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File metadata and controls

156 lines (120 loc) · 14.6 KB

This page is being tossed out as a starting for organizing and collecting design specs for the new purchasing feature. I'm going to run through all of the issues tonight and start extracting what we've asked for and try to fit them into this organization. My particular requirements will be to fulfill the purchase tracking needs of a small RV parts, repair, and service shop.


Please add whatever features you need to have supported by the purchasing module of OSPOS with as much explanation as you feel is needed remembering that terms used in one country or that are industry specific might need to be elaborated so that the developer better understands.

  • Must be able to record purchases placed by phone directly to the vendor. In other words, the status is already "order placed with supplier".
  • When inventory is received the purchase order can be located by supplier id, supplier name, due date, or item name.
  • Can create a purchase order manually.
  • Can automatically generate a purchase order for a selected supplier based on low inventory.
  • Can print a purchase order.
  • Can email a purchase order to the supplier's email address.
  • Can adjust a purchase order that has been submitted to the supplier based on actual anticipated receipt.
  • The user should be able to upload a PDF document that is owned by the supplier but referenced by the purchase order either as an order acknowledgement or as an invoice.
  • Can generate a report of the differences between ordered and actual.
  • Can generate and print a receiving document (also known as a goods receipt note) from the purchase order.
  • The entry of a receipt associated with a purchase order must update the purchase order with the actual quantity received.
  • When an invoice for the shipment is received we must be able to reconcile the invoice with the purchase order and the item cost from the invoice is stored to the purchase order item as actual cost and the actual cost will be updated (by default) to the item cost.
  • Application of an invoice will change the status of a purchase order to complete.
  • Purchase order should have a maker-checker functionality (User access control), before system mark the status as requested. It should require an administrator (Another user who has approval role) to approve it. And this Maker-Checker Can be configurable i.e. if enabled then it will require initiator and approver. And if disabled then no need to request for approval.
  • In reporting page, multiple filters should be available,i.e. based on supplier and/or date and/or Items and etc.
  • In reporting it should show who initiate/approve the order if maker-checker functionality is enabled.
  • Purchase order should have a different reporting page as a Receiving.
  • Purchase order should have user access control
  • [ai] Would like a feature for additional charges such as freight, prepricing labels, royalties, etc. that get distributed among the cost of items based on either item volume/weight, amount (cost), or quantity.

[daN4cat] Please note that as purchases there are returns that result in a Credit Note. This is quite common. Faulty goods have a return request, a pick up and then pend on Credit note issuing from the Supplier.

[daN4cat] Please note that purchase could be made in different currencies, it's not unusual here in the UK to buy good from EU zone and get invoices in Euro. Then at payment time you have the conversion and you know how much you paid in GBP. That's for the sake of tracking expenditure per supplier.

Receiving Rules

  • At the point of receiving the user should be able to provide any missing item information such as UPC code, suppier id, or vendor number or vendor id (Vendor here represents the manufacturer of the product that is used in my environment to uniquely identify the product since not all items have UPC codes and the suppler's item id is not reliably unique.)

Payables Rules


  • There was a requirement requested to store an invoice pdf format with payment terms and deadline. I'm not clear if this is a requirement for OSPOS or for a document storage system. Question answered and incorporated in the document

  • [daN4cat] We talk of vendor but OSPOS has concept of Supplier. with Agency as a field. Is this the same? Answer: Yes. The corrections have been made. However, I'm not clear on what an Agency is in this context. I assumed it was a European thing. Can someone explain the role between a supplier and an Agency for me?

  • [daN4cat] There is a concept of order confirmation that might not match your original order due to the fact that they discontinued items, or changed items for a newer one, and etc. This piece of incoming information needs to be stored as could come as pdf over an email from the supplier. Suppliers invoice needs to be stored as can come as pdf or can be scanned to a pdf. Reponse: This has been added to the requirements.

  • [daN4cat] A point to consider here is that barcodes for new items are not known until you receive the goods. Response this has been incorporated in the requirements under a new topic of Receiving Rules which will represent changes to the receiving process that will need to be made.

