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Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Christopher Hunter crhntr
Computer scientist who loves writing/reading/teaching/debugging Go.

Hadrian Automation, Inc. Los Angeles, California

Derek Lause dmlause
Full Stack Software Engineer Proficient in JS, ReactJS, Redux, Java, Spring Boot, PCF, AWS, SQL, Python, Docker, Linux, Go, and more

Mastercard St. Louis Missouri

Kshitiz Sharma skshitiz-vmw
Member of Technical Staff 3


Karuppiah Natarajan karuppiah7890
Ooohhh.....I am Karups!!! Also known as Karuppiah

@OlaCabs Chennai, India

In der offline Welt bin ich als Thomas Schubert bekannt. In meiner Freizeit arbeite ich an Open Source Projekten.

@PIUGroup Nürnberg, Germany

Mohamad J. Makki mjmk3
Developer \\ Java\Spring | Golang\Gin-Gonic | MySQL-PostgreSQL-Oracle

Istanbul, Turkey

Michael Boateng bnmbz
Front-end developer | HTML | CSS | SCSS | JavaScript | React | TypeScript and other front-end technologies. Student @freeCodeCamp


vnlemanhthanh vnlemanhthanh
Tự cổ đa tình thường ôm hận

Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Domenico Luciani dlion
Software engineer, runner, maker, computer vision fanatic and IT security lover.

@Qonto Spain

Sunil Joshi c0dehu1k
Go, Python, Cloud, Automation, Security, Kubernetes, Docker, Micro-services

VMware New Delhi, India

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
HudsonShi HudsonShi
ex-IBMer CHD/SIT/PhD @ U of Alabama Open Source GeoAI AI for Mobility Enthusiast Computational Social Scientist ABM RL

University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL

Jim Park jim80net
SRE and DevOps

@teslamotors San Francisco, CA


Alipay Hangzhou, China

David A. Gelman pivotal-david-gelman
Data Scientist @pivotal

@Pivotal New York, New York