Evidence word “gordo” (br a -> en s). ruim (br a -> en s). Solucao, arquivo com triplas sameAs entre synsets-a e synsets-s.
Para ser possível mapeamento com a SentiWordNet, fazer os sameAs como para a WordNet-BR.
leão, bunda, tabu, seminal, presente.
IndexSense and WordSense must be merged.
base concepts and core concepts are mapped to types. The number of base concepts in the XML files from Wordnet-BR do not have any special meaning.
No new information.
File process.lisp
It looks like the relations between synsets encode this information presented in the sense key.
This tests can be runned using Slime connected to the remove Allegro Lisp on Amazon.
The SPARQL query for obtain the list of classes and number of intances for each classe is given below:
select ?cls (count(?res) as ?count) where { ?res a ?cls . } group by ?cls
In the next block we can also use :results output
and :table
in the
(sparql:run-sparql query :results-format :lists)
property | count | ptr? | pcounter |
wn30:syntacticMarker | 1055 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:example | 3993 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:frame | 21649 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:lexicographerFile | 117659 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:gloss | 117659 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:synsetId | 117659 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:lexicalForm | 148730 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:lemma | 148730 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:tagCount | 206941 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:senseNumber | 206941 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:senseKey | 206941 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:lexfile | 206941 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:lexicalId | 206978 | 0 | 0 |
rdf:label | 206978 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:wordNumber | 206978 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:word | 206978 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:containsWordSense | 206978 | 0 | 0 |
rdf:type | 478327 | 0 | 0 |
wn30:participleOf | 73 | 1 | 73 |
wn30:causes | 220 | 1 | 220 |
wn30:entails | 408 | 1 | 408 |
wn30:substanceMeronymOf | 797 | 1 | 797 |
wn30:substanceHolonymOf | 797 | 1 | 797 |
wn30:attribute | 1278 | 1 | 1278 |
wn30:classifiesByRegion | 1360 | 1 | 1360 |
wn30:classifiedByRegion | 1360 | 1 | 1360 |
wn30:classifiesByUsage | 1376 | 1 | 1376 |
wn30:classifiedByUsage | 1376 | 1 | 1376 |
wn30:sameVerbGroupAs | 1750 | 1 | 1750 |
wn30:adverbPertainsTo | 3222 | 1 | 3222 |
wn30:seeAlso | 3272 | 1 | 3272 |
wn30:adjectivePertainsTo | 4801 | 1 | 4801 |
wn30:classifiedByTopic | 6654 | 1 | 6654 |
wn30:classifiesByTopic | 6654 | 1 | 6654 |
wn30:antonymOf | 7979 | 1 | 7979 |
wn30:hasInstance | 8577 | 1 | 8577 |
wn30:instanceOf | 8577 | 1 | 8577 |
wn30:partHolonymOf | 9097 | 1 | 9097 |
wn30:partMeronymOf | 9097 | 1 | 9097 |
wn30:memberHolonymOf | 12293 | 1 | 12293 |
wn30:memberMeronymOf | 12293 | 1 | 12293 |
wn30:similarTo | 21386 | 1 | 21386 |
wn30:derivationallyRelated | 74708 | 1 | 74708 |
wn30:hypernymOf | 89089 | 1 | 89089 |
wn30:hyponymOf | 89089 | 1 | 89089 |
377583 |