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2791 lines (1909 loc) · 186 KB

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2791 lines (1909 loc) · 186 KB
  1. accounts
  2. activerecord
  3. admin
  4. admin-dashboard
  5. admin-on-rest
  6. analyst
  7. analyzer
  8. android
  9. angular
  10. angular-2
  11. angular-cli
  12. angular2
  13. angularjs
  14. api-client
  15. api-consumer
  16. api-gateway
  17. api-management
  18. api-rest
  19. api-server
  20. api-wrapper
  21. app
  22. architecture
  23. asio
  24. asp-net-core
  25. aspnet-core
  26. aspnetcore
  27. assertions
  28. async
  29. async-await
  30. atlassian
  31. atlassianps
  32. authentication
  33. authorization
  34. automatic-api
  35. axios
  36. azure
  37. backend
  38. bdd
  39. bear-sunday
  40. behat
  41. behat-extension
  42. best-practices
  43. blockchain
  44. boilerplate
  45. bootstrap
  46. bot
  47. bot-api
  48. c-plus-plus
  49. cache
  50. cats
  51. chai
  52. circe
  53. cli
  54. client
  55. clojure
  56. cloud
  57. code-generation
  58. confluence
  59. cors
  60. cortex
  61. cpp
  62. crud
  63. crudl
  64. csharp
  65. curl
  66. dart
  67. data
  68. database
  69. debug
  70. decorators
  71. demo
  72. dependency-injection
  73. developer-tools
  74. devops
  75. dfir
  76. digital-forensics
  77. discord
  78. django
  79. django-rest-framework
  80. dns
  81. docker
  82. doobie
  83. dotnet
  84. dotnet-core
  85. elixir
  86. es2017
  87. es6
  88. eslint
  89. express
  90. expressjs
  91. fake
  92. fake-data
  93. fast
  94. fetch
  95. flask
  96. framework
  97. free
  98. free-software
  99. frontend
  100. gateway
  101. generator
  102. github
  103. go
  104. golang
  105. gorm
  106. graphql
  107. groovy
  108. grpc
  109. hal
  110. hapi
  111. haskell
  112. heroku
  113. hibernate
  114. high-performance
  115. http
  116. http-client
  117. http-requests
  118. http-server
  119. http2
  120. httpclient
  121. httpie
  122. https
  123. hydra-api
  124. hypermedia
  125. hypermedia-client
  126. immutablejs
  127. incident-response
  128. iocs
  129. ios
  130. iot
  131. jackson
  132. java
  133. javadoc
  134. javascript
  135. jax-rs
  136. jdbc
  137. jersey
  138. jest
  139. jira
  140. js
  141. json
  142. json-api
  143. json-ld
  144. json-server
  145. jsonapi
  146. jwt
  147. kafka
  148. koa
  149. koa2
  150. kotlin
  151. laravel
  152. library
  153. linux
  154. macos
  155. micro-framework
  156. microservice
  157. microservices
  158. microsoft
  159. middleware
  160. misp
  161. mocha
  162. mock
  163. mocking
  164. mocking-server
  165. mocks
  166. mongodb
  167. mongoose
  168. mqtt
  169. mvc
  170. mybatis
  171. mysql
  172. network
  173. networking
  174. ng-admin
  175. node
  176. nodejs
  177. nosql
  178. npm
  179. nuget
  180. oauth
  181. oauth2
  182. observable
  183. open-source
  184. openapi
  185. openapi-specification
  186. openresty
  187. orm
  188. p2p
  189. performance
  190. php
  191. platform
  192. play-framework
  193. pnp
  194. portable
  195. postcss
  196. postgresql
  197. postgrest
  198. powershell-gallery
  199. promise
  200. promise-support
  201. promises
  202. proxy
  203. python
  204. python-3
  205. python3
  206. qa
  207. rails
  208. react
  209. react-css-modules
  210. react-router
  211. reactive
  212. real-time
  213. redis
  214. redoc
  215. redux
  216. redux-saga
  217. request
  218. requests
  219. response
  220. restapi
  221. restclient
  222. restful
  223. restful-api
  224. restful-webservices
  225. restify
  226. ring
  227. robot
  228. router
  229. routing
  230. rpc
  231. ruby
  232. rust
  233. sample
  234. scala
  235. schema-org
  236. scraper
  237. sdk
  238. security-incidents
  239. sequelize
  240. server
  241. server-side-rendering
  242. service
  243. session
  244. sharepoint
  245. skeleton
  246. soap
  247. spring
  248. spring-boot
  249. spring-data
  250. spring-data-jpa
  251. spring-mvc
  252. springboot
  253. springframework
  254. sql
  255. sqlalchemy
  256. ssl
  257. starter-kit
  258. stub
  259. swagger
  260. swagger-api
  261. swagger-codegen
  262. swagger-js
  263. swagger-ui
  264. swift
  265. symfony
  266. symfony-bundle
  267. tcp
  268. template
  269. test
  270. test-automation
  271. testing
  272. testing-tools
  273. thehive
  274. typescript
  275. validation
  276. vue
  277. web
  278. web-api
  279. web-framework
  280. web-services
  281. webapi
  282. webapp
  283. webpack
  284. webserver
  285. webservice
  286. websocket
  287. websockets
  288. wget
  289. wordpress
  290. wp
  291. xml
  292. xmlhttprequest
  293. yeoman
  294. yeoman-generator


  1. ooth. User identity/authentication/accounts management microservice
  2. accounts. Fullstack authentication and accounts-management for Javascript.


  1. spyke. Interact with REST services in an ActiveRecord-like manner
  2. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  3. jsonapi-utils. Build JSON API-compliant APIs on Rails with no (or less) learning curve.


  1. react-admin. A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design
  2. ng-admin. Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API
  3. ng-admin-demo. Source of the ng-admin angular.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
  4. admin-on-rest-demo. Source of the admin-on-rest react.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
  5. crudl. CRUDL is a backend agnostic REST and GraphQL based admin interface
  6. admin. A fancy and fully-featured administration interface builder written in ReactJS supporting APIs documented using Hydra (including all APIs built with API Platform)
  7. crudl-example-express. CRUDL with Node/Express and MongoDB
  8. crudl-example-django. CRUDL with Django, DRF/Graphene and SQLite


  1. react-admin. A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design
  2. ng-admin. Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API


  1. react-admin. A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design
  2. admin-on-rest-demo. Source of the admin-on-rest react.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
  3. aor-feathers-client. A feathers rest client for admin-on-rest


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. Fuel. The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
  2. droidparts.
  3. bridge. [DEPRECATED]: Prefer Retrofit/OkHttp by Square, or Fuel for Kotlin
  4. nine-cards-backend. An Open Source Android Launcher built with Scala on Android


  1. ng-admin. Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API
  2. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  3. ng-admin-demo. Source of the ng-admin angular.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
  4. apiNG. angular module to get and display data by adding html-attributes
  5. angular2-crud-rest. Sample Angular (2.x and 4.x) app: CRUD example + routing
  6. sp-rest-proxy. SharePoint REST API Proxy for local Front-end development tool-chains
  7. spring-boot-angular-example. Example app showing how to build a Spring Boot REST API and Angular UI
  8. spring-petclinic-angular. Angular 5 version of the Spring Petclinic sample application (frontend)


  1. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  2. ngx-resource. Resource (REST) Client for Angular 2


  1. angular2-crud-rest. Sample Angular (2.x and 4.x) app: CRUD example + routing
  2. spring-boot-angular-example. Example app showing how to build a Spring Boot REST API and Angular UI
  3. spring-petclinic-angular. Angular 5 version of the Spring Petclinic sample application (frontend)


  1. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  2. angular2-crud-rest. Sample Angular (2.x and 4.x) app: CRUD example + routing


  1. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.
  2. apiNG. angular module to get and display data by adding html-attributes


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. rest.js. GitHub REST API client for Node.js
  3. ChromeRestClient. ARC Chrome is deprecated. Please move to
  4. mobx-rest. REST conventions for Mobx
  5. pysnow. Python library for the ServiceNow REST API


  1. htty. htty is the HTTP TTY, a console application for interacting with web servers.
  2. parallec. Fast Parallel Async HTTP/SSH/TCP/UDP/Ping Client Java Library. Aggregate 100,000 APIs & send anywhere in 20 lines of code. Ping/HTTP Calls 8000 servers in 12 seconds. (Akka)


  1. service-proxy. API gateway for REST and SOAP written in Java.
  2. tenso. Tensō is an elastic REST API gateway for node.js


  1. parallec. Fast Parallel Async HTTP/SSH/TCP/UDP/Ping Client Java Library. Aggregate 100,000 APIs & send anywhere in 20 lines of code. Ping/HTTP Calls 8000 servers in 12 seconds. (Akka)
  2. fusio. Open source API management platform


  1. ChromeRestClient. ARC Chrome is deprecated. Please move to
  2. mobx-rest. REST conventions for Mobx
  3. json-server-heroku. Deploy json-server to Heroku, now & Azure 🆙 🆓
  4. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.


  1. rest-hapi. A RESTful API generator for hapi
  2. appy. A user system to bootstrap your app.
  3. json-server-heroku. Deploy json-server to Heroku, now & Azure 🆙 🆓
  4. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.


  1. JDA. Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
  2. Discord4J. Java interface for the Discord API
  3. snug. Write reusable web API interactions
  4. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.


  1. mockoon. Mock servers in seconds.
  2. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. The-REST-Architectural-Style. An article on the REST architecture style.
  2. api-guidelines. adidas group API design guidelines


  1. Simple-Web-Server. A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent HTTP and HTTPS server and client library implemented using C++11 and Boost.Asio. Created to be an easy way to make REST resources available from C++ applications.
  2. restc-cpp. Modern C++ REST Client library
  3. restinio. A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server


  1. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.
  2. TraktApiSharp. A .NET library for the API.


  1. JsonApiDotNetCore. JSONAPI Framework for ASP.Net Core
  2. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.


  1. BeautifulRestApi. Beautiful REST API design with ASP.NET Core and Ion
  2. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.


