Releases: oroinc/orocommerce-application
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 5.0.5 version
- Implement batch iteration for CPL reindexing [BB-21115]
Customer price list reindexation memory optimization. Reduced memory consumption to work with 1 Gb memory limit environment
- Add WYSIWYG code formatting component [BB-21294]
Added "Custom Code" block type for WYSYWIG editor which allows to manage advanced HTML markup as part of the content
- Fix product indexation request MQ root job performance issue [BB-21518]
Product indexation performance improved by up to 5 times so import and bulk updates post processing is much faster now
List of fixed issues
- Edit orders from sample data opens with an error [BB-21485]
- Extra breadcrumbs items on the product view page in case of hidden categories in category path [BB-17111]
- Segment snapshot contains duplicated IDs [BB-17711]
- SVG images not rendered in content blocks on storefront [BB-21219]
- Duplicated product slugs are generated after import of products with non-unique names with multiple consumers running [BB-21302]
- Wrong drop-down arrows position on quote edit page on mobile [BB-21331]
- Incorrect breadcrumb font on some back-office pages [BB-21360]
- Error during calendar sync: Undefined array key "address" [BB-21415]
- Shopping list view page error caused by incorrect array access in promotion expression [BB-21416]
- Selected product unit is reset after adding new line item to RFQ [BB-21454]
- Fix scrollbar in grid with cell links [BB-21484]
- Website search reindex fails with "Array to string conversion" on product collection content variants [BB-21492]
- Storefront search field loses focus in mobile view [BB-21498]
- ShoppingListLineItemDiffMapper is incompatible with free-form line items [BB-21507]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
• OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 5.0.4 version
• Google Analytics 4 [BB-21298]
Google is discontinuing Universal Analytics in 2023 and support of Google Analytics 4 will allow to continue using Analytics capabilities. Upgrade is highly recommended as on July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits
• Reduce number of simultaneously displayed shopping list notification messages [BB-21292]
Show only one message when item is added to the shopping list instead multiple messages. This allows to improve user experience on the storefront
• Additional toolbar for table editing in WYSIWYG BB-21295
Tollbar for table editing which allows easily to add and remove table rows and columns
• Add methods to AttachmentExtension to create multi-file and multi-image relations [BB-21428]
Added additional methods to AttachmentExtension class in order to simplify multi-file and multi-image relations creation from schema migration scripts
List of fixed issues
• [Security] Missing style manager class name and link validation in WYSIWYG editor [BB-21318]
Due to insufficient class name validation in GrapeJS library it's possible to add executable JS code in class name through Selector Manager. Relates to artf/grapesjs#4411
• Product attribute export template contains invalid data [BB-16260]
• ProductVisibilityProvider makes a lot of extra queries [BAP-21332]
• Excessive "Edited" label on default "My Shopping Lists" grid view [BB-20327]
• Long saved search name breaks grid column layout on mobile and tablet [BB-20495]
• Missing tooltips for product grid views buttons [BB-20880]
• "Gallery View" product listing layout is broken for configurable products [BB-20881]
• Update Customer User Settings in back-office leads to 500 error [BB-21010]
• "0" configurable attribute option is shown as "{}" on storefront in non-default localizations [BB-21299]
• Order cannot be submitted after declined external payment and sorting/filtering applied to line items datagrid [BB-21305]
• Image moves without accompanying toolbar in WYSIWYG editor [BB-21326]
• Back-office order totals grid is not updated on shipping option update [BB-21329]
• LineItemRepository::getProductItemsWithShoppingListNames query slowness [BB-21347]
• Unable to save enum attribute containing '0' option value [BB-21385]
• Allowed inventory statuses are not applied when set at the website level [BB-21413]
• "Apply" button in storefront filters is not translated [BB-21419]
• Impossible to add the new option to enum product attribute with hundreds of options [BB-21443]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 5.0.3
- Partial indexation at the website search index [BB-16582]
- Improve visibility recalculation speed [BB-21153]
- Start new checkout if shopping list items changed [BB-21168]
- Update pricing-related data in search index on prices update when flat pricing enabled [BB-21241]
- Upgrade GrapesJS to latest version [BB-21291]
- Show a warning when a developer runs common console commands with enabled xDebug extension [BB-21383]
- Provide ability to execute behat tests without mailchatcher [BB-21066]
