-Adib
junior web developer hello, i'm indonesian student
Idrees Khan dotnetdreamer
A Full Stack developer with expertise in ASP.Net (Legacy, Core), Angular, Ionic, NativeScript, nopCommerce and more...

Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Roberto Gentile robertogentile

Inova e-Business São Paulo, Brasil

Cozmin cozminu
Backend developer

@interledger Romania

Tutu Moses iamtutumo
It’s a great day to be alive! I reimagine how we use technology, people & processes to move businesses forward in new ways with simple powerful tech solutions


Philipe Galdino philipep-galdino
Backend Engineer | Architecture Specialist Worldwide.

Khalil Charfi khalilcharfi
I've been loving coding since I was a kid, and still do it today.