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rcrd rqbazan
Software developer mostly with NodeJS 💚 I love to write clean beautiful code even when it's unnecessary

Sr. Software Engineer at @nullplatform Perú

Javier Arias Hernández javierariashe
Computer Engineering Student at UNAM

Mexico City

Daniel Paredes wallsified
Full Flavour-hearted.

Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM CDMX

Omar omargabagu
I am a computer engineering student at UNAM with experience in software development and a strong interest in system architecture and problem-solving.


B4NT3 EstebanArellanesConde
Bachelor Student of Computer Engineering. Currently at School of Engineering, UNAM.
Uriel Rodríguez urielrod7
Passionate about engineering and technology, avid of knowledge, always able to learn new trends in software development.

CDMX. México

Fede del Corro EfededeCe

Dirección de Tecnología Educativa Buenos Aires, Argentina

[T5T]Berserker TrinityBerserker
Developer & Security.

Russia, Moscow

JS JStk-Dev
🎓 Student & 🔬 Researcher in automation 🤖 and ML 📊

JS Somewhere in the World

cacu carlosm2

Tierra Comun Coop México City

Edgar Chalico Azrielx86
Computer Engineering Student at FI UNAM

Facultad de Ingeniería - UNAM Mexico City

Elena Samantha Mojica Pereda sammojica29
Estudiante de ingenieria en computación, en Facultad de Ingeniería UNAM

Coyoacán, CDMX

Isra Mejia IsraMejia
Estudiante de Ingenieria en Computacion de la FI-UNAM. Es momento de crear cosas asomborsas :D


Enigma ♘ EnigmaK9
| Python | Kotlin | Swift |

Enigma Unit Mexico City, Mexico

Ulises Viña ulisesvina
audentes fortuna iuvat. non desistas, non exieris.

Shelly Mexico City

Francisco Abimael Oro Estrada francisco-oro
Back-End Developer, Programmer and Technologist. Currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Computer Science at School of Engineering UNAM, Mexico.

National Autonomous University of Mexico Mexico City, Mexico

Kevin Lara KevinLara96
I'm currently a student at Engineering Faculty, in UNAM, México. I'm studying Computational Engineering, with emphasis in software development.
Roberto Carrichi carrichi
I'm just a boy to love learn. (:

@Meethelight México