Explicitly tested on: Debian 11 & 12, Ubuntu 20.04LTS, 22.04LTS & 24.04LTS.
On rpm system, the package names may vary slightly. The only runtime
dependencies are libcurl and libevent (plus libtbb if you compile with
sudo apt install build-essential cmake curl ninja-build ccache git libcurl4-openssl-dev libevent-dev ruby libtbb-dev
git clone https://github.com/oschonrock/hibp.git
cd hibp
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ext/restinio
sudo gem install Mxx_ru # install ruby gem required for restinio dependency installation
mxxruexternals # install those deps
cd ../..
# optional: for compiling with clang also:
sudo apt install clang gcc-14 g++-14 # need gcc-14 because clang tries to use its stdlibc++ version