All examples from the building transactions documentation chapter are shown here in full. The specific examples referenced in the subsections are wrapped in the functions listed below.
Populating Transaction Object
- build_transaction()
Libbitcoin API: Version 3.
Script below is ready-to-compile: g++ -std=c++11 -o build_tx build_tx_examples.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags libbitcoin-system --libs libbitcoin-system)
#include <bitcoin/system.hpp>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace bc;
using namespace bc::system;
using namespace wallet;
using namespace chain;
using namespace machine;
void build_transaction() {
// ******* part 1 *******
// Instantiate tx object.
transaction tx;
// ******* part 2 *******.
// Version 1.
uint32_t version = 1u;
// Print version in serialised format.
auto serialised_version = to_little_endian(tx.version());
std::cout << encode_base16(to_chunk(serialised_version));
//******* part 3 *******
// Previous TX hash.
std::string prev_tx_string_0 = "ca05e6c14fe816c93b91dd4c8f00e60e4a205da85741f26326d6f21f9a5ac5e9";
hash_digest prev_tx_hash_0;
// Previous UXTO index.
uint32_t index0 = 0;
output_point uxto_tospend_0(prev_tx_hash_0, index0);
// Build input_0 object.
input input_0;
// Additional input objects can be created for additional inputs
// All input objects can then be added to transaction
tx.inputs().push_back(input_0); //first input
// tx.inputs().push_back(input_1); //second input
//...nth input
// Input script will be added later.
// ******* part 4 *******
// Destination Address
auto my_address_raw = "mmbmNXo7QZWU2WgWwvrtnyQrwffngWScFe";
payment_address my_address1(my_address_raw);
// Create Output output script/scriptPubKey from template:
operation::list output_script_0=script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(my_address1.hash());
// Define Output amount
std::string btc_amount_string_0 = "1.295";
uint64_t satoshi_amount_0;
decode_base10(satoshi_amount_0, btc_amount_string_0, btc_decimal_places); // btc_decimal_places = 8
// Create output_0 object
output output_0(satoshi_amount_0, output_script_0);
// Above can be repeated for other outputs
// Add outputs to TX
tx.outputs().push_back(output_0); //first output
// tx.outputs().push_back(output_1); //second output
// tx.outputs().push_back(output_n); //...nth output
// ******* part 5 *******
// We rebuild our P2PKH script manually:
operation::list my_own_p2pkh;
operation op_pubkey = operation(to_chunk(my_address1.hash()));
my_own_p2pkh.push_back(op_pubkey); //includes hash length prefix
// The two operation lists are equivalent
std::cout << (my_own_p2pkh == output_script_0) << std::endl;
// ******* part 6 *******
// Signer: Secret > Pubkey > Address
auto my_secret0 = base16_literal(
ec_private my_private0(my_secret0, ec_private::testnet, true);
ec_compressed pubkey0= my_private0.to_public().point();
payment_address my_address0 = my_private0.to_payment_address();
// Signature
endorsement sig_0;
script prev_script_0 = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(my_address0.hash());
uint8_t input0_index(0u);
script::create_endorsement(sig_0, my_secret0, prev_script_0, tx,
input0_index, 0x01);
// Create input script
operation::list sig_script_0;
script my_input_script_0(sig_script_0);
// Add input script to first input in transaction
// Print serialised transaction
std::cout << encode_base16(tx.to_data()) << std::endl;
int main() {
return 0;