diff --git a/test/Groups/tom.jl b/test/Groups/tom.jl index 4688ed089cb3..567607304e4a 100644 --- a/test/Groups/tom.jl +++ b/test/Groups/tom.jl @@ -277,6 +277,9 @@ end @test GapObj(t) === t.GAPTable @test group(t) === t.group === g @test Oscar.isomorphism_to_GAP_group(t) === t.isomorphism + + d = Dict(t => 0) + @test t in keys(d) end @testset "attributes of tables of marks" begin @@ -308,8 +311,11 @@ end @test coordinates(sum(t)) == ones(ZZRingElem, length(t)) chi = t[2] @test chi isa Oscar.GAPGroupMarksVector + @test group(chi) === g + @test GapObj([chi], recursive = true)[1] == GapObj(values(chi)) @test chi[4] == t[2,4] @test [chi[i] for i in 1:2] == values(chi) + @test [2*chi[i] for i in 1:2] == values(2 * chi) @test [2*chi[i] for i in 1:2] == values(chi + chi) @test [chi[i]^2 for i in 1:2] == values(chi * chi) @test chi * t[end] == chi @@ -325,6 +331,9 @@ end @test res isa Vector{ZZRingElem} @test coordinates(Int, chi) isa Vector{Int} @test all(i -> findfirst(==(t[i]), t) == i, 1:nrows(t)) + + d = Dict(chi => 0) + @test chi in keys(d) end @testset "restriction to the character table" begin