List of fixed issues
- Combine price list is not created on some changes with assigned price lists [BB-16551]
- Payment rule cannot be created in global organization [BB-16644]
- Add margin between agreement error and checkbox on the single page checkout page [BB-19430]
- Cookies banner is not accepted with disabled website guest access [BB-20834]
- Duplicated field validation messages in new address creation form [BB-20875]
- Selected file in custom file input in checkout workflow is not uploaded [BB-20878]
- Update Customer User Settings in back-office leads to 500 error [BB-21010]
- Sales orders grid on back-office customer user view page does not show payment method [BB-21014]
- Incorrect elements alignment in UPS integration-related forms in back-office [BB-21026]
- Price attributes positioned incorrectly on back-office product view and edit pages [BB-21071]
- Back-office menu quick search shows empty non-clickable group names [BB-21072]
- Impossible to see all back-office menu items at certain screen resolutions [BB-21078]
- Back-office grid headers overlap content when scrolling on tablet/mobile [BB-21144]
- Export template dropdown list positioned incorrectly in inventory import dialog on mobile [BB-21150
- Untranslated label in date filter [BB-21155]
- Field conditions in segment filter disappear after upgrade from 4.1 [BB-21199]
- Impossible to convert paragraph into list in WYSIWYG [BB-21210]
- Missing borders in probabilities table in opportunities configuration [BB-21218]
- Incorrect login page layout width in blank theme [BB-21225]
- Impossible to add product in the included section of productprice POST request [BB-21231]
- "Add to Shopping List" dropdown-toggle button requires multiple taps on tablet/mobile [BB-21239]
- "Add to Shopping List" button adds default product variant if not all configurable options are selected [BB-21243]
- Many-to-many relationship field selections disappear after form validation failure [BB-21246]
- SQL queries are not shown on segment view page [BB-21260]
- Multiple visual issues on quote edit page on mobile [BB-21262]
- Checkout error if product unit lD contains special characters [BB-21264]
- Insufficient validation of HTTP Referrer on some pages [BB-21265]
- Unnecessary horizontal scroll bar after uploading product image on create/edit product page [BB-21267]
- Google search blocks products pages without prices in microdata markup [BB-21285]
- Search autocomplete does not work when pricing is disabled [BB-21286]
- WebCatalogCacheProcessor fails in CE [BB-21289]
- Date in datetime filter cannot be entered using keyboard [BB-21297]
- Management console OAuth Application token provides access to Storefront entities [BB-21301]
- Combined prices resulting storage may have duplicates [BB-21306]
- Incorrectly processed database exceptions lead to Single CPL processing fail [BB-21307]
- Products created from within global organization use wrong organization for unique URL slug generation [BB-21312]
- Back-office order totals grid is not updated on shipping option update [BB-21329]
- Product image deletion triggers cache update [BB-21333]
- Stale prices are used after Price List Removal [BB-21349]
- "Limit Filters and Sorters" feature stops working after saved search is enabled in system configuration [BB-21361]
- Datagrid-manager-search is missing in filters [BB-21384]
- Deprecated messages in SEOBundle [BB-21386]
- WYSIWYG editor breaks URL in customer user reset password email template [BB-21387]
- Featured categories images are not displayed on homepage [BB-21388]
- The “input--size-s” disappears in ui-dialog on [BB-21393]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been updated to 5.0.2
- Show default Shopping List on top of Choose Action drop-down [BB-20374]
- Human-Readable Uploaded Filenames [BB-20992]
- Fixed Product Shipping Cost [BB-21029]
- Add possibility to edit picture tag in WYSIWYG UI [BB-21037]
List of fixed issues
- "Back-Office >Broken layout in the "Opportunity Statistic"/ "Lead Statistic" widgets for the "Date range" field if "Custom" option is selected" [BB-17275]
- Layout is broken on product view page if product has several custom attributes [BB-17872]
- Syntax error produced by RemoveAlternativeCheckoutWorkflow migration when upgrading to 4.2 [BB-20466]
- Missing validation of grid view name length [BB-20879]
- Content widget changes are not reflected on storefront [BB-20954]
- Missing validation on empty attribute options causes 500 error when editing product attributes [BB-20955]
- "User Roles" checkbox disappears after validation error on Create Customer User page [BB-21023]
- Customer update does not work with hundreds of addresses [BB-21027]
- Click on custom back-office menu item opens wrong menu on tablet/mobile [BB-21043]
- "Node cannot be null or undefined" error on edit email template page at back-office [BB-21049]
- RFQ cannot be created after deleting product line items from the form [BB-21064]