  1. httpexpect. End-to-end HTTP and REST API testing for Go.
  2. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  3. postman-bdd. A BDD test framework for Postman and Newman


  1. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  2. parallec. Fast Parallel Async HTTP/SSH/TCP/UDP/Ping Client Java Library. Aggregate 100,000 APIs & send anywhere in 20 lines of code. Ping/HTTP Calls 8000 servers in 12 seconds. (Akka)
  3. snug. Write reusable web API interactions
  4. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. koa-restful-boilerplate. Koa 2 RESTful API boilerplate
  2. TBone. Full duplex RESTful API for your asyncio web apps


  1. JiraPS. PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
  2. ConfluencePS. Confluence REST API (including Cloud) via PowerShell
  3. atlassian-python-api. Atlassian Python API wrapper


  1. JiraPS. PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
  2. ConfluencePS. Confluence REST API (including Cloud) via PowerShell


  1. Cerberus. A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security.
  2. ooth. User identity/authentication/accounts management microservice
  3. appy. A user system to bootstrap your app.
  4. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth


  1. Cerberus. A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security.
  2. rest-hapi. A RESTful API generator for hapi
  3. appy. A user system to bootstrap your app.
  4. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth


  1. postgrest. REST API for any Postgres database
  2. prest. pREST is a way to serve a RESTful API from any databases written in Go
  3. automatic-api. A list of software that turns your database into a REST/GraphQL API
  4. dreamfactory. DreamFactory 2.0 Application
  5. postgrest-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring REST API backends with PostgREST
  6. subzero-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring GraphQL/REST API backends with subZero
  7. ZenQuery. Enterprise backend as a service


  1. laravel-blog. Laravel 5.6 blog application with Vue.js, Docker, Redis and
  2. vuex-rest-api. A helper utility to simplify the usage of REST APIs with Vuex 2 (and 3). Based on axios.
  3. restyped. End-to-end typing for REST APIs with TypeScript
  4. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  5. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. azure-sdk-for-go. Microsoft Azure SDK for Go
  2. azure-rest-api-specs. The source for REST API specifications for Microsoft Azure.
  3. json-server-heroku. Deploy json-server to Heroku, now & Azure 🆙 🆓


  1. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  2. nine-cards-backend. An Open Source Android Launcher built with Scala on Android
  3. codingmarks-api. Backend ExpressJS REST API supporting #codingmarks
  4. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.


  1. chakram. REST API test framework. BDD and exploits promises
  2. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  3. postman-bdd. A BDD test framework for Postman and Newman


  1. BEAR.Sunday. A resource-oriented application framework
  2. BEAR.Resource. A hypermedia framework for object as a service


  1. behat-api-extension. API extension for Behat, used to ease testing of JSON-based APIs
  2. BehatRestExtension. A RestExtension for Behat


  1. behat-api-extension. API extension for Behat, used to ease testing of JSON-based APIs
  2. BehatRestExtension. A RestExtension for Behat


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. laravel-blog. Laravel 5.6 blog application with Vue.js, Docker, Redis and
  3. The-REST-Architectural-Style. An article on the REST architecture style.
  4. golang-gin-realworld-example-app. Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin


  1. Blockchain. A simple implementation of blockchain in java
  2. erc20-rest-service. ERC-20 token standard RESTful service using Spring Boot and web3j


  1. laravel-api-boilerplate-jwt. An API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds.
  2. rest. REST API generator with Node.js, Express and Mongoose
  3. cookiecutter-django-rest. Build best practiced apis fast with Python3
  4. golang-restful-starter-kit. A RESTful application boilerplate in Go (golang) taking best practices and utilizing best available packages and tools
  5. postgrest-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring REST API backends with PostgREST
  6. gorsk. 🔥 Idiomatic Golang Restful Starter Kit
  7. golang-gin-realworld-example-app. Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
  8. koa-restful-boilerplate. Koa 2 RESTful API boilerplate
  9. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  10. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  11. koa-rest-api-boilerplate. 💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, Coveralls, PM2 and Circle CI
  12. flask-rest-template. template for a rest app with flask, flask-rest and more...
  13. subzero-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring GraphQL/REST API backends with subZero


  1. gae-init. Google App Engine based on Python, Flask, RESTful, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features
  2. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.


  1. JDA. Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
  2. Discord4J. Java interface for the Discord API


  1. JDA. Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
  2. Discord4J. Java interface for the Discord API


  1. restclient-cpp. C++ client for making HTTP/REST requests
  2. restc-cpp. Modern C++ REST Client library


  1. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  2. springboot-examples. spring boot 实践系列
  3. wp-rest-api-cache. Enable caching for WordPress REST API and increase speed of your application
  4. ssr. SSR - Router with SSR for Node & Meteor
  5. bloom. 🌸 HTTP REST API caching middleware, to be used between load balancers and REST API workers.


  1. scala-pet-store. An implementation of the java pet store using FP techniques in scala
  2. nine-cards-backend. An Open Source Android Launcher built with Scala on Android


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. chakram. REST API test framework. BDD and exploits promises
  3. postman-bdd. A BDD test framework for Postman and Newman


  1. finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
  2. scala-pet-store. An implementation of the java pet store using FP techniques in scala


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. rts. RTS: request to struct. Generates Go structs from JSON server responses.
  3. xidel. A command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages or JSON-APIs, using CSS, XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, JSONiq or pattern templates. It can also create new or transformed XML/HTML/JSON documents.


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  3. Simple-Web-Server. A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent HTTP and HTTPS server and client library implemented using C++11 and Boost.Asio. Created to be an easy way to make REST resources available from C++ applications.
  4. httpotion. The HTTP client for Elixir
  5. purest. REST API client library
  6. FakeRest. Patch fetch/XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API server in the browser, based on JSON data.
  7. bitcoin-core. A modern Bitcoin Core REST and RPC client.
  8. anterofit. Strongly typed, asynchronous REST client framework for Rust.
  9. flickr-sdk. Almost certainly the best Flickr API client in the world for node and the browser
  10. EncompassRest. Encompass API .NET Client Library


  1. liberator. Liberator is a Clojure library for building RESTful applications.
  2. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  3. restQL-server. Microservice query language
  4. ring-swagger. Swagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps
  5. router. Bidirectional Ring router. REST oriented. Rails inspired.


  1. impress. Application Server for NodeJS, scaling, highload, interactivity
  2. azure-rest-api-specs. The source for REST API specifications for Microsoft Azure.
  3. rest980. REST interface to control your iRobot Roomba 980 via local server on your lan.


  1. goa. Design-based APIs and microservices in Go
  2. oag. Idiomatic Go client package generation from OpenAPI documents


  1. ConfluencePS. Confluence REST API (including Cloud) via PowerShell
  2. atlassian-python-api. Atlassian Python API wrapper


  1. laravel-api-boilerplate-jwt. An API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds.
  2. Corser. CORS middleware for Node.js


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. Simple-Web-Server. A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent HTTP and HTTPS server and client library implemented using C++11 and Boost.Asio. Created to be an easy way to make REST resources available from C++ applications.
  2. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  3. airdcpp-webclient. Communal peer-to-peer file sharing application for file servers/NAS devices
  4. restful_mapper. ORM for consuming RESTful APIs in C++
  5. restinio. A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server


  1. sc-sample-inventory. Sample inventory tracking app built with SocketCluster
  2. rest-hapi. A RESTful API generator for hapi
  3. JsonApiDotNetCore. JSONAPI Framework for ASP.Net Core
  4. golang-gin-realworld-example-app. Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
  5. angular2-crud-rest. Sample Angular (2.x and 4.x) app: CRUD example + routing
  6. hapi-sequelize-crud. Hapi plugin that automatically generates RESTful API for CRUD
  7. soda-for-java. SODA (Simple Oracle Document Access) for Java is an Oracle library for writing Java apps that work with JSON (and not only JSON!) in the Oracle Database. SODA allows your Java app to use the Oracle Database as a NoSQL document store.


  1. crudl-example-express. CRUDL with Node/Express and MongoDB
  2. crudl-example-django. CRUDL with Django, DRF/Graphene and SQLite


  1. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.
  2. EncompassRest. Encompass API .NET Client Library


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  3. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  4. xidel. A command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages or JSON-APIs, using CSS, XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, JSONiq or pattern templates. It can also create new or transformed XML/HTML/JSON documents.


  1. aqueduct. Dart HTTP server framework for building REST APIs. Includes PostgreSQL ORM and OAuth2 provider.
  2. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth


  1. react-refetch. A simple, declarative, and composable way to fetch data for React components
  2. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  3. jikan. Unofficial MyAnimelist PHP+REST API which provides functions other than the official API
  4. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.


  1. postgrest. REST API for any Postgres database
  2. prest. pREST is a way to serve a RESTful API from any databases written in Go
  3. sandman2. Automatically generate a RESTful API service for your legacy database. No code required!
  4. nodejs-restful-api. How to create a RESTful CRUD API using Nodejs?
  5. gen. Converts a database into gorm structs and RESTful api


  1. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  2. turq. Mock HTTP server
  3. laravel-api-debugger. Easy debug for your JSON API.


  1. typescript-rest. This is a lightweight annotation-based expressjs extension for typescript.
  2. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. ng-admin-demo. Source of the ng-admin angular.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
  2. admin-on-rest-demo. Source of the admin-on-rest react.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest


  1. droidparts.
  2. loopback-next. LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations.
  3. symlex. A tested and complete framework stack for agile Web development based on Silex and Symfony


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. htty. htty is the HTTP TTY, a console application for interacting with web servers.
  3. RESTED. A REST client for browsers
  4. sp-rest-proxy. SharePoint REST API Proxy for local Front-end development tool-chains


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. swagger-stats. API Telemetry and APM


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. JDA. Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
  2. Discord4J. Java interface for the Discord API


  1. cookiecutter-django-rest. Build best practiced apis fast with Python3
  2. drf-yasg. Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
  3. django-oscar-api. RESTful JSON API for django-oscar
  4. drf-chaos. Django REST Framework extension for testing API under unexpected circumstances
  5. crudl-example-django. CRUDL with Django, DRF/Graphene and SQLite


  1. drf-yasg. Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
  2. crudl-example-django. CRUDL with Django, DRF/Graphene and SQLite


  1. rrda. RRDA is a REST API written in Go allowing to perform DNS queries over HTTP
  2. gandi-live-dns. DynDNS Updater for Gandi LiveDNS REST API


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. cookiecutter-django-rest. Build best practiced apis fast with Python3
  3. postgrest-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring REST API backends with PostgREST
  4. laravel-blog. Laravel 5.6 blog application with Vue.js, Docker, Redis and
  5. koa-rest-api-boilerplate. 💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, Coveralls, PM2 and Circle CI
  6. subzero-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring GraphQL/REST API backends with subZero


  1. scala-pet-store. An implementation of the java pet store using FP techniques in scala
  2. nine-cards-backend. An Open Source Android Launcher built with Scala on Android


  1. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.
  2. EncompassRest. Encompass API .NET Client Library


  1. JsonApiDotNetCore. JSONAPI Framework for ASP.Net Core
  2. JsonApiFramework. JsonApiFramework is a fast, extensible, and portable .NET framework for the reading and writing of JSON API documents. Currently working on ApiFramework 1.0 which is a new framework that supports the many enhancements documented in the 2.0 milestone of this project while being media type agnostic but will support media types like {json:api} and GraphQL for serialization/deserialization purposes.
  3. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.
  4. EncompassRest. Encompass API .NET Client Library


  1. httpotion. The HTTP client for Elixir
  2. MongoosePush. MongoosePush is an simple Elixir REST service allowing to send push notification via FCM and/or APNS.
  3. plug_rest. REST behaviour and Plug router for hypermedia web applications in Elixir


  1. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  2. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  3. open-rest. Standard rest server, Base on restify and sequelize
  4. koa-restful-boilerplate. Koa 2 RESTful API boilerplate


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. open-rest. Standard rest server, Base on restify and sequelize


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  3. restyped. End-to-end typing for REST APIs with TypeScript
  4. crudl-example-express. CRUDL with Node/Express and MongoDB
  5. Corser. CORS middleware for Node.js
  6. resource-router-middleware. 🚴 Express REST resources as middleware mountable anywhere
  7. nodejs-restful-api. How to create a RESTful CRUD API using Nodejs?


