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Herman le Roux Hermanlrx
PhD student |
Tanmay Saha mr-banti
Researcher in Topology, Space-Time Geometry and High-Energy Physics | Exploring the Intersection of Mathematics and Physics | Open to Research Opportunities
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Hardik pythonicforge
Building things in bits and bytes 🍃

Kolkata, India

Bibhuti Kumar Jha bibhuraushan
Research Scientist

Southwest Research Institute Boulder, CO 80302

Musharraf Musharraf1128
I am a CS undergrad at Scaler School of Technology, Bangalore.

Scaler School of Technology Bangaluru

Dr Simon P Young spyphyz
Consultant Paediatric Neuroanaesthesist (NHS). Graduate physicist (OU). Soon to be MSc Space Science student (OU). Data analyst, neuroscientist, musician.

NHS Argyll, UK

Nikolina Milanović nklnm
PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen (Sun and Heliosphere Department).
Yashas Donthi coolyashas

Student Bengaluru, India

Anshu Kumari (Singh) anshusolar
NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow

NASA Goddrad Space Flight Center Maryland, USA

António Santos toni-santos
2nd year Master's Informatics and Computation student @FEUP


William Setterberg settwi
Physics PhD candidate at UMN Twin Cities. I do physics and statistics and pretend to know how to make electronics. I've been coding since ~2015.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Kauã Pozzi KaPozzi
I'm a DevOps in development! Check out my LinkedIn profile!

Banco Industrial do Brasil S/A Curitiba / PR - Brasil

Khalil Heyrani Khalilheyrani6367
Anirban Chowdhury anirbancdev
Research Engineer, Adventurer/ Explorer with INTJ - INFJ personality


Pavan M PavanMutyla
Within this repository, you'll discover a showcase of my machine learning and deep learning projects, spotlighting my proficiency in PyTorch, etc..
Dr. Sargam Mulay SargamMulay
I am a research associate at the University of Glasgow. I am a solar physicist. I study solar flares using UV, X-ray imaging and spectroscopic data.

University of Glasgow, UK Glasgow, UK

kuhsinyv kuhsinyv

@ncuhome @NCUHOME-Y

Dr. Gilly GillySpace27

Southwest Research Institute Boulder Colorado

Fernando Bold yello-genai
A seasoned product lead and AI enthusiast with a degree in Production Engineering and specializations in Innovation, Strategic Management, AI, and Data Science.

Yello Solar Hub Rio de Janeiro

Ivan D pasvalietis

New Jersey Institute of Technology

He Wang iphysresearch
Research Associate at ICTP-AP, ITP-CAS, Ph.D. at BNU 🇨🇳. Interests include data analysis of gravitational waves and machine learning.

ICTP-AP Beijing

Ahmed Hossam ahmedhosssam
Computer Science Student | GSoC 24' @sunpy


Jonas Sinjan JonasSinjan
Postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research.

Göttingen, Germany

Jhuomar Boskoll Barría Quintero Quantumquirk31
Lover of physics, technology and programming, with a touch of anime and comics. #Science #Technology #Physics #Programming #Astronomy #Anime #Comics

@hackatomik Panama City, Panama

Anurag Anuragreat
Web Developer | Data Science | Machine Learning


Yuhao Lu 327840386
CS rookie


Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza



Kiel, Germany