- Time cannot be selected in dashboard widgets with time picker [BB-21077]
- Incorrect Strorefront Sign In form position after expanding sidebar menu in custom theme [BB-21094]
- Edit/view links don't work on the storefront on iPad Pro [BB-21104]
- Exception adding navigation divider to frontend menu with max_nested_level = 1 [BB-21165 ]
- Link Button styles changes are reset after re-import in WYSIWYG [BB-21184]
- No export result email when trying to export empty dataset [BB-21189]
- Email recipients list is not retrieved for quotes with added shipping address [BB-21196]
- Schema update fails after importing the same attribute to both global and non-global organization [BB-21200]
- Wrong grid header hint position on product visibility edit page [BB-21202]
- Web catalog edit page fields and buttons are not aligned properly on mobile/tablet [BB-21203]
- Unable to delete multi-select product attribute option [BB-21220]
- Incorrect unique job name generation in CombinedPriceListProcessor [BB-21224]
- "User Roles" checkbox disappears after validation error on Create Customer User page. (case 2) [BB-21230]
- GTM DataLayer event is not triggered on homepage [BB-21245]
- Content is not rendered on System variables tab in back-office,BB-21247]
- Excessive scope is added to media query after subsequent import to WYSIWYG [BB-21253]
- Incorrect logic on Empty Matrix Confirmation Prompt for guest [BB-21256]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been updated to 5.0.1
- Consolidate separate MAX/MIN product ID queries in CombinedProductPriceRepository [BB-21149]
- Custom warnings do not display on Cart or Checkout [BB-21068]
- Improve performance of Merge by Priority pricing strategy for merge=false price lists [BB-21059]
- Port fuzzy search extension to the product [BB-20988]
- GrapesJS change CSS/HTML the way that breaks page look [BB-20965]
- "This value should not be blank" error is displayed for NON-empty input in Quick Order Form [BB-20886]
- Improve full product collections reindex speed [BB-20599]
- Add hover state to the logo on Storefront [BB-19839]
- Improve combined price list operations scalability [BB-18221]
- Merge newly added line items in Quick Order Form [BB-17187]
List of fixed issues
- N/A shouldn't be on the grid on Product visibility page [BB-21188]
- Filter by "Updated At" doesn't work when using datepicke [BB-21151]
- Category export may fail with "Expected Literal, got 'AND' SQL error [BB-21148]
- Action buttons are repositioned during page load on mobile [BB-21137]
- WYSIWYG applies font changes across multiple HTML elements [BB-21135]
- Extra bullets in main menu [BB-21133]
- no_image is not rendering on PLP in public VMs [BB-21118]
- Incorrect alignment fa-search button on modal dialog in back-office [BB-21116]
- Incorrect text for filter-criteria-hint in "Price" filter [BB-21114]
- Impossible to create payment/shipping rule on DE/FR demo [BB-21107]
- Incorrect variable name in Variant Handler logs [BB-21106]
- Date picker closes itself when using changeMonth and changeYear options [BB-21100]
- Wrong line item weight for products with multiple units in shipping rule calculations [BB-21098]
- Incorrect custom checkboxes rendering when using device switcher on demo [BB-21095]
- Cookie policy link in cookie banner cannot be accessed if guest access is disabled [BB-21075]
- Mbstring extension is not validated during the installation [BB-21062]
- Product variant cannot be assigned if configurable attribute option contains similar integer and fractional values [BB-21056]
- Incorrect Regular Checkout page view for guest on custom theme [BB-21052]
- Unnecessary loading of unit precisions in matrix forms on homepage [BB-21050]
- Zip file uploaded from Windows workstation has incorrect mimetype [BB-21041]
- "Create order" button disappear on the SL page after renaming SL [BB-21024]
- Wrong vertical alignment of widget titles in dashboard widget selector in back-office [BB-21015]
- Get products API request with included names produces driver exception on large number of products [BB-21013]
- Missing horizontal scroll in wide grids added as dashboard widgets [BB-21012]
- Image preview for product attributes of type Image is not displayed to logged in customer users when guest website access is disabled [BB-20956]
- Blinking cursor in dropdowns on PLP on iPhone/iPad [BB-20934]
- Summary block remains blurred after deleting product from shopping list [BB-20932]
- Missing validation message for date field on customer edit profile [BB-20874]
- Syntax error produced by RemoveAlternativeCheckoutWorkflow migration when upgrading to 4.2 [BB-20466]
- 500 error when importing inventory levels import template [BB-20412]
- Out of memory error in PriceListProcessor [BB-20392]
- Long SKU without spaces in storefront search autocomplete break the parent container [BB-20316]
- Empty wrapper of additional attributes on product page on Storefront [BB-20277]