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. typescript-rest. This is a lightweight annotation-based expressjs extension for typescript.
  3. codingmarks-api. Backend ExpressJS REST API supporting #codingmarks


  1. jsonplaceholder. A simple online fake REST API server
  2. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  3. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  4. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.


  1. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  2. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.


  1. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  2. gramework. The Good Framework


  1. react-refetch. A simple, declarative, and composable way to fetch data for React components
  2. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  3. FakeRest. Patch fetch/XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API server in the browser, based on JSON data.
  4. fetch-plus. Fetch+ is a convenient Fetch API replacement with first-class middleware support.


  1. eve. REST API framework designed for human beings
  2. flask-restplus. Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
  3. LXC-Web-Panel. LXC Web Panel repository
  4. gae-init. Google App Engine based on Python, Flask, RESTful, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features
  5. eve-sqlalchemy. SQLAlchemy data layer for Eve-powered RESTful APIs
  6. flask-rest-template. template for a rest app with flask, flask-rest and more...


  1. falcon. Falcon is a bare-metal Python web API framework for building high-performance microservices, app backends, and higher-level frameworks.
  2. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  3. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  4. prest. pREST is a way to serve a RESTful API from any databases written in Go
  5. dreamfactory. DreamFactory 2.0 Application
  6. loopback-next. LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations.
  7. aqueduct. Dart HTTP server framework for building REST APIs. Includes PostgreSQL ORM and OAuth2 provider.
  8. ray. a framework that helps you to deliver well-designed python APIs
  9. BEAR.Sunday. A resource-oriented application framework
  10. spife. 🍛 🍴 a jshttp based µframework 🍴 🍝
  11. goat. [DEPRECATED] 🐐 A minimalistic JSON API server in Go
  12. gramework. The Good Framework
  13. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  14. moqui-framework. Use Moqui Framework to build enterprise applications based on Java. It includes tools for databases (relational, graph, document), local and web services, web and other UI with screens and forms, security, file/resource access, scripts, templates, l10n, caching, logging, search, rules, workflow, multi-instance, and integration.
  15. psx. PHP REST API Framework
  16. JsonApiFramework. JsonApiFramework is a fast, extensible, and portable .NET framework for the reading and writing of JSON API documents. Currently working on ApiFramework 1.0 which is a new framework that supports the many enhancements documented in the 2.0 milestone of this project while being media type agnostic but will support media types like {json:api} and GraphQL for serialization/deserialization purposes.
  17. rest-control. Framework for testing and validation REST services
  18. yarf. Yet Another REST Framework
  19. tastjava. The RESTful Web API framework for Java
  20. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.
  21. MiniFramework. 这是一个微小的PHP框架


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. restful.js. A pure JS client for interacting with server-side RESTful resources. Think Restangular without Angular.
  2. FakeRest. Patch fetch/XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API server in the browser, based on JSON data.
  3. spring-petclinic-angular. Angular 5 version of the Spring Petclinic sample application (frontend)


  1. tenso. Tensō is an elastic REST API gateway for node.js
  2. tentacool. REST API to manage Linux networking via netlink


  1. generator-swiftserver. Generator for Kitura REST webservice servers
  2. gen. Converts a database into gorm structs and RESTful api


  1. rest.js. GitHub REST API client for Node.js
  2. Hi, I'm a library for interacting with GItHub's REST API in a convenient and ergonomic way. I work on Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6


  1. goa. Design-based APIs and microservices in Go
  2. go-restful. package for building REST-style Web Services using Google Go
  3. apidoc. RESTful API 文档生成工具,支持 Go、Java、Swift、JavaScript、Rust、PHP、Python 和 Ruby 等大部分语言。
  4. api2go. Implementation for Go
  5. golang-restful-starter-kit. A RESTful application boilerplate in Go (golang) taking best practices and utilizing best available packages and tools
  6. azure-sdk-for-go. Microsoft Azure SDK for Go
  7. gorsk. 🔥 Idiomatic Golang Restful Starter Kit
  8. goat. [DEPRECATED] 🐐 A minimalistic JSON API server in Go
  9. golang-gin-realworld-example-app. Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
  10. perso. Personal Maildir-to-REST server
  11. tentacool. REST API to manage Linux networking via netlink
  12. oag. Idiomatic Go client package generation from OpenAPI documents
  13. yarf. Yet Another REST Framework


  1. prest. pREST is a way to serve a RESTful API from any databases written in Go
  2. apidoc. RESTful API 文档生成工具,支持 Go、Java、Swift、JavaScript、Rust、PHP、Python 和 Ruby 等大部分语言。
  3. heketi. RESTful based volume management framework for GlusterFS
  4. golang-restful-starter-kit. A RESTful application boilerplate in Go (golang) taking best practices and utilizing best available packages and tools
  5. gorsk. 🔥 Idiomatic Golang Restful Starter Kit
  6. golang-gin-realworld-example-app. Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
  7. gramework. The Good Framework
  8. go-codon. Workflow based REST framework code generator
  9. oag. Idiomatic Go client package generation from OpenAPI documents
  10. yarf. Yet Another REST Framework
  11. benchmark-grpc-protobuf-vs-http-json. Benchmarks comparing gRPC+Protobuf vs JSON+HTTP in Go
  12. slimhttp. 🔰 A simple, ultra-slim library for building robust HTTP webservices


  1. golang-gin-realworld-example-app. Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
  2. gen. Converts a database into gorm structs and RESTful api


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  3. automatic-api. A list of software that turns your database into a REST/GraphQL API
  4. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  5. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  6. crudl. CRUDL is a backend agnostic REST and GraphQL based admin interface
  7. accounts. Fullstack authentication and accounts-management for Javascript.
  8. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  9. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  10. crudl-example-express. CRUDL with Node/Express and MongoDB
  11. snug. Write reusable web API interactions
  12. crudl-example-django. CRUDL with Django, DRF/Graphene and SQLite
  13. subzero-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring GraphQL/REST API backends with subZero


  1. rest-assured. Java DSL for easy testing of REST services
  2. spring-rest-exception-handler. A convenient Spring MVC exception handler for RESTful APIs.
  3. java-testing-with-spock. Code samples from the book "Java testing with Spock"
  4. moqui-framework. Use Moqui Framework to build enterprise applications based on Java. It includes tools for databases (relational, graph, document), local and web services, web and other UI with screens and forms, security, file/resource access, scripts, templates, l10n, caching, logging, search, rules, workflow, multi-instance, and integration.


  1. kafka-pixy. gRPC/HTTP+JSON proxy for Kafka
  2. benchmark-grpc-protobuf-vs-http-json. Benchmarks comparing gRPC+Protobuf vs JSON+HTTP in Go


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes


  1. rest-hapi. A RESTful API generator for hapi
  2. hapi-openapi. Build design-driven apis with OpenAPI (formerly swagger) 2.0 and hapi.
  3. appy. A user system to bootstrap your app.
  4. hapi-sequelize-crud. Hapi plugin that automatically generates RESTful API for CRUD


  1. postgrest. REST API for any Postgres database
  2. zoomhub. Share and view high-resolution images effortlessly


  1. nine-cards-backend. An Open Source Android Launcher built with Scala on Android
  2. json-server-heroku. Deploy json-server to Heroku, now & Azure 🆙 🆓


  1. dropwizard. A damn simple library for building production-ready RESTful web services.
  2. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.
  3. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application


  1. cowboy. Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
  2. gramework. The Good Framework


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. falcon. Falcon is a bare-metal Python web API framework for building high-performance microservices, app backends, and higher-level frameworks.
  3. cowboy. Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
  4. rest-assured. Java DSL for easy testing of REST services
  5. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  6. htty. htty is the HTTP TTY, a console application for interacting with web servers.
  7. Simple-Web-Server. A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent HTTP and HTTPS server and client library implemented using C++11 and Boost.Asio. Created to be an easy way to make REST resources available from C++ applications.
  8. finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
  9. liberator. Liberator is a Clojure library for building RESTful applications.
  10. httpolice. Validator for HTTP
  11. httpexpect. End-to-end HTTP and REST API testing for Go.
  12. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  13. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  14. restclient-cpp. C++ client for making HTTP/REST requests
  15. parallec. Fast Parallel Async HTTP/SSH/TCP/UDP/Ping Client Java Library. Aggregate 100,000 APIs & send anywhere in 20 lines of code. Ping/HTTP Calls 8000 servers in 12 seconds. (Akka)
  16. httpotion. The HTTP client for Elixir
  17. bridge. [DEPRECATED]: Prefer Retrofit/OkHttp by Square, or Fuel for Kotlin
  18. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  19. PMHTTP. Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON
  20. vscode-restclient. REST Client Extension for Visual Studio Code
  21. aqueduct. Dart HTTP server framework for building REST APIs. Includes PostgreSQL ORM and OAuth2 provider.
  22. purest. REST API client library
  23. ws. ☁️ Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing = Delightful Networking for Swift
  24. kafka-pixy. gRPC/HTTP+JSON proxy for Kafka
  25. spife. 🍛 🍴 a jshttp based µframework 🍴 🍝
  26. restito. Restito - mocking framework for testing rest clients
  27. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  28. guzzle-services. Provides an implementation of the Guzzle Command library that uses Guzzle service descriptions to describe web services, serialize requests, and parse responses into easy to use model structures.
  29. rrda. RRDA is a REST API written in Go allowing to perform DNS queries over HTTP
  30. The-REST-Architectural-Style. An article on the REST architecture style.
  31. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  32. REST-Easy. A simple REST client for Firefox
  33. fetch-plus. Fetch+ is a convenient Fetch API replacement with first-class middleware support.
  34. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  35. xidel. A command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages or JSON-APIs, using CSS, XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, JSONiq or pattern templates. It can also create new or transformed XML/HTML/JSON documents.
  36. aWOT. Web server library for Arduino, Teensy, ESP8266 and ESP32
  37. FluentHttpClient. A modern async HTTP client for REST APIs. Its fluent interface lets you send an HTTP request and parse the response in one go.
  38. RestClient. 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks! 🎮
  39. turq. Mock HTTP server
  40. bloom. 🌸 HTTP REST API caching middleware, to be used between load balancers and REST API workers.
  41. feign-form. Open Feign form encoder
  42. api-guidelines. adidas group API design guidelines
  43. jus. Flexible and Easy HTTP/REST Communication library for Java and Android
  44. restinio. A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server
  45. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth
  46. shaas. Shell as a Service: API to inspect and execute scripts in a server's environment via HTTP and WebSockets
  47. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  48. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.
  49. slimhttp. 🔰 A simple, ultra-slim library for building robust HTTP webservices


