Date: 2024-08-13
Consider a book store in a shopping mall. The customer selects the books from racks to purchase and put them into a shopping Cart. The customer brings the Cart with the selected books to cashier. The cashier scans each item with checkout system to prepare an order. The cashier requests to customer for payment. The customer gives credit card to cashier. The verifier and checkout system scans the card. The verifier accepts the card and payment is accepted. Customer signs the credit card slip. The purchased books are handed over to customer.
In this point we express the needs that the user have in a form of user stories. It specifies the outcome that the user need
title: User Login Flow
flowchart LR
A(Login) --> B{Valid?}
B --> |No| A
B --> |Yes| C(User Books Selection Flow)
Feature: User Login
As a user
I want to be able to log in with valid credentials
So that I can access the system
Scenario: Valid login
Given I have provided valid username and password
When I submit the login form
Then I should see the Books Selection Flow page
Scenario: Invalid login
Given I have provided invalid username or password
When I submit the login form
Then I should be prompted to re-enter my credentials
And I will not see the Books Selection Flow page
title: Books Selection Flow
flowchart LR
A(User Logged) --> B{Empty Cart?}
B --> |Yes| C(Search for books)
C(Search for books) --> D(Add To Cart)
D --> E{Finish?}
B --> |No| E
E --> |No| C
E --> |Yes| F(Payment Generation Flow)
Feature: Search for books when cart is empty
Given I am a logged-in user
And my cart is empty
When I search for books
Then I should see a list of relevant books
Feature: Add book to cart when cart is empty
Given I am a logged-in user
And my cart is empty
When I add a book to my cart
Then the book should be added to my cart
Feature: Finish adding books to cart
Given I am a logged-in user
And my cart has books in it
When I finish adding books to my cart
Then I should see an option to proceed with payment
Feature: Proceed with payment when cart is not empty
Given I am a logged-in user
And my cart has books in it
When I proceed with payment
Then the payment generation flow should start
Feature: Search for books when cart is empty or not empty
Given I am a logged-in user
And my cart is empty or not empty
When I start searching for books
Then I should see a list of relevant books
title: Payment Generation Flow
flowchart LR
A(User Cart) --> B(Process Order)
B --> C(Customer Payment)
C --> D(External System Payment Service)
D --> E(Payment Confirmation?)
E --> |No| C
E --> |Yes| F(Payment Approved)
F --> G(Process Accepted Payment Flow)
Feature: Submit payment
Given I am a logged-in user with books in my cart
When I submit my payment information
Then the system should process my order
Feature: Process Order
Given I am a logged-in user with books in my cart
When I submit my payment information
Then the system should process my order and validate my payment information
Feature: Validate Payment Information
Given I am a logged-in user with books in my cart
When I submit my payment information
Then the system should validate my payment information and display a confirmation message if valid
Feature: Process Accepted Payment
Given I am a logged-in user with books in my cart
And my payment information has been validated as valid
When I submit my payment information
Then the system should process my accepted payment and display a confirmation message
title: Process Accepted Payment Flow
flowchart LR
A(Accepted Payment) --> G(Log Transaction)
G --> F(Assemble Order)
F --> E(Customer Receives shipping notice)
E --> I(Invoice Creation)
I --> J(Customer Receives Invoice)
Feature: Log Transaction
Given I have submitted my payment information and it has been approved
When the system logs my transaction
Then the transaction should be recorded and confirmed in the database
Feature: Assemble Order
Given I have logged my payment transaction successfully
When the system assembles my order
Then the system should confirm that all items in my cart are included in my order
Feature: Customer Receives Shipping Notice
Given I have assembled my order successfully
When the system generates and sends me a shipping notice
Then I should receive a notification with details about my shipment
Feature: Create Invoice
Given I have assembled my order and shipped it successfully
When the system generates an invoice for my order
Then the invoice should be created with accurate details about my purchase
Feature: Receive Invoice
Given I have assembled my order and shipped it successfully
When the system generates and sends me an invoice
Then I should receive an accurate invoice with details about my purchase
We will use Payment Generation Flow with the following acceptance criteria
title: Payment Generation Flow
flowchart LR
A(User Cart) --> B(Process Order)
B --> C(Customer Payment)
C --> D(External System Payment Service)
D --> E(Payment Confirmation?)
E --> |No| C
E --> |Yes| F(Payment Approved)
F --> G(Process Accepted Payment Flow)
title: External System Payment Service
flowchart LR
A(System) --> |External| B(Card Service)
B --> C{Data Verification}
C --> |Yes| D(Payment)
C --> |No| J(Data verification Fail)
J --> R(Response)
D --> |External| E(Bank Service?)
E --> F{Available Funds?}
F --> |Yes| G(Debit)
G --> H(Payment Confirm)
H --> R
F --> |No| I(Payment Rejected)
I --> R
R --> A
- Architecture diagram for External api
title: Architecture diagram interaction for payment flow
group api1(cloud)[Local]
service db(server)[System] in api1
group api2(cloud)[External]
service visa(internet)[Card Service] in api2
service bank(internet)[Bank Service] in api2
service bank_db(database)[Bank Database] in api2
db:R --> L:visa
visa:R --> L:bank
bank:B -- T:bank_db
check clientserver PSpec
check PTst
What becomes easier or more difficult to do, and any risks introduced by the change that will need to be mitigated.