  • [daN4cat] We receive suppliers' order confirmation and invoices over email in pdf formats, those files should be attached to the PO.Also payment amount, currency, payment form and deadline should be added at the time the invoice is added to the PO, once the goods are received. So the payment deadline notification is flagged or visible from an office view. As said we should manage the supplier invoice life cycle with payment due dates until it's paid. Also we should consider cases of "Sale or Return", so invoice could be issued for the purpose of formalising the movement of goods (e.g. fiscal and insurance reasons) but could be paid later. Response: Will start incorporating a simple Payables Management component in the purchasing system. Running out of time at the moment so will come back to this very soon.


Please list industry specific terms with their explanation. This section will also be the embryonic foundation of the database.


  • Distributor - OSPOS is distributor-centric, so the businesses providing inventory to an OSPOS shop will always be classified as a distributor (even though technically they could be a manufacturer that we are dealing with directly). A distributor in OSPOS is typically a wholesale distributor of items that are manufactured and sold by other vendors.
  • Purchase Order Status - This is the status of the purchase order
    • Open - The initiator of the purchase order is preparing the purchase order.
    • Prepared - Initiator of purchase order has completed his/her work.
    • Approved - The approver of the purchase order has given their blessing to the purchase order and it can now be submitted.
    • Submitted - The submitter of the purchase order has printed and/or emailed the purchase order to the supplier.
    • Partial - One or more of the items on the purchase order has been received but other ordered items are still on back order or delivery status has not yet been determined.
    • Fulfilled - All of the items on the purchase order have been received or it has been determined that the item will not be delivered.
    • Invoiced - An invoice for one or more of the items has been received and the purchase order has been partially reconciled.
    • Complete - All items on the purchase order have been reconciled with an invoice received from the vendor.
    • Canceled - No item on the purchase order is expected to be fulfilled.


  • Requisition - A requisition is an item for which a purchase order needs to be generated. It establishes the link between the demand and the actual order - eventually becoming the supporting detail for the purchase order.

    • Requisition Id - The unique identifier for this requisition.
    • Requisition Source, int(2) - A code designating what is driving the demand for this item. (0-Inventory Replenishment, 1=Work Order, 2=Just in Time Order , 3=General Purchase)
    • Sale Id, int(10) - If the requisition is generated from a sale (i.e. work order) then this is the unique identifier for the sale.
    • Line Number - If the requisition is generated from a sale (i.e. work order) then this is the unique identifier for the sale.
    • Purchase Order Id - The unique identifier for the purchase order. Added as a foreign key when the requisition is assigned to a purchase order.
    • Requested By - The employee id of the person who generated the requisition..
    • Item Id
    • Supplier Code - The item number to be used to place orders with the vendor. It can be Item Id, UPC, Supplier ID, or Vendor Id.
    • Description, varchar(30), allows null
    • Serial Number, varchar(30), allows null
    • Line, int(3)
    • Original Order Quantity, decimal(15,3)
    • Current Order Quantity, decimal(15,3)
    • Quantity Received, decimal(15,3)
    • Quantity Canceled, decimal(15,3)
    • Item Cost Price, decimal(15,2)
    • Item Unit Price, decimal(15,2)
    • Item Location, int(11)
    • Order Quantity, decimal(15,3), default 1
  • Purchase Order

