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Nutchanon Ninyawee wasdee
CEO at Codustry

Codustry (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand

Neil Docherty neildocherty

University of Bern Bern, Switzerland

Thomas Frost iteration
An iteration's worth of data is worth months of speculation.

Northern, Northern California

Jean Pierre Porre jporre

bnex Santiago, Chile

Dennis Fundi fundid

Infowise Systems Ltd. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Nikolas Pinon NikolasP98
- 👋 Hi, I’m Nikolas! - I'm into creative coding


mavdotj mavdotj
I am a web dev based in the east coast US. I love svelte, tailwind, deno, rust, and typescript Coolest 14yo ever according to my mother 🥰

@brontidev Bro IDK

Henrik VT henrikvtcodes
dev & transit enthusiast

@verso-uvm, @uvm-cscrew Northeast USA

Felix feledori
designing code

Freelance Bolzano - Italy

Jordan gitekDev

@xoose @xendoit World

Christophe S stophecom
Frontend x Design. Privacy matters.

@creadi @denkmal @paxch Switzerland

Elron elron
I like the internet.
Dennis Muensterer dnnsmnstrr
I like making stuff.

@3st-digital Mainz, Germany

Neville Brem nevthereal
so much to be built

Zurich, Switzerland

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Naeem N gcafepgdi
Aspiring Web Developer... 😃

Calicut, Kerala

Pim de Wit pimdewit
→ Freelance Front end • okay dev

London, United Kingdom

Vilfred (Will) VilfredSikker

@reshapebiotech Copenhagen

Hesam Yusefpur hesam-init


aquaculture, RAS, water quality, pH, alkalinity, carbonate saturation, un-ionized ammonia
Vlad Jerca vladjerca

HoboWare Eindhoven

Francisco Moschetti moschetti1
I like coding and farming.

@PartnerPage Canelones, Uruguay

V01D ManOfTheMask
Software Developer. Mostly full-stack web development but I always love learning new things.

The Matrix

Mitchell Thorson mitchthorson
Lead data viz engineer, @UrbanInstitute

Urban Institute Brooklyn, NY

Luis Changir colorfulmoth
Web Developer in the making. Hardcore Linux user.


Mike Peiman mikepeiman
Father and independent developer. primarily frontend. Love Svelte. Building apps for knowledge management, learning, productivity, games, and more. Kitchener, ON

FourtyThree43 FourtyThree43
101011 | 43 | Forty Three | XLIII | 1x43 | 1,43

FT43 Kenya

Adam Grady BlueFrog130
Founder of Grady Development LLC

Grady Development LLC Sioux Falls

Ted WebTrooper
Just learning to code.
Andrej Bronček andrejbroncek

Sufio Bratislava, Slovakia