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  3. Fuel. The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
  4. restful.js. A pure JS client for interacting with server-side RESTful resources. Think Restangular without Angular.
  5. restclient-cpp. C++ client for making HTTP/REST requests
  6. parallec. Fast Parallel Async HTTP/SSH/TCP/UDP/Ping Client Java Library. Aggregate 100,000 APIs & send anywhere in 20 lines of code. Ping/HTTP Calls 8000 servers in 12 seconds. (Akka)
  7. vscode-restclient. REST Client Extension for Visual Studio Code
  8. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  9. restc-cpp. Modern C++ REST Client library
  10. FluentHttpClient. A modern async HTTP client for REST APIs. Its fluent interface lets you send an HTTP request and parse the response in one go.
  11. snug. Write reusable web API interactions
  12. RestClient. 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks! 🎮
  13. flogo-contrib. Flogo Contribution repo. Contains activities, triggers, models and actions.
  14. requests-rs. Rust HTTP client library styled after awesome Python requests


  1. restpect. Succint and readable integration tests over RESTful APIs
  2. request-baskets. HTTP requests collector to test webhooks, notifications, REST clients and more ...


  1. cowboy. Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
  2. diet. A tiny, fast and modular node.js web framework. Good for making fast & scalable apps and apis.
  3. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  4. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  5. restinio. A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server
  6. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  7. flogo-contrib. Flogo Contribution repo. Contains activities, triggers, models and actions.


  1. cowboy. Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
  2. MongoosePush. MongoosePush is an simple Elixir REST service allowing to send push notification via FCM and/or APNS.


  1. ws. ☁️ Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing = Delightful Networking for Swift
  2. OSS.Http. Rest请求类标准库项目(.net standard同时支持.net framework和.net core),主要对Http请求的处理封装


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  3. xidel. A command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages or JSON-APIs, using CSS, XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, JSONiq or pattern templates. It can also create new or transformed XML/HTML/JSON documents.


  1. Simple-Web-Server. A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent HTTP and HTTPS server and client library implemented using C++11 and Boost.Asio. Created to be an easy way to make REST resources available from C++ applications.
  2. purest. REST API client library
  3. restinio. A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server
  4. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes


  1. JsonLD. JSON-LD processor for PHP
  2. admin. A fancy and fully-featured administration interface builder written in ReactJS supporting APIs documented using Hydra (including all APIs built with API Platform)
  3. BEAR.Resource. A hypermedia framework for object as a service


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. admin. A fancy and fully-featured administration interface builder written in ReactJS supporting APIs documented using Hydra (including all APIs built with API Platform)


  1. fetch-plus. Fetch+ is a convenient Fetch API replacement with first-class middleware support.
  2. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  3. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. siesta. The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
  2. ws. ☁️ Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing = Delightful Networking for Swift


  1. aWOT. Web server library for Arduino, Teensy, ESP8266 and ESP32
  2. devicehive-java-server. DeviceHive Java Server
  3. rest980. REST interface to control your iRobot Roomba 980 via local server on your lan.


  1. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application
  2. catnap. Partial JSON response framework for RESTful web services


  1. dropwizard. A damn simple library for building production-ready RESTful web services.
  2. swagger-core. Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API
  3. rest-assured. Java DSL for easy testing of REST services
  4. spring-boot-api-project-seed. 🌱🚀一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目~
  5. restcountries. Get information about countries via a RESTful API
  6. droidparts.
  7. JDA. Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
  8. restQL-server. Microservice query language
  9. restheart. RESTHeart, the Web API for MongoDB
  10. Cerberus. A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security.
  11. rest-in-action. REST in Action 《REST 实战》。基于 Jersey 构建 RESTful 服务。
  12. Discord4J. Java interface for the Discord API
  13. spring-rest-exception-handler. A convenient Spring MVC exception handler for RESTful APIs.
  14. swagger-parser. Swagger Spec to Java POJOs
  15. service-proxy. API gateway for REST and SOAP written in Java.
  16. restito. Restito - mocking framework for testing rest clients
  17. rest-driver. Test Driver to test your RESTful services and clients
  18. java-testing-with-spock. Code samples from the book "Java testing with Spock"
  19. moqui-framework. Use Moqui Framework to build enterprise applications based on Java. It includes tools for databases (relational, graph, document), local and web services, web and other UI with screens and forms, security, file/resource access, scripts, templates, l10n, caching, logging, search, rules, workflow, multi-instance, and integration.
  20. Blockchain. A simple implementation of blockchain in java
  21. devicehive-java-server. DeviceHive Java Server
  22. gerrit-rest-java-client. Java REST client for Gerrit Code Review
  23. feign-form. Open Feign form encoder
  24. spring-boot-angular-example. Example app showing how to build a Spring Boot REST API and Angular UI
  25. tastjava. The RESTful Web API framework for Java
  26. docusign-java-client. The Official DocuSign Java Client Library used to interact with the eSign REST API. Send, sign, and approve documents using this client.
  27. soda-for-java. SODA (Simple Oracle Document Access) for Java is an Oracle library for writing Java apps that work with JSON (and not only JSON!) in the Oracle Database. SODA allows your Java app to use the Oracle Database as a NoSQL document store.
  28. ZenQuery. Enterprise backend as a service


  1. JDA. Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
  2. Discord4J. Java interface for the Discord API


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  3. swagger-node. Swagger module for node.js
  4. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  5. swagger-js. Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs
  6. chakram. REST API test framework. BDD and exploits promises
  7. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  8. redux-api. Flux REST API for redux infrastructure
  9. impress. Application Server for NodeJS, scaling, highload, interactivity
  10. fusio. Open source API management platform
  11. PnP-JS-Core. Repository for the PnP JavaScript Core component development together with community members
  12. purest. REST API client library
  13. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  14. postman-bdd. A BDD test framework for Postman and Newman
  15. RESTED. A REST client for browsers
  16. Blockchain. A simple implementation of blockchain in java
  17. resource-router-middleware. 🚴 Express REST resources as middleware mountable anywhere
  18. sp-rest-proxy. SharePoint REST API Proxy for local Front-end development tool-chains
  19. premiere. A simple way to consume APIs with Javascript.
  20. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. dropwizard. A damn simple library for building production-ready RESTful web services.
  2. rest.vertx. A JAX-RS like annotation processor for vert.x verticals
  3. catnap. Partial JSON response framework for RESTful web services


  1. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application
  2. soda-for-java. SODA (Simple Oracle Document Access) for Java is an Oracle library for writing Java apps that work with JSON (and not only JSON!) in the Oracle Database. SODA allows your Java app to use the Oracle Database as a NoSQL document store.
  3. ZenQuery. Enterprise backend as a service


  1. micro-server. Microserver is a Java 8 native, zero configuration, standards based, battle hardened library to run Java Rest Microservices via a standard Java main class. Supporting pure Microservice or Micro-monolith styles.
  2. rest-in-action. REST in Action 《REST 实战》。基于 Jersey 构建 RESTful 服务。
  3. Jersey-2.x-User-Guide. Jersey 2.x User Guide《Jersey 2.x 用户指南》 ,中文翻译


  1. rest. REST API generator with Node.js, Express and Mongoose
  2. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  3. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. JiraPS. PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
  2. atlassian-python-api. Atlassian Python API wrapper


  1. impress. Application Server for NodeJS, scaling, highload, interactivity
  2. purest. REST API client library
  3. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. rest-assured. Java DSL for easy testing of REST services
  3. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  4. finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
  5. httpexpect. End-to-end HTTP and REST API testing for Go.
  6. flask-restplus. Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
  7. droidparts.
  8. spyke. Interact with REST services in an ActiveRecord-like manner
  9. PMHTTP. Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON
  10. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  11. node-rest-client. REST API client from node.js
  12. imbo. Imbo is an image "server" that can be used to add/get/delete images using a RESTful interface.
  13. ws. ☁️ Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing = Delightful Networking for Swift
  14. kafka-pixy. gRPC/HTTP+JSON proxy for Kafka
  15. ngrest. Fast and easy C++ RESTful WebServices framework
  16. api. HeadHunter API: документация и библиотеки
  17. rts. RTS: request to struct. Generates Go structs from JSON server responses.
  18. goat. [DEPRECATED] 🐐 A minimalistic JSON API server in Go
  19. horaires-ratp-api. Webservice pour les horaires et trafic RATP en temps réel
  20. elastix. A simple Elasticsearch REST client written in Elixir.
  21. jsonapi-utils. Build JSON API-compliant APIs on Rails with no (or less) learning curve.
  22. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  23. apiNG. angular module to get and display data by adding html-attributes
  24. restc-cpp. Modern C++ REST Client library
  25. fetch-plus. Fetch+ is a convenient Fetch API replacement with first-class middleware support.
  26. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  27. xidel. A command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages or JSON-APIs, using CSS, XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, JSONiq or pattern templates. It can also create new or transformed XML/HTML/JSON documents.
  28. jikan. Unofficial MyAnimelist PHP+REST API which provides functions other than the official API
  29. RestClient. 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks! 🎮
  30. flexirest. Flexirest - The really flexible REST API client for Ruby
  31. behat-api-extension. API extension for Behat, used to ease testing of JSON-based APIs
  32. flickr-sdk. Almost certainly the best Flickr API client in the world for node and the browser
  33. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  34. soda-for-java. SODA (Simple Oracle Document Access) for Java is an Oracle library for writing Java apps that work with JSON (and not only JSON!) in the Oracle Database. SODA allows your Java app to use the Oracle Database as a NoSQL document store.
  35. restson-rust. Easy-to-use REST client for Rust programming language
  36. catnap. Partial JSON response framework for RESTful web services
  37. MiniFramework. 这是一个微小的PHP框架


  1. reservoir. A back end for your front end: a content repository. Powered by Drupal 8, JSON API and OAuth2.
  2. jsonapi-utils. Build JSON API-compliant APIs on Rails with no (or less) learning curve.
  3. JsonApiDotNetCore. JSONAPI Framework for ASP.Net Core
  4. JsonApiFramework. JsonApiFramework is a fast, extensible, and portable .NET framework for the reading and writing of JSON API documents. Currently working on ApiFramework 1.0 which is a new framework that supports the many enhancements documented in the 2.0 milestone of this project while being media type agnostic but will support media types like {json:api} and GraphQL for serialization/deserialization purposes.


