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Extremely new to coding. Not as demure, but very smol.
Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Cabie Wu cabie8399
Python後端工程師/ 工業聯網平台工程師/ 全端工程師
Aman Bhargava bhargavaman

Stallions Marketing Solutions India

十百千 x1001000
PHIL's Hello Implement Labs


AllenChang BlueBoy247
蛤?你說這裡不是GitHub Drive?

University of Taipei Republic of China (Taiwan)

df007df df007df

Alibaba hangzhou

jhih_yu jhihyulin
Student from Taiwan

National Dong Hwa University New Taipei City, Taiwan

Nícolas Brandão nboliv
💼 iOS Software Engineer, 🎓 Electrical Engineer

XP Inc São Paulo

André Carvalho andreunix
Software Engineer 💻🌐
Marcos Viana Maarcosv99

@gruporezult Aracaju - SE

Rychillie Rychillie
Software Engineer and Content Creator based in Brazil, just a dreamer.

@construtores Brazil

星露谷值班站长 typ431127
自由如风~ 自由丫尔~


EmreBalkay MicroTecnoloji
Developer Center ...
Zigao Wang ZigaoWang
A passionate student developer and tech enthusiast from China

YK Pao School Shanghai, China

Yunan Wang yunanwg
A minimalist, A sustainability advocate, An amateur programmer


KK KK-Huang86
Junior Developer Python/Django/JavaScript

New Taipei City , Taiwan

drhuang0922 drhuang0922
Currently a researcher@NICS, Taiwan.

National Institute of Cyber Security Taiwan

Michelle Shen pcshen0828
Frontend Engineer

@hahow Taipei, Taiwan

Desert hong539
just practice


Maru Wu deamaruNote
Front-end Dev


jamie20241210 Singapore

Jackson Chen Sma1lboy

TabbyML, Inc. Madison