This application is mirroring a cross-platform iOS app for a gym. The elements are being converted to native Swift UI in order to create a more responsive and better experience on iOS
Keep in mind that this repository is a draft, the Swift code might be a bit badly writen. I’m not going to refactor a project which virtually nobody will see, therefore some Views, Structures or other components might seem a bit tacky or badly made. This is a result of a "βλέποντας και κάνοντας" approach, which literally translates literaly to "seeing and doing" (but means "play it by ear")
Umm... yes you can run and build this normally.
Use Xcode and build after opening as a project. Trusting yourself in your iPhone settings (Under General -> VPN & Device Management) will also allow you to deploy it to your iPhone.
Change the View in the main App file to view the different pages.