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  3. JsonLD. JSON-LD processor for PHP
  4. admin. A fancy and fully-featured administration interface builder written in ReactJS supporting APIs documented using Hydra (including all APIs built with API Platform)


  1. rts. RTS: request to struct. Generates Go structs from JSON server responses.
  2. json-server-heroku. Deploy json-server to Heroku, now & Azure 🆙 🆓


  1. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  2. api2go. Implementation for Go
  3. reservoir. A back end for your front end: a content repository. Powered by Drupal 8, JSON API and OAuth2.


  1. laravel-api-boilerplate-jwt. An API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds.
  2. Guns. Guns基于SpringBoot,致力于做更简洁的后台管理系统,完美整合springmvc + shiro + mybatis-plus + beetl!Guns项目代码简洁,注释丰富,上手容易,同时Guns包含许多基础模块(用户管理,角色管理,部门管理,字典管理等10个模块),可以直接作为一个后台管理系统的脚手架.Guns v3.0新增rest api服务,提供对接服务端接口的支持,并利用jwt token鉴权机制给予客户端的访问权限,传输数据进行md5签名保证传输过程数据的安全性!
  3. Cerberus. A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security.
  4. golang-gin-realworld-example-app. Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
  5. devicehive-java-server. DeviceHive Java Server
  6. CodeIgniter-JWT-Sample. CodeIgniter JWT Sample


  1. kafka-pixy. gRPC/HTTP+JSON proxy for Kafka
  2. devicehive-java-server. DeviceHive Java Server


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. koa-rest-api-boilerplate. 💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, Coveralls, PM2 and Circle CI


  1. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  2. koa-restful-boilerplate. Koa 2 RESTful API boilerplate
  3. koa-rest-api-boilerplate. 💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, Coveralls, PM2 and Circle CI


  1. Fuel. The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
  2. jooby. A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin
  3. kotlin-swagger-spring-functional-template. Kotlin Spring 5 Webflux functional application with api request validation and interactive api doc


  1. dreamfactory. DreamFactory 2.0 Application
  2. laravel-api-boilerplate-jwt. An API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds.
  3. vue-api-query. 💎 Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API
  4. laravel-blog. Laravel 5.6 blog application with Vue.js, Docker, Redis and
  5. laravel5-woocommerce-api-client. Laravel 5 wrapper for the Woocommerce REST API
  6. laravel-api-debugger. Easy debug for your JSON API.


  1. Simple-Web-Server. A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent HTTP and HTTPS server and client library implemented using C++11 and Boost.Asio. Created to be an easy way to make REST resources available from C++ applications.
  2. PMHTTP. Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON
  3. jikan. Unofficial MyAnimelist PHP+REST API which provides functions other than the official API
  4. restinio. A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server


  1. airdcpp-webclient. Communal peer-to-peer file sharing application for file servers/NAS devices
  2. restinio. A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server


  1. cocoa-rest-client. A free, native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints
  2. siesta. The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS


  1. jooby. A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin
  2. ws. ☁️ Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing = Delightful Networking for Swift
  3. symlex. A tested and complete framework stack for agile Web development based on Silex and Symfony
  4. yarf. Yet Another REST Framework


  1. restQL-server. Microservice query language
  2. fusio. Open source API management platform
  3. tenso. Tensō is an elastic REST API gateway for node.js
  4. typescript-rest. This is a lightweight annotation-based expressjs extension for typescript.


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. falcon. Falcon is a bare-metal Python web API framework for building high-performance microservices, app backends, and higher-level frameworks.
  3. goa. Design-based APIs and microservices in Go
  4. micro-server. Microserver is a Java 8 native, zero configuration, standards based, battle hardened library to run Java Rest Microservices via a standard Java main class. Supporting pure Microservice or Micro-monolith styles.
  5. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  6. tenso. Tensō is an elastic REST API gateway for node.js
  7. devicehive-java-server. DeviceHive Java Server
  8. swagger-stats. API Telemetry and APM


  1. PnP-JS-Core. Repository for the PnP JavaScript Core component development together with community members
  2. BingMapsRESTToolkit. This is a portable class library which makes it easy to access the Bing Maps REST services from .NET.


  1. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  2. diet. A tiny, fast and modular node.js web framework. Good for making fast & scalable apps and apis.
  3. goat. [DEPRECATED] 🐐 A minimalistic JSON API server in Go
  4. vuex-rest-api. A helper utility to simplify the usage of REST APIs with Vuex 2 (and 3). Based on axios.
  5. Corser. CORS middleware for Node.js
  6. resource-router-middleware. 🚴 Express REST resources as middleware mountable anywhere


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. chakram. REST API test framework. BDD and exploits promises


  1. mockoon. Mock servers in seconds.
  2. FakeRest. Patch fetch/XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API server in the browser, based on JSON data.
  3. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  4. turq. Mock HTTP server
  5. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  6. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.


  1. mockoon. Mock servers in seconds.
  2. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  3. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.


  1. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  2. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.


  1. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  2. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.


  1. eve. REST API framework designed for human beings
  2. rest. REST API generator with Node.js, Express and Mongoose
  3. restheart. RESTHeart, the Web API for MongoDB
  4. rest-hapi. A RESTful API generator for hapi
  5. koa-restful-boilerplate. Koa 2 RESTful API boilerplate
  6. nodejs-restful-api. How to create a RESTful CRUD API using Nodejs?
  7. appy. A user system to bootstrap your app.
  8. codingmarks-api. Backend ExpressJS REST API supporting #codingmarks
  9. TBone. Full duplex RESTful API for your asyncio web apps


  1. rest. REST API generator with Node.js, Express and Mongoose
  2. rest-hapi. A RESTful API generator for hapi
  3. koa-restful-boilerplate. Koa 2 RESTful API boilerplate
  4. nodejs-restful-api. How to create a RESTful CRUD API using Nodejs?
  5. appy. A user system to bootstrap your app.
  6. codingmarks-api. Backend ExpressJS REST API supporting #codingmarks


  1. crossbar. - WAMP application router
  2. flogo-contrib. Flogo Contribution repo. Contains activities, triggers, models and actions.


  1. diet. A tiny, fast and modular node.js web framework. Good for making fast & scalable apps and apis.
  2. JsonApiDotNetCore. JSONAPI Framework for ASP.Net Core
  3. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  4. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.
  5. MiniFramework. 这是一个微小的PHP框架


  1. spring-boot-api-project-seed. 🌱🚀一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目~
  2. Guns. Guns基于SpringBoot,致力于做更简洁的后台管理系统,完美整合springmvc + shiro + mybatis-plus + beetl!Guns项目代码简洁,注释丰富,上手容易,同时Guns包含许多基础模块(用户管理,角色管理,部门管理,字典管理等10个模块),可以直接作为一个后台管理系统的脚手架.Guns v3.0新增rest api服务,提供对接服务端接口的支持,并利用jwt token鉴权机制给予客户端的访问权限,传输数据进行md5签名保证传输过程数据的安全性!
  3. SpringBoot-MyBatis. A REST back-end framework, integrated by Spring Boot, MyBatis and Spring Security OAuth
  4. springboot-examples. spring boot 实践系列


  1. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  2. MiniFramework. 这是一个微小的PHP框架


  1. ngx-resource. Resource (REST) Client for Angular 2
  2. tentacool. REST API to manage Linux networking via netlink


  1. Fuel. The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
  2. siesta. The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
  3. crossbar. - WAMP application router
  4. bridge. [DEPRECATED]: Prefer Retrofit/OkHttp by Square, or Fuel for Kotlin
  5. PMHTTP. Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON
  6. ws. ☁️ Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing = Delightful Networking for Swift
  7. jus. Flexible and Easy HTTP/REST Communication library for Java and Android


  1. ng-admin. Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API
  2. ng-admin-demo. Source of the ng-admin angular.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest


  1. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  2. impress. Application Server for NodeJS, scaling, highload, interactivity
  3. purest. REST API client library
  4. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  5. koa-rest-api-boilerplate. 💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, Coveralls, PM2 and Circle CI
  6. json-server-heroku. Deploy json-server to Heroku, now & Azure 🆙 🆓
  7. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.
  8. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. strapi. 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  3. loopback-next. LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations.
  4. impress. Application Server for NodeJS, scaling, highload, interactivity
  5. node-rest-client. REST API client from node.js
  6. purest. REST API client library
  7. ooth. User identity/authentication/accounts management microservice
  8. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.
  9. spife. 🍛 🍴 a jshttp based µframework 🍴 🍝
  10. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  11. restyped. End-to-end typing for REST APIs with TypeScript
  12. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  13. fetch-plus. Fetch+ is a convenient Fetch API replacement with first-class middleware support.
  14. swagger-stats. API Telemetry and APM
  15. Corser. CORS middleware for Node.js
  16. koa-restful-boilerplate. Koa 2 RESTful API boilerplate
  17. nodejs-restful-api. How to create a RESTful CRUD API using Nodejs?
  18. sp-rest-proxy. SharePoint REST API Proxy for local Front-end development tool-chains
  19. codingmarks-api. Backend ExpressJS REST API supporting #codingmarks
  20. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  21. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.
  22. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.


  1. restheart. RESTHeart, the Web API for MongoDB
  2. rest-hapi. A RESTful API generator for hapi
  3. soda-for-java. SODA (Simple Oracle Document Access) for Java is an Oracle library for writing Java apps that work with JSON (and not only JSON!) in the Oracle Database. SODA allows your Java app to use the Oracle Database as a NoSQL document store.


  1. nodebestpractices. The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
  2. spife. 🍛 🍴 a jshttp based µframework 🍴 🍝


  1. RestClient. 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks! 🎮
  2. BingMapsRESTToolkit. This is a portable class library which makes it easy to access the Bing Maps REST services from .NET.
  3. TraktApiSharp. A .NET library for the API.