    • Purchase Order Id, int(10) - The unique identifier is assigned incrementally at the time the purchase order is saved. When the purchase order is auto generated for a supplier the purchase order id is generated when the receiving document is saved.
    • Purchase Order Number - This is document number that is assigned by the system when the purchase order is saved or automatically created. It will use the same token based auto number generating used by the sales system for invoices and quotes.
    • Purchase Order Status, tinyint(2) - This is the status of the purchase order. (0-New, 1-Open, 2-Partial, 3-Fulfilled, 4-Invoiced, 5-Complete, 6-Canceled)
    • Purchase Order Type, tinyint(2) - This is the type of the purchase order. (0-Standard, 1-Replenishment).
    • Supplier Id, int(10) - This is the unique identifier for the company (supplier) fulfilling the order.
    • Employee, int(10) - This is the id of the employee that saved the purchase order.
    • Comment, text - This is a comment that can be entered at the time the purchase order is generated or the receiving is saved.
    • Reference, varchar(32) -This is a field to enter a document number provided by the supplier that might be used to discuss what was shipped by the vendor.
    • When Purchased, timestamp - This is the date and time when the purchase order was generated
    • Prepared By - The employee id of the person who consolidated the requisitions and prepared the purchase order.
    • Approved By - The employee id of the person who approved the purchase order for submission to the the supplier.
    • Submitted By - The employee id of the person who printed and/or emailed the purchase order to the supplier.

Existing Tables that might be involved.

  • Receivings

    • Receiving Id, int(10) - The unique receiving identifier is assigned incrementally at the time the receiving is saved. When the receiving document is generated from the purchase order(s) the receiving id is generated when the receiving document is saved.
    • Supplier Id, int(10) - This is the unique identifier for the company (supplier) fulfilling the order.
    • Employee, int(10) - This is the id of the employee that saved the receiving or generated the receiving document.
    • Comment, text - This is a comment that can be entered at the time the receiving document is generated or the receiving is saved.
    • Payment Type, varchar(20) - I think this is probably going to be made obsolete with the introduction of the purchasing feature
    • Reference, varchar(32) -This is a field to enter a document number provided by the supplier that might be used to discuss what was shipped by the vendor.
    • Receiving Time, timestamp - This is the date and time when the document was
    • Purchase Order Id, int(10), NEW - This is the purchase order that receiving document is generated from. If the document is not generated from a receiving document then the value will be null.
  • Receivings Items

    • Receiving Id, int(10) - The unique receiving identifier is assigned incrementally at the time the receiving is saved. When the receiving document is generated from the purchase order(s) the receiving id is generated when the receiving document is saved.
    • Item Id
    • Description, varchar(30), allows null
    • Serial Number, varchar(30), allows null
    • Line, int(3)
    • Quantity Purchased, decimal(15,3)
    • Item Cost Price, decimal(15,2)
    • Item Unit Price, decimal(15,2)
    • Item Location, int(11)
    • Receiving Quantity, decimal(15,3), default 1
  • Items Only a subset of the relevant item properties are shown.

    • Item Id, int(10)
    • Item Name, varchar(255)
    • Item Number, varchar(255), UPC
    • Custom ?, varchar(25), the item identifier for a purchase order can be either the item number (which is the UPC identifier, or one of the custom fields which represent the supplier item id.
    • Receiving Quantity, decimal(15,3) - When a purchase order is generated the quantity ordered will be defaulted from the value of this field. By default it will updated by the last receiving quantity
    • Reorder Level, decimal(15,3) - When a receiving document is generated items will be added to the receiving document when total quantity in all locations is equal to or below the reorder level.
    • Stock Type, tinyint(2) - Only stocking items will be replenished.
    • Supplier Id, int(11) - When a supplier is selected to have a purchase order generated
    • Cost Price, decimal(15,2)
    • Unit Price, decimal(15,2)

Rules and Constraints



Change Log

8/30/2017 Steve - I assimilated Maker and Checker into Prepared and Approved and then I added Submitted so that we can track all steps of purchase order preparation. I also dropped the purchase order detail and created the requisition detail in order to better reflect the real life history of a purchase order. Also note that the employee ids of the maker and checker are being tracked on the purchase order header as Prepared By, Approved By, and additionally we now have Submitted By.

8/31/2017 Steve - I dropped the "New" status for purchase order header because I could no longer justify the existence of that status since the requisition detail can now be created without a purchase order header.

9/11/2017 Steve - I started assimilating changes requested by daN4cat into the requirements document but ran out of time. Will pick it up later.