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Pouya Kary ✨ pouyakary
dragon's lover — towards new mediums.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Donlon Eamonn McGovern demcgovern

Inter-State Studio United States of America

Noury Bouraqadi bouraqadi
Learn, Code, Make -


Esmael Mohammed eusme
Software Engineer , Co-Founder of Qualliaware Software S.C

Qualliaware Software SC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Fernando Gonçalves hd1fernando

Symplicity Belo Horizonte

Liście eliscie
lisp • smalltalk • erlang • prolog
Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Cristhiano cecsouzah
Dave Mason dvmason

Toronto Metropolitan University Toronto, Canada

Haroldo Stenger valizas

Montevideo , Uruguay

Bonita Sharif shbonita
Interested in the human aspect of software engineering. Methods include the use of eye tracking and other biometric devices to understand software developers.

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Lincoln, NE

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


alexanderniki alexanderniki
Former QA, systems/business analyst and UX-designer. Russian (native), English (foreign). 35+ y.o.
DMG201 DGM-201
Always Learning!
yuktea yuktea
Physics, Software and Food 🍣 🥢


vonbecmann vonbecmann

asylum for developers somewhere in south america

ASM Najmus Sakib Khan asmnajmussakibkhan
"Gotta stick to the code and the literature"

Dhaka, Bangladesh

mistletoe mistletoe36
APL 🍏 fan, eternal noob, little Christ, traveling man.
Jefferson Santos jeffsantos

EBAPE/FGV Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Viktoriya (Vik) Furlow SassyCatSlaps
Full stack software developer. Lover of cats. Actual Wizard.

BobiHealth Colorado Springs

Marcos Hernandez 6d61726b
CS student.

Argentina, Buenos Aires, Bahía Blanca

Ezequiel Birman stormwatch
Breaking stuff since 1977. Ocassionaly fixing it. Connecting the dots, dashing the straight lines.


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI