As I go through a major rewrite and see things I don’t like, or would like to improve, a place to store easily such thoughts:
get rid of a maximum of global variables
split truly global (also remote) from local singletons
renumber verbosities to avoid "holes" between 0 and 9
replace log verbosity with IntEnum
replace return codes with IntFlag
split logging mechanism between front-end and back-end (writing to file, which is specific to the repository format)
replace own Logger implementation with standard one (in the background)
extend runtime info to also check locations and output file system information
set api version to 300 (or 290-299 to start with)
make check and setup functions mostly remote to encapsulate repo structure
use shadow object instead of shadow class, at least locally, to have more repeatable runs within same context?
allow keyword type parameters across the connection keyword=value
go through all the functions and make sure their names are more consistent
merge somehow the ErrorLog and Log functionalities to have one single interface
check all tests and make sure that they don’t generate uncaptured exceptions in rdiff-backup, capture them and make messages user friendly/ier
add unnecessary keyword parameters to simplify unit testing of shadow classes (as done for the locking functions)
write security concept paper
re-write security module to fit better new concepts around remote dir/repo, especially update-only doesn’t block backup to a new directory anymore. Possibly split _Repo_Shadow into Read and Write variants.
rewrite QuotedRPath to be an RPath variant specific to repositories, to encapsulate the increment aspects & co (taking them out of the standard RPath class)
does statistics really need direct access to the get_increment function? Or could it use the (shadow) repo as back-end like thought for logs?
add to arguments coming from actions
pass null_separator to selection functions
get rid of usage of selection module in fs_abilities
simplify usage of connections and connection_dict (get rid of one of both?)
get rid of the backup_writer variables (in singleton/specifics), replace with log/stats access to repository
get rid of compression as generics variable, replacing with usage of values.
replace null_separator with something like line_separator, directly having the character
replace all usage of print through log.Log