All examples from the Pedersen commitment documentation chapter are shown here in full. The specific examples referenced in the subsections are wrapped in the functions listed below.
Pedersen Commitments
- create_pedersen_commitments();
Helper Functions
- generate_h_candidate();
- point_h_generation();
Libbitcoin API: Libbitcoin version 4 (current master branch)
Compile with:
g++ -std=c++11 -o pedersen_commitment pedersen_commitment_examples.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags libbitcoin --libs libbitcoin)
#include <bitcoin/bitcoin.hpp>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace bc;
ec_compressed generate_h_candidate() {
// Generate 32bytes of my_entropy.
data_chunk my_entropy(32u); //256bits
// Add 02/03 prefix.
uint8_t prefix(0x02);
// Convert to ec_compressed byte array
constexpr size_t my_array_size = 33u;
byte_array<my_array_size> my_array;
my_array = to_array<my_array_size>(my_entropy);
ec_compressed point_h_candidate(my_array);
return point_h_candidate;
void point_h_generation() {
ec_compressed h_candidate;
bool test = false;
while(test == false) {
h_candidate = generate_h_candidate();
test = verify(h_candidate);
std::cout << verify(h_candidate) << std::endl;
std::cout << encode_base16(h_candidate) << std::endl;
void create_pedersen_commitments() {
//********** Part 1 **********
// Example value for point h:
// h = q * G with unknown q.
auto point_h = base16_literal(
// Verify point h is a valid EC point.
std::cout << verify(point_h) << std::endl;
// Generate Pedersen Commitment C;
// C = r * H + a * G
// Create random r.
data_chunk entropy_r(ec_secret_size);
auto scalar_r = to_array<ec_secret_size>(entropy_r);
// r * H
ec_compressed left_point(point_h);
ec_multiply(left_point, scalar_r);
// a * G
ec_compressed right_point;
auto committed_a = base16_literal(
secret_to_public(right_point, committed_a);
// C = r * H + a * G
point_list commitment_point_list = {left_point, right_point};
ec_compressed commitment_point;
ec_sum(commitment_point, commitment_point_list);
// Commitment point C:
std::cout << encode_base16(commitment_point) << std::endl;
//********** Part 2 **********
// Create a second commitment C(r2, a2).
// C2 = r2 * H + a2 * G
data_chunk entropy_r2(ec_secret_size);
auto scalar_r2 = to_array<ec_secret_size>(entropy_r2);
// r2 * H
ec_compressed left_point2(point_h);
ec_multiply(left_point2, scalar_r2);
// a2 * G
ec_compressed right_point2;
auto committed_a2 = base16_literal(
secret_to_public(right_point2, committed_a2);
// C2 = r2 * H + a2 * G
point_list commitment_point_list2 = {left_point2, right_point2};
ec_compressed commitment_point2;
ec_sum(commitment_point2, commitment_point_list2);
// Create sum of two commitments.
// C from previous example: commitment_point.
// C + C2
point_list commitment_list = {commitment_point, commitment_point2};
ec_compressed commitment_sum;
ec_sum(commitment_sum, commitment_list);
// Now we generate a commitment from r+r2 and a+a2.
// C(r + r2, a + a2)
ec_secret scalar_sum_r(scalar_r);
ec_add(scalar_sum_r, scalar_r2);
ec_secret scalar_sum_a(committed_a);
ec_add(scalar_sum_a, committed_a2);
ec_compressed left_point_(point_h);
ec_multiply(left_point_, scalar_sum_r);
ec_compressed right_point_;
secret_to_public(right_point_, scalar_sum_a);
point_list commitment_list_ = {left_point_, right_point_};
ec_compressed commitment_sum_;
ec_sum(commitment_sum_, commitment_list_);
// Homomorphism holds.
// C + C2 = C(r + r1, a + a1)
std::cout << (commitment_sum == commitment_sum_) << std::endl;
int main() {
return 0;