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Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Bhanupratap Singh wantedbear007
Handles BTS Infra of Tech Services.

@QuadBTech @ICP-hub Earth

Tyler Thompson TylerThompson7
Student of political science, SQL, Python, GIS, data analysis, and visualization trying to make a difference in the world.

Kansas City, Missouri

🐸 🐸 🐸
Tạ Tuấn Anh ovftank
i use arch btw

@ovfteam behind you

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Khalil Heyrani Khalilheyrani6367
Tuychiyev Aziz 168aziz

Uzbekistan Tashkent

Christofer Sjögren krisskross
Infinitely stacked yak shaving turtles Stockholm, Sweden

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Brian Gabini briangabini

De La Salle University Manila, Philippines

Shane Aldridge aldrshan
Just a nerd with a computer 🤓

Atlanta Georgia

Debert Jamie Chanderson debertjamie

Find IT! UGM Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Hoang Tran HoangTran0410
Playing with Programing 🤖💻✨

MoMo - M_Service Viet Nam

Luka Mamukashvili USLTD
Hardcore fan of milsim and realistic games, terminal wonders and SCP. Computer Science (English sector) Freshman at International Black Sea University LLC

Tbilisi, GE

Khondakar Afridi WorkWithAfridi
Software Engineer | App Developer Flutter | SwiftUI | UiKit

Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Uncle Pepe uncle-pepe
Hi!!! :) 🐧🐧🐧 Good artists copy great artists steal © Modern problems require modern solutions ⁉
Michael David Smith micdavsmith
Community's engagement leader and event coordinator. Human-centered designer and design justice work. Interests in comparative language, culture, economics.

Austin, TX, USA

Kevin Nitro KevinNitroG

University of Information Technology Vietnam

01010010010101010101 D4Fi

FreeLance world

Jianhao Xu purexua
"Isn't learning the greatest joy of life?"
Ivan Pazhytnykh Drapegnik
Senior Software Engineer

@traderepublic Berlin, Germany

Jose Villero JoseVillero
Apasionado de la programación! 👩🏾‍💻 Estudiante de análisis y desarrollo de software. Long live open source ! 🐱‍🏍


Víctor Viguitars
I'm an enthusiastic self-taught developer from Argentina who enjoys tackling challenging algorithm problems.

Mendoza - Argentina