- Product brand data should not be moved by description [BB-20276]
- Extra space added for empty form row on the shipping information step in case when no addresses in address book [BB-19672]
- Incorrect margin left for social network icons on the contact view page [BB-19528]
- Wrong text color in "Sales Representative" section in footer on the Storefront [BB-19142]
- "Grid Settings" popup is hidden if in search results one or two subject [BB-18942]
- The layout of the block with the image is broken in the product page [BB-18933]
- Trash icon is misaligned on the payment rule edit page for small screen resolution [BB-18695]
- Broken layout on the ""Shipping Origin"" settings form in back-office [BB-18555]
- Broken layout on the edit/create report page in Back-office [BB-18237]
- Email address icons misaligned on mobile view [BB-17744]
- Firefox/ Non-existing SKUs products added to Quick order form rows for guest user [BB-17621]
- MacOS Safari >Different control alignments in inline grids on product create/edit page [BB-17477]
- Multiple alignment issues on price list creation page on tablet [BB-17311]
- Ellipsis icon in datagrid mass action selector is not aligned on tablet [BB-17295]
- Broken layout on Default Web Catalog page when resizing a browser window [BB-17291]
- Row subtotal in "Price" column instead of price on quick order form import validation [BB-17229]
- Missing padding below "Export Template" button in product import popup in mobile landscape mode [BB-17221]
- IpadPro / Management console/ Login page/ There are no distance between "request" button and "Return to Login" link" [BB-17048]
- Impossible to switch localization or currency on login page if guest access is disabled [BB-14857]
- Mobile & Tablet > FrontStore > Quick order form - Add to shopping list button is misaligned for Guest [BB-14507]
- An absent Customer-Account relation in the API [BB-11503]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been updated to 4.2.10
- Improve performance of Merge by Priority pricing strategy for merge=false price lists [BB-21059]
- Improve CPL generation when there are price lists without prices in the chain [BB-20989]
- Improve full product collections reindex speed [BB-20599]
- Improve combined price list operations scalability [BB-18221]
- Merge newly added line items in Quick Order Form [BB-17187]
- GrapesJS change CSS/HTML the way that breaks page look [BB-20965]
- Custom warnings do not display on Cart or Checkout [BB-21068]
List of fixed issues
- Impossible to create payment/shipping rule on DE/FR demo [BB-21107]
- Date picker closes itself when using changeMonth and changeYear options [BB-21100]
- Wrong line item weight for products with multiple units in shipping rule calculations [BB-21098]
- Cookie policy link in cookie banner cannot be accessed if guest access is disabled [BB-21075]
- Product variant cannot be assigned if configurable attribute option contains similar integer and fractional values [BB-21056]
- Unnecessary loading of unit precisions in matrix forms on homepage [BB-21050]
- Zip file uploaded from Windows workstation has incorrect mimetype [BB-21041]
- Tax for shipping is not removed after overriding shipping price [BB-21025]
- "Create order" button disappear on the SL page after renaming SL [BB-21024]
- Get products API request with included names produces driver exception on large number of products [BB-21013]
- Image preview for product attributes of type Image is not displayed to logged in customer users when guest website access is disabled [BB-20956]
- Summary block remains blurred after deleting product from shopping list [BB-20932]
- Product attribute import results in non-working product attribute view page [BB-20743]
- Missing title on Order Review step of Regular Checkout [BB-20588]
- MySQL syntax error produced by RemoveAlternativeCheckoutWorkflow migration when upgrading to 4.2 [BB-20466]
- 500 error when importing inventory levels import template [BB-20412]
- Firefox/ Non-existing SKUs products added to Quick order form rows for guest user [BB-17621]
- Missing padding below "Export Template" button in product import popup in mobile landscape mode [BB-17221]
- Impossible to switch localization or currency on login page if guest access is disabled [BB-14857]
OroCommerce 5.0 LTS version is now available
Release Highlights:
- Storefront performance improvements and JavaScript optimizations
- Datagrids accessibility and keyboard navigation
- Export of product listing
- Saved searches and notifications
- Boosting of product attributes
- Right-to-left (RTL) languages support on the storefront and in the back-office
Microsoft 365 Integration:
- Tasks synchronization
- Calendar events synchronization
Technology Stack Upgrade:
- Symfony 5.4 LTS
- PHP 8.1
- PostgreSQL 14 / MySQL 8
- NodeJS 16
The full list of new features and improvements included in this release can be found here, and the list of all fixes - here.