  1. accounts. Fullstack authentication and accounts-management for Javascript.
  2. flickr-sdk. Almost certainly the best Flickr API client in the world for node and the browser


  1. aqueduct. Dart HTTP server framework for building REST APIs. Includes PostgreSQL ORM and OAuth2 provider.
  2. reservoir. A back end for your front end: a content repository. Powered by Drupal 8, JSON API and OAuth2.
  3. SpringBoot-MyBatis. A REST back-end framework, integrated by Spring Boot, MyBatis and Spring Security OAuth
  4. service-proxy. API gateway for REST and SOAP written in Java.
  5. api. HeadHunter API: документация и библиотеки


  1. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. swagger-ui. Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
  2. go-restful. package for building REST-style Web Services using Google Go
  3. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  4. dreamfactory. DreamFactory 2.0 Application
  5. loopback-next. LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations.
  6. fusio. Open source API management platform
  7. ring-swagger. Swagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps
  8. azure-rest-api-specs. The source for REST API specifications for Microsoft Azure.
  9. reservoir. A back end for your front end: a content repository. Powered by Drupal 8, JSON API and OAuth2.
  10. drf-yasg. Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
  11. hapi-openapi. Build design-driven apis with OpenAPI (formerly swagger) 2.0 and hapi.
  12. KaiZen-OpenAPI-Editor. Eclipse Editor for the Swagger-OpenAPI Description Language
  13. lua-Spore. a generic ReST client
  14. oag. Idiomatic Go client package generation from OpenAPI documents
  15. Raisin. Raisin - a REST API micro framework for Perl 🐫 🐪


  1. swagger-ui. Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
  2. swagger-codegen. swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
  3. swagger-core. Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API
  4. swagger-editor. Swagger Editor
  5. swagger-node. Swagger module for node.js
  6. swagger-js. Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs
  7. swagger-play.
  8. swagger-parser. Swagger Spec to Java POJOs
  9. drf-yasg. Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
  10. validator-badge. Validate your Swagger JSON/YAML today!
  11. swagger-inflector.


  1. postgrest-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring REST API backends with PostgREST
  2. subzero-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring GraphQL/REST API backends with subZero


  1. droidparts.
  2. sandman2. Automatically generate a RESTful API service for your legacy database. No code required!
  3. aqueduct. Dart HTTP server framework for building REST APIs. Includes PostgreSQL ORM and OAuth2 provider.
  4. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  5. premiere. A simple way to consume APIs with Javascript.
  6. restful_mapper. ORM for consuming RESTful APIs in C++
  7. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth


  1. Blockchain. A simple implementation of blockchain in java
  2. airdcpp-webclient. Communal peer-to-peer file sharing application for file servers/NAS devices


  1. swagger-stats. API Telemetry and APM
  2. bloom. 🌸 HTTP REST API caching middleware, to be used between load balancers and REST API workers.
  3. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  3. FOSRestBundle. This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony
  4. dreamfactory. DreamFactory 2.0 Application
  5. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  6. apai-io. Amazon Product Adverstising Library based on PHP REST and SOAP (only V1) using the Product Advertising API.
  7. fusio. Open source API management platform
  8. imbo. Imbo is an image "server" that can be used to add/get/delete images using a RESTful interface.
  9. laravel-blog. Laravel 5.6 blog application with Vue.js, Docker, Redis and
  10. JsonLD. JSON-LD processor for PHP
  11. BEAR.Sunday. A resource-oriented application framework
  12. slim-api-skeleton. Slim 3 API skeleton project for Composer
  13. jikan. Unofficial MyAnimelist PHP+REST API which provides functions other than the official API
  14. psx. PHP REST API Framework
  15. React-Restify. A ReactPHP framework to create RESTfull api
  16. symlex. A tested and complete framework stack for agile Web development based on Silex and Symfony
  17. behat-api-extension. API extension for Behat, used to ease testing of JSON-based APIs
  18. rest. REST webservices for TYPO3 CMS
  19. Mods-for-HESK. [] A set of modifications for HESK 2.7, a free and popular helpdesk solution
  20. BehatRestExtension. A RestExtension for Behat
  21. MiniFramework. 这是一个微小的PHP框架


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. devicehive-java-server. DeviceHive Java Server
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. swagger-play.
  2. slim-play. Slim Play app


  1. PnP-JS-Core. Repository for the PnP JavaScript Core component development together with community members
  2. uniq. A Python API client library for Cisco's Application Policy Infrastructure Controller Enterprise Module (APIC-EM) Northbound APIs.


  1. BingMapsRESTToolkit. This is a portable class library which makes it easy to access the Bing Maps REST services from .NET.
  2. JsonApiFramework. JsonApiFramework is a fast, extensible, and portable .NET framework for the reading and writing of JSON API documents. Currently working on ApiFramework 1.0 which is a new framework that supports the many enhancements documented in the 2.0 milestone of this project while being media type agnostic but will support media types like {json:api} and GraphQL for serialization/deserialization purposes.


  1. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  2. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. postgrest. REST API for any Postgres database
  2. prest. pREST is a way to serve a RESTful API from any databases written in Go
  3. postgrest-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring REST API backends with PostgREST
  4. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  5. devicehive-java-server. DeviceHive Java Server
  6. nine-cards-backend. An Open Source Android Launcher built with Scala on Android
  7. subzero-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring GraphQL/REST API backends with subZero


  1. postgrest. REST API for any Postgres database
  2. postgrest-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring REST API backends with PostgREST
  3. subzero-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring GraphQL/REST API backends with subZero


  1. JiraPS. PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
  2. ConfluencePS. Confluence REST API (including Cloud) via PowerShell


  1. ws. ☁️ Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing = Delightful Networking for Swift
  2. poloniex-api-node. Simple wrapper for Poloniex REST and WebSocket API. Supports Callback and Promise
  3. RestClient. 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks! 🎮
  4. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. chakram. REST API test framework. BDD and exploits promises
  2. RestClient. 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks! 🎮


  1. fetch-plus. Fetch+ is a convenient Fetch API replacement with first-class middleware support.
  2. RestClient. 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks! 🎮


  1. kafka-pixy. gRPC/HTTP+JSON proxy for Kafka
  2. service-proxy. API gateway for REST and SOAP written in Java.
  3. sp-rest-proxy. SharePoint REST API Proxy for local Front-end development tool-chains
  4. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. falcon. Falcon is a bare-metal Python web API framework for building high-performance microservices, app backends, and higher-level frameworks.
  3. eve. REST API framework designed for human beings
  4. apistar. A smart Web API framework, designed for Python 3. 🌟
  5. flask-restplus. Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
  6. Hi, I'm a library for interacting with GItHub's REST API in a convenient and ergonomic way. I work on Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6
  7. sandman2. Automatically generate a RESTful API service for your legacy database. No code required!
  8. gae-init. Google App Engine based on Python, Flask, RESTful, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features
  9. cookiecutter-django-rest. Build best practiced apis fast with Python3
  10. steamapi. An unofficial object-oriented Python library for accessing the Steam Web API.
  11. ray. a framework that helps you to deliver well-designed python APIs
  12. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  13. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  14. eve-sqlalchemy. SQLAlchemy data layer for Eve-powered RESTful APIs
  15. flask-rest-template. template for a rest app with flask, flask-rest and more...
  16. calm. It is always Calm before a Tornado!
  17. pysnow. Python library for the ServiceNow REST API
  18. clam. Quickly turn command-line applications into RESTful webservices with a web-application front-end. You provide a specification of your command line application, its input, output and parameters, and CLAM wraps around your application to form a fully fledged RESTful webservice.
  19. python-taiga. 🌲 Python module for communicating with the Taiga API
  20. gandi-live-dns. DynDNS Updater for Gandi LiveDNS REST API
  21. uniq. A Python API client library for Cisco's Application Policy Infrastructure Controller Enterprise Module (APIC-EM) Northbound APIs.
  22. atlassian-python-api. Atlassian Python API wrapper
  23. TBone. Full duplex RESTful API for your asyncio web apps


  1. calm. It is always Calm before a Tornado!
  2. uniq. A Python API client library for Cisco's Application Policy Infrastructure Controller Enterprise Module (APIC-EM) Northbound APIs.


  1. cookiecutter-django-rest. Build best practiced apis fast with Python3
  2. snug. Write reusable web API interactions
  3. TBone. Full duplex RESTful API for your asyncio web apps


  1. httpolice. Validator for HTTP
  2. request-baskets. HTTP requests collector to test webhooks, notifications, REST clients and more ...


  1. jsonapi-utils. Build JSON API-compliant APIs on Rails with no (or less) learning curve.
  2. flexirest. Flexirest - The really flexible REST API client for Ruby


  1. react-admin. A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design
  2. react-refetch. A simple, declarative, and composable way to fetch data for React components
  3. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  4. LXC-Web-Panel. LXC Web Panel repository
  5. redux-api. Flux REST API for redux infrastructure
  6. tectonic. A declarative REST data loader for React and Redux. Docs @
  7. admin-on-rest-demo. Source of the admin-on-rest react.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
  8. crudl. CRUDL is a backend agnostic REST and GraphQL based admin interface
  9. admin. A fancy and fully-featured administration interface builder written in ReactJS supporting APIs documented using Hydra (including all APIs built with API Platform)
  10. RESTED. A REST client for browsers
  11. ssr. SSR - Router with SSR for Node & Meteor
  12. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  13. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  14. sp-rest-proxy. SharePoint REST API Proxy for local Front-end development tool-chains


  1. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  2. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. ssr. SSR - Router with SSR for Node & Meteor
  2. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  3. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. siesta. The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
  2. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  3. mobx-rest. REST conventions for Mobx


  1. sc-sample-inventory. Sample inventory tracking app built with SocketCluster
  2. horaires-ratp-api. Webservice pour les horaires et trafic RATP en temps réel


  1. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  2. laravel-blog. Laravel 5.6 blog application with Vue.js, Docker, Redis and
  3. springboot-examples. spring boot 实践系列
  4. bloom. 🌸 HTTP REST API caching middleware, to be used between load balancers and REST API workers.
  5. MiniFramework. 这是一个微小的PHP框架


  1. reservoir. A back end for your front end: a content repository. Powered by Drupal 8, JSON API and OAuth2.
  2. drf-yasg. Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.


  1. redux-api. Flux REST API for redux infrastructure
  2. tectonic. A declarative REST data loader for React and Redux. Docs @
  3. backbone-redux. Easy way to keep your backbone collections and redux store in sync.
  4. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  5. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  2. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  2. bitcoin-core. A modern Bitcoin Core REST and RPC client.


  1. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  2. ngx-resource. Resource (REST) Client for Angular 2
  3. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  4. snug. Write reusable web API interactions


  1. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  2. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  3. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine


  1. restful-api-design-references. RESTful API 设计参考文献列表,可帮助你更加彻底的了解REST风格的接口设计。
  2. rest-api-response-format. REST API response format using HTTP status codes
  3. open-rest. Standard rest server, Base on restify and sequelize
  4. calm. It is always Calm before a Tornado!


