Framework for making WASM-4 games with Go (and TinyGo).
Unlike the Go bindings that WASM-4 generates by default, this library is idiomatic Go with type safety, no direct memory manipulation and no byte operations. It provides a friendly API that is easy to read and hard to misuse.
- Type-safe API that is easy to use and hard to misuse.
- Zero-cost abstraction in most of the cases, thanks to the crazy optimizations that TinyGo does.
- Helpful documentation with links and examples.
go get
package main
import ""
func init() {
w4.Update = update
func update() {
w4.DrawText("Hello from TinyGo!", w4.Point{X: 10, Y: 10})
if w4.Gamepad.X() {
w4.DrawText("Press X to blink", w4.Point{X: 16, Y: 90})
See examples for some real code and documentation to learn what's inside.