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Austin Songer,MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran) austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead

Chicago, Illinois

Lord0xShield Lord0xShield
Security researcher👨‍🔬 Busy finding vulnerabilities⚡️in Web2 & Web3 to make the digital world a more safe and secure space🛡️🇫🇷
Shuchu Han shuchu
Computer Science.

Princeton, NJ

Jared Rhodes jwcalles
Director of Product Management at @herodevs | Partnering with OSS Authors/Maintainers for a better way to Sunset/EOL your technology

@herodevs USA

Max Moon MoonMoon1919
Creator of things.

San Diego

ShiHan Wan shihanwan
Farming code 🧑🏻‍🌾

Co-Founder of Xeol NYC