  1. restclient-cpp. C++ client for making HTTP/REST requests
  2. RestClient. 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks! 🎮


  1. spring-boot-api-project-seed. 🌱🚀一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目~
  2. restful-api-design-references. RESTful API 设计参考文献列表,可帮助你更加彻底的了解REST风格的接口设计。
  3. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  4. flask-restplus. Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
  5. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  6. apidoc. RESTful API 文档生成工具,支持 Go、Java、Swift、JavaScript、Rust、PHP、Python 和 Ruby 等大部分语言。
  7. Jersey-2.x-User-Guide. Jersey 2.x User Guide《Jersey 2.x 用户指南》 ,中文翻译
  8. The-REST-Architectural-Style. An article on the REST architecture style.
  9. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  10. golang-gin-realworld-example-app. Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
  11. django-oscar-api. RESTful JSON API for django-oscar
  12. typescript-rest. This is a lightweight annotation-based expressjs extension for typescript.
  13. rest-api-response-format. REST API response format using HTTP status codes
  14. koa-restful-boilerplate. Koa 2 RESTful API boilerplate
  15. koa-rest-api-boilerplate. 💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, Coveralls, PM2 and Circle CI
  16. REST-API-Design-Guide. NBB's REST-ish API Design Guide
  17. calm. It is always Calm before a Tornado!
  18. premiere. A simple way to consume APIs with Javascript.
  19. restful_mapper. ORM for consuming RESTful APIs in C++
  20. lua-Spore. a generic ReST client
  21. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth
  22. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.
  23. rest. REST webservices for TYPO3 CMS
  24. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  25. gen. Converts a database into gorm structs and RESTful api
  26. MiniFramework. 这是一个微小的PHP框架
  27. request-baskets. HTTP requests collector to test webhooks, notifications, REST clients and more ...
  28. TBone. Full duplex RESTful API for your asyncio web apps


  1. restful-api-design-references. RESTful API 设计参考文献列表,可帮助你更加彻底的了解REST风格的接口设计。
  2. automatic-api. A list of software that turns your database into a REST/GraphQL API
  3. sandman2. Automatically generate a RESTful API service for your legacy database. No code required!
  4. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  5. apidoc. RESTful API 文档生成工具,支持 Go、Java、Swift、JavaScript、Rust、PHP、Python 和 Ruby 等大部分语言。
  6. Cerberus. A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security.
  7. swagger-play.
  8. gorsk. 🔥 Idiomatic Golang Restful Starter Kit
  9. restito. Restito - mocking framework for testing rest clients
  10. Jersey-2.x-User-Guide. Jersey 2.x User Guide《Jersey 2.x 用户指南》 ,中文翻译
  11. http-fake-backend. Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  12. gramework. The Good Framework
  13. open-rest. Standard rest server, Base on restify and sequelize
  14. validator-badge. Validate your Swagger JSON/YAML today!
  15. REST-API-Design-Guide. NBB's REST-ish API Design Guide
  16. appy. A user system to bootstrap your app.
  17. calm. It is always Calm before a Tornado!
  18. lua-Spore. a generic ReST client
  19. json-server-heroku. Deploy json-server to Heroku, now & Azure 🆙 🆓
  20. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.
  21. rest.vertx. A JAX-RS like annotation processor for vert.x verticals
  22. tastjava. The RESTful Web API framework for Java
  23. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  24. gen. Converts a database into gorm structs and RESTful api
  25. TBone. Full duplex RESTful API for your asyncio web apps


  1. ngrest. Fast and easy C++ RESTful WebServices framework
  2. REST-API-Design-Guide. NBB's REST-ish API Design Guide
  3. TBone. Full duplex RESTful API for your asyncio web apps


  1. apicache. Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
  2. open-rest. Standard rest server, Base on restify and sequelize


  1. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  2. router. Bidirectional Ring router. REST oriented. Rails inspired.


  1. ssr. SSR - Router with SSR for Node & Meteor
  2. rest980. REST interface to control your iRobot Roomba 980 via local server on your lan.


  1. diet. A tiny, fast and modular node.js web framework. Good for making fast & scalable apps and apis.
  2. ssr. SSR - Router with SSR for Node & Meteor
  3. router. Bidirectional Ring router. REST oriented. Rails inspired.
  4. slim-play. Slim Play app
  5. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. go-restful. package for building REST-style Web Services using Google Go
  2. aqueduct. Dart HTTP server framework for building REST APIs. Includes PostgreSQL ORM and OAuth2 provider.
  3. router. Bidirectional Ring router. REST oriented. Rails inspired.
  4. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth


  1. impress. Application Server for NodeJS, scaling, highload, interactivity
  2. bitcoin-core. A modern Bitcoin Core REST and RPC client.
  3. snug. Write reusable web API interactions


  1. htty. htty is the HTTP TTY, a console application for interacting with web servers.
  2. spyke. Interact with REST services in an ActiveRecord-like manner
  3. stubb. Specify REST API stubs using your file system.
  4. jsonapi-utils. Build JSON API-compliant APIs on Rails with no (or less) learning curve.
  5. flexirest. Flexirest - The really flexible REST API client for Ruby


  1. rustful. A light HTTP framework for Rust
  2. bloom. 🌸 HTTP REST API caching middleware, to be used between load balancers and REST API workers.
  3. restson-rust. Easy-to-use REST client for Rust programming language
  4. requests-rs. Rust HTTP client library styled after awesome Python requests


  1. golang-gin-realworld-example-app. Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
  2. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application
  3. spring-petclinic-angular. Angular 5 version of the Spring Petclinic sample application (frontend)


  1. finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
  2. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  3. scala-pet-store. An implementation of the java pet store using FP techniques in scala
  4. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  5. slim-play. Slim Play app
  6. nine-cards-backend. An Open Source Android Launcher built with Scala on Android
  7. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. JsonLD. JSON-LD processor for PHP


  1. xidel. A command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages or JSON-APIs, using CSS, XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, JSONiq or pattern templates. It can also create new or transformed XML/HTML/JSON documents.
  2. jikan. Unofficial MyAnimelist PHP+REST API which provides functions other than the official API


  1. flickr-sdk. Almost certainly the best Flickr API client in the world for node and the browser
  2. docusign-java-client. The Official DocuSign Java Client Library used to interact with the eSign REST API. Send, sign, and approve documents using this client.


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. open-rest. Standard rest server, Base on restify and sequelize
  2. hapi-sequelize-crud. Hapi plugin that automatically generates RESTful API for CRUD


  1. postgrest. REST API for any Postgres database
  2. crossbar. - WAMP application router
  3. Simple-Web-Server. A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent HTTP and HTTPS server and client library implemented using C++11 and Boost.Asio. Created to be an easy way to make REST resources available from C++ applications.
  4. mockoon. Mock servers in seconds.
  5. impress. Application Server for NodeJS, scaling, highload, interactivity
  6. aqueduct. Dart HTTP server framework for building REST APIs. Includes PostgreSQL ORM and OAuth2 provider.
  7. ngrest. Fast and easy C++ RESTful WebServices framework
  8. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  9. moqui-framework. Use Moqui Framework to build enterprise applications based on Java. It includes tools for databases (relational, graph, document), local and web services, web and other UI with screens and forms, security, file/resource access, scripts, templates, l10n, caching, logging, search, rules, workflow, multi-instance, and integration.
  10. appy. A user system to bootstrap your app.
  11. turq. Mock HTTP server
  12. generator-swiftserver. Generator for Kitura REST webservice servers
  13. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  2. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. typescript-rest. This is a lightweight annotation-based expressjs extension for typescript.
  2. moqui-framework. Use Moqui Framework to build enterprise applications based on Java. It includes tools for databases (relational, graph, document), local and web services, web and other UI with screens and forms, security, file/resource access, scripts, templates, l10n, caching, logging, search, rules, workflow, multi-instance, and integration.


  1. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth
  2. MiniFramework. 这是一个微小的PHP框架


  1. PnP-JS-Core. Repository for the PnP JavaScript Core component development together with community members
  2. sp-rest-proxy. SharePoint REST API Proxy for local Front-end development tool-chains


  1. slim-api-skeleton. Slim 3 API skeleton project for Composer
  2. koa-rest-api-boilerplate. 💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, Coveralls, PM2 and Circle CI


  1. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  2. hsac-fitnesse-fixtures. An environment to define and run integration tests. It contains Fitnesse fixture (base) classes and a baseline Fitnesse installation.
  3. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.


  1. micro-server. Microserver is a Java 8 native, zero configuration, standards based, battle hardened library to run Java Rest Microservices via a standard Java main class. Supporting pure Microservice or Micro-monolith styles.
  2. Cerberus. A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security.
  3. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.
  4. kotlin-swagger-spring-functional-template. Kotlin Spring 5 Webflux functional application with api request validation and interactive api doc
  5. erc20-rest-service. ERC-20 token standard RESTful service using Spring Boot and web3j
  6. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application
  7. spring-petclinic-angular. Angular 5 version of the Spring Petclinic sample application (frontend)
  8. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.
  9. catnap. Partial JSON response framework for RESTful web services


  1. spring-boot-api-project-seed. 🌱🚀一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目~
  2. micro-server. Microserver is a Java 8 native, zero configuration, standards based, battle hardened library to run Java Rest Microservices via a standard Java main class. Supporting pure Microservice or Micro-monolith styles.
  3. Guns. Guns基于SpringBoot,致力于做更简洁的后台管理系统,完美整合springmvc + shiro + mybatis-plus + beetl!Guns项目代码简洁,注释丰富,上手容易,同时Guns包含许多基础模块(用户管理,角色管理,部门管理,字典管理等10个模块),可以直接作为一个后台管理系统的脚手架.Guns v3.0新增rest api服务,提供对接服务端接口的支持,并利用jwt token鉴权机制给予客户端的访问权限,传输数据进行md5签名保证传输过程数据的安全性!
  4. Cerberus. A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security.
  5. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.
  6. SpringBoot-MyBatis. A REST back-end framework, integrated by Spring Boot, MyBatis and Spring Security OAuth
  7. Blockchain. A simple implementation of blockchain in java
  8. erc20-rest-service. ERC-20 token standard RESTful service using Spring Boot and web3j
  9. spring-boot-angular-example. Example app showing how to build a Spring Boot REST API and Angular UI
  10. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.
  2. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application


  1. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.
  2. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application


  1. spring-rest-exception-handler. A convenient Spring MVC exception handler for RESTful APIs.
  2. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.
  3. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application


  1. springboot-examples. spring boot 实践系列
  2. catnap. Partial JSON response framework for RESTful web services


  1. spring-rest-exception-handler. A convenient Spring MVC exception handler for RESTful APIs.
  2. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application


  1. openrecord. Make ORMs great again!
  2. soda-for-java. SODA (Simple Oracle Document Access) for Java is an Oracle library for writing Java apps that work with JSON (and not only JSON!) in the Oracle Database. SODA allows your Java app to use the Oracle Database as a NoSQL document store.


  1. sandman2. Automatically generate a RESTful API service for your legacy database. No code required!
  2. eve-sqlalchemy. SQLAlchemy data layer for Eve-powered RESTful APIs


  1. service-proxy. API gateway for REST and SOAP written in Java.
  2. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.


