Ritz-swank is a swank server for running clojure in slime.
- Break on exceptions and breakpoints.
- Allows stepping from breakpoints
- Allows evaluation of expressions in the context of a stack frame
- Inspection of locals in any stack frame
- Disassembly of functions from symbol or stack frame
Should work with any version of clojure from 1.2.0.
The install has two parts. The first is to install the slime components into emacs (if you are not using jack-in), and the second is to enable Leiningen to use ritz.
To try Ritz without destroying your swank-clojure install, you may wish to back up your .emacs file and .emacs.d directory. Ritz uses a different version of slime than swank-clojure.
The easiest way to install a compatible version of slime is to use the emacs
packaging system package.el
- download the
package file
and install with M-x package-install-file
(pass the path to the downloaded
package file, no un-tar required).
(Alternatively, the same version of slime is in the ritz source tree at slime/slime.el.)
Install the slime-ritz.el contrib from marmalade. If you are using a SNAPSHOT version of Ritz, you probably will need to install slime-ritz.el from melpa instead.
Note that on Emacs 23 you will need to install package.el.
To add the repositories to the emacs package system, you will need the following
in your .emacs
file, and eval it or restart emacs.
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("marmalade" . "http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t)
To make ritz available in all your projects, add the lein-ritz plugin to your
profile in ~/.lein/profiles.clj
. This is the preferred over enabling
ritz on a per project basis.
{:user {:plugins [[lein-ritz "0.7.0"]]}}
To enable ritz on a per project basis, add it to your project.clj
's :dev
{:dev {:plugins [[lein-ritz "0.7.0"]]}}
In either case, start a swank server with lein ritz
inside your project
directory, and then use M-x slime-connect
in emacs to connect to it.
To make ritz available in all your projects, install the lein-ritz plugin.
lein plugin install lein-ritz "0.7.0"
Add [lein-ritz "0.7.0"]
to your project.clj :dev-dependencies
Start a swank server with lein ritz
inside your project directory,
and then use M-x slime-connect
in emacs to connect to it.
There is experimental support to "jack in" from an existing project using Leiningen:
For "jack-in" to work, you can not have SLIME installed.
lein plugin install lein-ritz "0.7.0"
in your .emacs file, add the following and evalulate it (or restart emacs)
(setq clojure-swank-command (if (or (locate-file "lein" exec-path) (locate-file "lein.bat" exec-path)) "lein ritz-in %s" "echo \"lein ritz-in %s\" | $SHELL -l"))
From an Emacs buffer inside a project, invoke
M-x clojure-jack-in
See zi.
If you would like to browse into java sources then add the source jars
to your :dev-dependencies
, with the appropriate versions.
[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.1" :classifier "sources"]
For clojure 1.2.0, you will need the following instead:
[clojure-source "1.2.0"]
To be able to see Java sources when using openjdk, add the src.zip
to you
classpath. e.g. for lein:
:dev-resources-path "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/src.zip"
In lein 2 this is simplified. You can add a hook to your user profile to have source jars automatically put on the classpath.
:hooks [ritz.add-sources]
To obtain source jars for your project you can use
lein pom; mvn dependency:sources;
To run ritz with debugging capabilities (notice that it will need to spawn an extra JVM process):
lein ritz
To run ritz with no debugging capabilities:
lein ritz 4005 localhost :server-ns ritz.repl
To run with a maven project:
mvn zi:ritz
- C-c C-b: display javadoc for class at point
- C-c C-u: undefine symbol at point
- C-c C-c: compile top-level expression at point
- C-c C-x b: break on exception (turn it off with a prefix)
- C-c C-x C-b: set breakpoint at line
- slime-break-on-exception: break on exception
- slime-ritz-reload-project: re-read classpath from project.clj
- slime-ritz-load-project: Use the project.clj for the current buffer
- slime-ritz-lein: Run a lein task on the current project
See SLDB for help on using the debugger.
To set a breakpoint, put the cursor on the line where you want a breakpoint, and
M-x slime-line-breakpoint
Note that breakpoints disappear on recompilation at the moment.
To list breakpoints, use M-x slime-list-breakpoints
or press b
in the
. In the listing you can use the following keys
- e enable
- d disable
- g refresh list
- k remove breakpoint
- v view source location
To filter which exceptions break into the debugger, there is an IGNORE
restart, that will ignore an exception type.
To list breakpoints, use M-x slime-list-exception-filters
or press f
in the
. In the listing you can use the following keys
- e enable
- d disable
- g refresh list
- k remove exception filter
- s save the exception filters
Exception filters are saved to .ritz-exception-filters, which is read by ritz on startup.
Specify the location of local javadoc using slime-javadoc-local-paths
your .emacs
file. Note that this requires a connection, so should be in
your slime-connected-hook
or ritz-connected-hook
. e.g.
(defun my-javadoc-setup ()
(list (concat (expand-file-name "~") "/lisp/docs/java"))))
(add-hook 'slime-connected-hook 'my-javadoc-setup)
The command slime-javadoc
, bound to C-c b
by default, will open javadoc in
the browser you have set up in emacs.
If you use slime with multiple lisps, you can isolate clojure specific
setup by using ritz-connected-hook
and ritz-repl-mode-hook
You can embed Ritz in your project, start the server from within your own code, and connect via Emacs to that instance:
(ns my-app
(:use [ritz.swank.socket-server :only [start]]))
(start {:server-ns 'ritz.swank.repl})
;; optionally takes :host/:port keyword args
The :server-ns
keyword is used to select the server without the built in
debugger (which starts an extra VM, and probably shouldn't be used embedded).
To make this work in production, ritz-swank needs to be in :dependencies in project.clj in addition to being installed as a user-level plugin.
Recompilation of clojure code creates new classes, with the same location as the code they replace. Recompilation therefore looses breakpoints, which are set on the old code. Setting breakpoints by line number finds all the old code too.
Run swank server and JDI debugger in the same process to have a single JVM and keep memory usage down
Run swank and debugger in a seperate JVM process. Attach to any -Xdebug enabled JVM process.
Run swank server in process and attach slime as required. This requires the debugger to run in process.
Ritz was originally based on swank-clojure and was originally called swank-clj. The last swank-clj release is 0.1.6.
Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 Hugo Duncan
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.