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▸ importJWK(jwk
, alg
?, options
?): Promise
| CryptoKey
Imports a JWK to a CryptoKey. Either the JWK "alg" (Algorithm) Parameter, or the optional "alg" argument, must be present for asymmetric JSON Web Key imports.
Note: The JSON Web Key parameters "use", "key_ops", and "ext" are also used in the CryptoKey import process.
Note: Symmetric JSON Web Keys (i.e. kty: "oct"
) yield back an Uint8Array instead of a
This function is exported (as a named export) from the main 'jose'
module entry point as well
as from its subpath export 'jose/key/import'
Parameter | Type | Description |
jwk |
JSON Web Key. |
alg ? |
string |
JSON Web Algorithm identifier to be used with the imported key. Default is the "alg" property on the JWK. See Algorithm Key Requirements. |
options ? |
KeyImportOptions |
- |
| CryptoKey
const ecPublicKey = await jose.importJWK(
crv: 'P-256',
kty: 'EC',
x: 'ySK38C1jBdLwDsNWKzzBHqKYEE5Cgv-qjWvorUXk9fw',
y: '_LeQBw07cf5t57Iavn4j-BqJsAD1dpoz8gokd3sBsOo',
const rsaPublicKey = await jose.importJWK(
kty: 'RSA',
e: 'AQAB',
n: '12oBZRhCiZFJLcPg59LkZZ9mdhSMTKAQZYq32k_ti5SBB6jerkh-WzOMAO664r_qyLkqHUSp3u5SbXtseZEpN3XPWGKSxjsy-1JyEFTdLSYe6f9gfrmxkUF_7DTpq0gn6rntP05g2-wFW50YO7mosfdslfrTJYWHFhJALabAeYirYD7-9kqq9ebfFMF4sRRELbv9oi36As6Q9B3Qb5_C1rAzqfao_PCsf9EPsTZsVVVkA5qoIAr47lo1ipfiBPxUCCNSdvkmDTYgvvRm6ZoMjFbvOtgyts55fXKdMWv7I9HMD5HwE9uW839PWA514qhbcIsXEYSFMPMV6fnlsiZvQQ',