  1. golang-restful-starter-kit. A RESTful application boilerplate in Go (golang) taking best practices and utilizing best available packages and tools
  2. postgrest-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring REST API backends with PostgREST
  3. gorsk. 🔥 Idiomatic Golang Restful Starter Kit
  4. subzero-starter-kit. Starter Kit and tooling for authoring GraphQL/REST API backends with subZero


  1. restito. Restito - mocking framework for testing rest clients
  2. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.


  1. swagger-ui. Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
  2. swagger-codegen. swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
  3. swagger-core. Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API
  4. swagger-editor. Swagger Editor
  5. swagger-node. Swagger module for node.js
  6. goa. Design-based APIs and microservices in Go
  7. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  8. swagger-js. Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs
  9. flask-restplus. Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
  10. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  11. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  12. loopback-next. LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations.
  13. ring-swagger. Swagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps
  14. azure-rest-api-specs. The source for REST API specifications for Microsoft Azure.
  15. angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot. A RESTful sample using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data and Angular/Bootstrap.
  16. swagger-play.
  17. swagger-parser. Swagger Spec to Java POJOs
  18. drf-yasg. Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
  19. rest-hapi. A RESTful API generator for hapi
  20. hapi-openapi. Build design-driven apis with OpenAPI (formerly swagger) 2.0 and hapi.
  21. go-codon. Workflow based REST framework code generator
  22. validator-badge. Validate your Swagger JSON/YAML today!
  23. swagger-stats. API Telemetry and APM
  24. kotlin-swagger-spring-functional-template. Kotlin Spring 5 Webflux functional application with api request validation and interactive api doc
  25. koa-rest-api-boilerplate. 💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, Coveralls, PM2 and Circle CI
  26. swagger-inflector.
  27. appy. A user system to bootstrap your app.
  28. swagger. 快速生成可测试的web接口文档的Java类库
  29. spring-petclinic-rest. REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application
  30. KaiZen-OpenAPI-Editor. Eclipse Editor for the Swagger-OpenAPI Description Language
  31. lua-Spore. a generic ReST client
  32. oag. Idiomatic Go client package generation from OpenAPI documents
  33. Raisin. Raisin - a REST API micro framework for Perl 🐫 🐪


  1. swagger-ui. Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
  2. swagger-core. Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API
  3. swagger-node. Swagger module for node.js
  4. swagger-js. Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs
  5. swagger-play.
  6. validator-badge. Validate your Swagger JSON/YAML today!
  7. swagger-inflector.


  1. swagger-codegen. swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
  2. drf-yasg. Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.


  1. swagger-ui. Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
  2. swagger-js. Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs


  1. swagger-ui. Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
  2. swagger-editor. Swagger Editor
  3. drf-yasg. Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
  4. swagger. 快速生成可测试的web接口文档的Java类库


  1. siesta. The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
  2. PMHTTP. Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON
  3. ws. ☁️ Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing = Delightful Networking for Swift
  4. generator-swiftserver. Generator for Kitura REST webservice servers


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. FOSRestBundle. This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony
  3. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
  4. symfony-flex-backend. REST API with Symfony Flex
  5. symlex. A tested and complete framework stack for agile Web development based on Silex and Symfony


  1. api-platform. Build hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes, generate Progressive Web Apps to consume them.
  2. FOSRestBundle. This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony
  3. core. The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes


  1. parallec. Fast Parallel Async HTTP/SSH/TCP/UDP/Ping Client Java Library. Aggregate 100,000 APIs & send anywhere in 20 lines of code. Ping/HTTP Calls 8000 servers in 12 seconds. (Akka)
  2. Stubmatic. Mock HTTP calls without coding. Designed specially for testing and testers.


  1. kotlin-swagger-spring-functional-template. Kotlin Spring 5 Webflux functional application with api request validation and interactive api doc
  2. koa-rest-api-boilerplate. 💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, Coveralls, PM2 and Circle CI
  3. flask-rest-template. template for a rest app with flask, flask-rest and more...


  1. rest-assured. Java DSL for easy testing of REST services
  2. httpexpect. End-to-end HTTP and REST API testing for Go.
  3. chakram. REST API test framework. BDD and exploits promises
  4. stubb. Specify REST API stubs using your file system.
  5. FakeRest. Patch fetch/XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API server in the browser, based on JSON data.
  6. drf-chaos. Django REST Framework extension for testing API under unexpected circumstances


  1. rest-assured. Java DSL for easy testing of REST services
  2. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  3. request-baskets. HTTP requests collector to test webhooks, notifications, REST clients and more ...


  1. httpolice. Validator for HTTP
  2. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  3. Requester. Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library
  4. rest-driver. Test Driver to test your RESTful services and clients
  5. java-testing-with-spock. Code samples from the book "Java testing with Spock"
  6. postman-bdd. A BDD test framework for Postman and Newman
  7. turq. Mock HTTP server
  8. restpect. Succint and readable integration tests over RESTful APIs
  9. behat-api-extension. API extension for Behat, used to ease testing of JSON-based APIs
  10. rest-control. Framework for testing and validation REST services
  11. shaas. Shell as a Service: API to inspect and execute scripts in a server's environment via HTTP and WebSockets
  12. request-baskets. HTTP requests collector to test webhooks, notifications, REST clients and more ...


  1. karate. Web-Services Testing Made Simple
  2. request-baskets. HTTP requests collector to test webhooks, notifications, REST clients and more ...


  1. TheHive. TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
  2. Cortex. Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
  3. TheHiveDocs. Documentation of TheHive


  1. ngx-restangular. Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  2. loopback-next. LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations.
  3. vscode-restclient. REST Client Extension for Visual Studio Code
  4. PnP-JS-Core. Repository for the PnP JavaScript Core component development together with community members
  5. restyped. End-to-end typing for REST APIs with TypeScript
  6. typescript-rest. This is a lightweight annotation-based expressjs extension for typescript.
  7. premiere. A simple way to consume APIs with Javascript.
  8. spring-boot-angular-example. Example app showing how to build a Spring Boot REST API and Angular UI


  1. rest-hapi. A RESTful API generator for hapi
  2. kotlin-swagger-spring-functional-template. Kotlin Spring 5 Webflux functional application with api request validation and interactive api doc


  1. vue-api-query. 💎 Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API
  2. vuex-rest-api. A helper utility to simplify the usage of REST APIs with Vuex 2 (and 3). Based on axios.


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. falcon. Falcon is a bare-metal Python web API framework for building high-performance microservices, app backends, and higher-level frameworks.
  3. cowboy. Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
  4. htty. htty is the HTTP TTY, a console application for interacting with web servers.
  5. Simple-Web-Server. A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent HTTP and HTTPS server and client library implemented using C++11 and Boost.Asio. Created to be an easy way to make REST resources available from C++ applications.
  6. finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
  7. gramework. The Good Framework
  8. go-codon. Workflow based REST framework code generator
  9. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  10. moqui-framework. Use Moqui Framework to build enterprise applications based on Java. It includes tools for databases (relational, graph, document), local and web services, web and other UI with screens and forms, security, file/resource access, scripts, templates, l10n, caching, logging, search, rules, workflow, multi-instance, and integration.
  11. xidel. A command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages or JSON-APIs, using CSS, XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, JSONiq or pattern templates. It can also create new or transformed XML/HTML/JSON documents.
  12. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth
  13. organiser. An organic web framework for organized web servers.


  1. JsonLD. JSON-LD processor for PHP
  2. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.


  1. dropwizard. A damn simple library for building production-ready RESTful web services.
  2. cowboy. Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
  3. rustful. A light HTTP framework for Rust
  4. jooby. A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin
  5. gramework. The Good Framework
  6. go-codon. Workflow based REST framework code generator


  1. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  2. RestClient. 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks! 🎮


  1. JsonApiDotNetCore. JSONAPI Framework for ASP.Net Core
  2. popcorn. Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.


  1. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  2. slim-play. Slim Play app


  1. laravel-blog. Laravel 5.6 blog application with Vue.js, Docker, Redis and
  2. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit
  3. starter-lapis. Cutting edge starter kit


  1. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  2. aWOT. Web server library for Arduino, Teensy, ESP8266 and ESP32
  3. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth


  1. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  2. clam. Quickly turn command-line applications into RESTful webservices with a web-application front-end. You provide a specification of your command line application, its input, output and parameters, and CLAM wraps around your application to form a fully fledged RESTful webservice.
  3. rest. REST webservices for TYPO3 CMS


  1. cowboy. Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
  2. crossbar. - WAMP application router
  3. JDA. Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
  4. impress. Application Server for NodeJS, scaling, highload, interactivity
  5. Discord4J. Java interface for the Discord API
  6. poloniex-api-node. Simple wrapper for Poloniex REST and WebSocket API. Supports Callback and Promise
  7. airdcpp-webclient. Communal peer-to-peer file sharing application for file servers/NAS devices
  8. jaguar. Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth


  1. cowboy. Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
  2. laravel-blog. Laravel 5.6 blog application with Vue.js, Docker, Redis and
  3. devicehive-java-server. DeviceHive Java Server
  4. restinio. A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server
  5. shaas. Shell as a Service: API to inspect and execute scripts in a server's environment via HTTP and WebSockets
  6. TBone. Full duplex RESTful API for your asyncio web apps


  1. httpie. Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  2. xidel. A command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages or JSON-APIs, using CSS, XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, JSONiq or pattern templates. It can also create new or transformed XML/HTML/JSON documents.


  1. acf-to-rest-api. Exposes Advanced Custom Fields Endpoints in the WordPress REST API
  2. wp-rest-api-cache. Enable caching for WordPress REST API and increase speed of your application
  3. laravel5-woocommerce-api-client. Laravel 5 wrapper for the Woocommerce REST API


  1. acf-to-rest-api. Exposes Advanced Custom Fields Endpoints in the WordPress REST API
  2. wp-rest-api-cache. Enable caching for WordPress REST API and increase speed of your application


  1. rest-assured. Java DSL for easy testing of REST services
  2. php-curl-class. PHP Curl Class makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web APIs
  3. node-rest-client. REST API client from node.js
  4. horaires-ratp-api. Webservice pour les horaires et trafic RATP en temps réel
  5. fetch-plus. Fetch+ is a convenient Fetch API replacement with first-class middleware support.
  6. CPPWebFramework. ​The C++ Web Framework (CWF) is a MVC web framework, Open Source, under MIT License, created by Herik Lima and Marcelo Eler, using C++ with Qt to be used in the development of web applications.
  7. xidel. A command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages or JSON-APIs, using CSS, XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, JSONiq or pattern templates. It can also create new or transformed XML/HTML/JSON documents.
  8. MiniFramework. 这是一个微小的PHP框架


  1. FakeRest. Patch fetch/XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API server in the browser, based on JSON data.
  2. Corser. CORS middleware for Node.js


  1. generator-swiftserver. Generator for Kitura REST webservice servers
  2. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.


  1. rest. REST API generator with Node.js, Express and Mongoose
  2. generator-http-fake-backend. Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.