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been updated to 4.2.8
- Prevent customer user password bruteforce (BB-16814)
- Add checkout:payment:* events to single page checkout (BB-20911)
- Simplify product shipping options management via API (BB-20891)
- Skip adding automatically created guest shopping list labels to search index (BB-20820)
- Decrease website search index size (BB-20414)
- Make Search Autocomplete drop-down accessible by keyboard arrows (BB-20361)
- Decrease number of insert-delete operations for minimal prices strategy (BB-20168)
List of fixed issues
- Configurable product select dropdown loses styles when form is submitted by "Enter" (BB-20991)
- Missing null check in FixSlugOrganizationRelation migration (BB-20987)
- Back-office quote flow with approval requires approval when prices are not overridden (BB-20967)
- Incorrect position of "Saved search" button on iPad Pro (BB-20961)
- Checkout finishes with "payment declined" on PayPal Express payment failure (BB-20950)
- Number of category products may be calculated incorrectly for some categories (BB-20930)
- Attribute options cannot be added if product attribute grid is sorted by label (BB-20928)
- GrapesJS WYSIWYG editor converts quotes inside <script> tag into HTML entities (BB-20914)
- URL caches are incomplete (BB-20910)
- Request to create order via API fails when product SKU is a valid number (BB-20907)
- PayPal Express checkout fails with taxable products and email notification rule (BB-20904)
- Incorrect filters view on iPad Pro (BB-20877)
- There is an error Cannot read property 'x' of null after using horizontal scroll on All Users grid in mobile view (BB-20831)
- Imported prices are not marked as "Manual" (BB-19081)
- Wrong language for Customer User email sent from back-office (CE version) (BB-16597)
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.2.7 version
- Make data-grids accessible by keyboard (BB-18916)
- Allow to enable ""rel"" attribute in custom html_purifier_modes configuration (BB-20254)
- Add rounding precision setting for price list calculation rule results (BB-20395)
- Log unsuccessful session locks (BB-20402)
- Allow ""type"" attribute for ""ul"" and ""ol"" in WYSIWYG secure mode (BB-20732)
- Allow FrontendProductPricesExportProvider constructor to accept ProductPriceProviderInterface implementations that do not extend ProductPriceProvider (BB-20814)
List of fixed issues
- Grid settings popup in users grid on storefront role edit page is empty and not styled (BB-16923)
- Deleting enum option used in configurable product variant leads to unavailability of full product web category (BB-18900)
- WYSIWYG changes settings of video blocks with “HTML5 Source" provider (BB-19624)
- Quick order form redirects to 404 page on session token expiration (BB-20530)
- Sitemap generation cannot be parallelized (BB-20715)
- Mailchimp sync fails if customer user name contains json unescaped characters (BB-20720)
- Failed execution of oro:entity-extend:update command leaves application in non-working state (BB-20727)
- Upgrade from 1.6 to 4.2 fails (BB-20761)
- GrapesJS breaks edit page when invalid CSS is specified (BB-20769)
- "Updated at" value of content block entity does not change after content variant update (BB-20773)
- Products are added to shopping list of previously logged in customer user if current user has access to same list (BB-20791)
- Do not ship later than field is not disabled in mobile view if there are upcoming products in the shopping list (BB-20793)
- Action permissions dropdown is overlaid by capability labels on role edit page (BB-20795)
- Impossible to change content decoration in new custom WYSIWYG field (BB-20802)
- Global admin cannot create product collection in non-global organization (BB-20804)
- Entity fields and product attributes excluded from export still affect export limits (BB-20823)
- Report grid export does not match grid contents (BB-20824)
- User consent during checkout is marked accepted after clicking on Cancel button (BB-20826)
- JS error while trying to Request a quote from the SL if mediator handler is not defined (BB-20828)
- Wrong metadata for frontend checks with customer visitor (BB-20833)
- Product inventory settings cannot be updated via product import (BB-20835)
- Drop-down options are not shown on subsequent clicks or taps when using sticky filter panel on mobile (BB-20841)
- Filter for custom field with a name partially matching system field name does not work on PLP (BB-20846)
- Wrong or empty value is shown in web catalog node localized slug field when "Use default value" checkbox is checked (BB-20848)
- Web catalog node localized slug is not generated after "Use default value" checkbox is unchecked (BB-20849)
- Migration from 4.1 to 4.2.5 fails (BB-20855)
- PostgreSQL version check during installation fails with extended version numbers (BB-20870)
- OAuth2 Server - Authorization Code - error in LoginController (BB-20876)
- It impossible to add watermarks with file cache (BB-20882)
- Timeout error when placing order with 120 items having 300 active discount promotions with expressions (BB-20890)
- Empty group is displayed anyway when no system configuration settings are available in that group at certain level (BB-20900)
- There is a typo on the "Shipping Information" on the checkout page (BB-20901)
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.2.6 version
- Improved CMS page performance (BB-20726)
- Added a flash message notifying customer user of the account confirmation link expiration (BB-20304)
List of fixed issues
- WYSIWYG editor allows to break CSS styles (BB-19232)
- Validation attributes for localization collection are missing (BB-20818)
- Incorrect result from website localization provider (BB-20816)
- Possible primary key overflow in oro_price_list_to_product table (BB-20805)
- Product variants are accessible through direct links and generated site map despite of "Display Simple Variations" configuration set to "Hide completely" (BB-20790)
- Values in shopping list quantity inputs are not fully displayed (BB-20789)
- Quantity, unit and price are not auto-populated in quick order form after adding previously removed product (BB-20787)
- Action buttons at the bottom of quick order form stop working after adding 20+ empty rows (BB-20782)
- Localized slug is not created automatically on web catalog content node editing (BB-20780)
- Incorrect alignment of Remove button in oro-item-collection row (BB-20779)
- Average totals and subtotals in base currency are displayed with excessive decimal places in reports and segments (BB-20775)
- "0" with any non-alphabetical or numeric symbol is not allowed as enum attribute option value (BB-20771)
- GrapesJS breaks edit page when invalid CSS is specified (BB-20769)
- Undefined method getStateUrl in NavigationItemController::putIdAction() (BB-20746)
- Datagrid filter scrollbars missing (BB-20745)
- Update of system configuration option breaks storefront search autocomplete (BB-20741)
- Impossible to update quantity in Quick Order Form when minimal tier of quantity in price is more than 1 (BB-20731)
- Validation messages break vertical grouping line next to last shopping list line item (BB-20702)
- Type error because of incorrect "merge allowed" flag in MergePricesCombiningStrategy (BB-20699)
- oro:price-lists:recalculate fails if customer has no price list assigned and fallback is set to "current customer only" (BB-20698)
- Customer assignment to customer group may be affected by web catalog storefront preview (BB-20691)
- oro.customer.calculate_owner_tree_cache always marked as failed (BB-20690)
- Missing clear address validation message in single page checkout (BB-20680)
- Empty space appears when opening grid settings in RTL mode in Microsoft Edge (BB-20671)
- Not fully loaded JS on the page leads to an error (BB-20598)
- Compare IDs instead of objects in CategoryAddOrReplaceStrategy (BB-20339)